
799 Words
NOTE VERY IMPORTANT- Hey guys so some of y'all are having confusion on Kara's wolf's name cause i used two names. Let me just clarify this for y'all.  Kara's wolfs real name is Crescent. However, Kara calls her wolf Moon. "Moon" is a nickname that Kara gave her wolf after finding out that she is a white wolf. Hopefully this helped clear some confusion over Kara's wolf's name :).   Kara POV I grabbed some stuff and followed the Luna of the pack. When we entered the dinning room again and the Luna immediately took her place behind Alpha Kyle. Alpha Kyle did not acknowledge her in any way. Instead his eyes immediately turned to me. Anger blazing in them. "Alpha Kyle I would appreciate it if you stop f*****g staring at MY MATE" Alaric's voice boomed across the hall venom dripping out of his words. Kyle looked away but i could feel the anger radiating off of him. I shivered at Alaric's words.  God this man was powerful. I looked up and my eyes met Alaric's angry golden ones. His eyes instantly soften when he saw me. Love sparkling within them. If only he knew i sighed miserably. I know that he was going to reject me. I just needed to get out of this place, then maybe i can go live with the humans or something. "Lets go my love" Alaric called out. I nodded mutely and walked towards him. I passed Alpha Kyle and just as i was about to reach Alaric, Kyle grabbed my wrist with his clawed hand and snarled "Don't even think about it w***e" I whimpered as blood started to pour out of my old wounds on my hand. Smelling my blood was enough to unleash Alaric's bat s**t crazy mode. Alaric's eyes turned fully black indicating his wolf was out and it was out for blood, namely Kyle's. He launched himself at Kyle and they both tumbled onto the floor. I gasped as Alaric started to punch Kyle one after the other not giving Kyle any time to react or even defend himself. I could hear the sickening crack, that was the sound of Alpha Kyle's nose breaking. "SHE IS MINE." Alaric roared delivering another punch. "IF YOU EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN"  punch "I WILL RIP YOU APART WITH MY BEAR TEETH" punch "DON'T FORGET WHO I AM KYLE." punch Seemingly satisfied with his assault Alaric got up and stared around the pack. "Listen to me and listen very carefully. None of you will contact my mate unless she initiates the first word" "If anyone so much as sends her a letter i will rip you apart and feed you to rouges understood" "Yes alpha" Came muted whispers and Alaric's black eyes scanned them. I covered my mouth and gasped when i saw Kyle's pitied state. He had a busted lip that was bleeding and a broken nose that was turned to the left. His left eye was turning black and his right eye was completely shut. Alaric had also broken two of Kyle's fingers and broken his left arm while fracturing his right leg. Kyle also had bruises on his stomach. Alaric came up to me and engulfed me in his arms. His stubble tickled my neck as he inhaled my scent trying to calm down. I lover the feeling, the sparks, the giddiness everything. After some time Alaric pulled back and i saw his gorgeous golden eyes had returned.  "Where is your bag love?"  "This is it" I muttered showing my pathetic clothes that consisted of two rags. Alaric's eyes flared in anger as he saw my "clothes". "Gamma" Alaric said and one of the men from outside immediately stepped forward. "Alpha" The man bowed. "Discard these rags" Alaric seethed venom dripping from his words as he slowly took the rags from me. I looked at him with confusion. "We will buy you new clothes Angel" Alaric said seeming my expression. I wanted to argue but remembered what he had done to Kyle. I immediately shut up. "Let us go" Alaric said "Beta get the car ready" "Sure thing Alpha" The other man from outside said. Alaric grasped my hand and lead me outside the pack house. He gave the broken body of Kyle one more venomous glare and lead me to a massive jeep. The jeep was beautiful. It was tall and sleek with an amazing interior. I got into the back seat and was followed my Alaric, who immediately pulled me into his lap. i Straddled him and blushed at the heat and sparks radiating off of him. "You must be tired love...rest" His soothing voice whispered in my ear. I then realized how exhausted i was. As the car started to move i looked back and saw the shadow of the pack house. I was leaving. I was actually leaving this hell hole. I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep to the rhythmic heart beat of my Mate, praying to the moon goddess that this was not some sick nightmare.
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