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Kara POV "MATE" I gasped as i was engulfed by two strong arms. Sparks erupted as my new found mate inhaled my scent by sniffing the nape of my neck. I Shook slightly as his scent engulfed me. Pine and grass. My favorite scents in the whole world. No No No This cant be happening. I couldn't have found my mate. Hes a alpha. All Alphas are ruthless. What if he abuses me.  Instantly my senses kicked in and i pushed my "mate" away. A low growl emitted from the mysterious man in front of me. All the wolves surrounding us instantly whimpered and showed their neck. A sigh of submission. What the f**k. How powerful is this man? I looked at the mans eyes. His golden eyes were slowly flickering to black.  Oh My God. His wolf was going to kill me. No. I wont let that happen. And so i did the only logical thing.  I Ran. ----------------------------- I pushed past the wolves standing in front of me and ran outside. It had been years since i had last felt the grass. Years since i felt the cool winter breeze. It felt amazing. But, i did not have time to enjoy the first sense of freedom i have had in years. I only had one thing in my mind. Get Away from My "Mate". Run as fast as i could and prey to the moon goddess that by strange stroke of luck i can out run the. As i ran i heard a loud Howl roar from inside the Alpha Kyle's house. From the shivers that ran down my spine i could tell it was my mates. Crescent- KARA WHAT THE HELL. GO BACK TO MATE. KARA PLEASE. MATE IS THE OTHER WAY. "No Crescent i dont have time for this" And i blocked. I cant deal with a love sick wolf right now. As i entered the forest, the air instantly cooled and i started to shiver even more. The pathetic dress that Jordan had given me was made of flimsy material that didn't stop the cold what-so-ever. I ran and ran. The branches cutting my face and arms causing even more gashes to form. I grit my teeth but they didn't even hurt. I was used to the pain. Hell i welcomed it. How f****d up is that? I ran only a few meters when i was pulled into a hard chest and surrounded my a pair strong arms. I gasped as sparks erupted where the mystery man had touched me. "Going somewhere mate?" He whispered in my ear in a husky voice as he nipped by ear lobe. I whimpered as he chuckled. Crap he had found my weak spot.  I turned around and was met with his gorgeous eyes. God i could stare at them all day. It was the first time i had got a good stare at him. God he was beautiful. He looked like a freaking model. His golden eyes looked like miniature suns. They held so much beauty and so much danger. His Jet black hair was styled so that it slightly fell on his face. He had a strong jawline that was covered by a small stubble. His nose was straight and strong and his lips. God his lips. They were a perfect shade of pink and looked so kissable. God the things id do to those lips. Wait.  What the f**k.  Bad Kara.  Stop being a pervert Kara.  "Done checking me out Angel?" "I wasn't checking you out" I snapped back as i struggled to get out of his strong arms. He looked slightly surprised but the surprise was quickly replaced with a smirk as he pulled me even close to his hard chest. f**k hes built. Why goddess why does he have to be so hot??? "Listen to me Angel and listen to VERY carefully....If you EVER and i mean EVER, Run away from me again i will have to punish your naughty little ass. And trust me you wont like my punishments". The mystery man said a little harshly his alpha dominance rolling in waves from him as he inhaled my scent again.  His tone made me tremble. I knew it, All alphas are the same. He is going to hurt me just like Kyle. I started to shake in fear and the my Mate must have sensed it because he quickly stepped away. "Im so so sorry Angel My wolf took control .Im sorry please forgive me. Please. I dont want you to be afraid of me" He said rapidly and rubbed his neck. I looked up and laughed, he looked like a little lost puppy. He gave me a lopsided smile when he heard my laugh which made me blush. I quickly shook my head. No i cant have a mate i am broken. I will play along from now and when he takes me back to the pack house he can reject me and we can move on.  I sighed and said... "Um...Whats your name?" "Alaric" Alaric. It meant warrior. It suited him.  "Now come Angel. Lets go to the pack house. I have to talk to you Alpha"
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