Episode 11

589 Words
Kara POV I sighed as i felt warmth all around me. Sparks erupted through my body instantly calming me down. I sighed and tossed around trying to find a comfortable position.  Since when did the broom cupboard feel so warm and comfy?? I heard a low chuckle and nearly moaned. What was that Delicious sound?  Wait a damn minute. Broom cupboards don't chuckle. I slowly peeled my eyes opened and was met a pair of golden eyes and the face of a god. I gasped as memories started to pour down on me. The silver Bane pack came. The alpha is my mate. The Luna's strange words. Alaric beat the s**t out of Kyle. I was leaving that hell hold behind!!! Crescent- I told you mate loves us, look he is even taking us to his pack to make us his Luna!! That's only because he doesn't know the truth Moon, we've spoken about this. Don't give yourself false hope. I sighed as i felt Crescent block me again. "What are thinking about Mate?" Alaric asked me softly while pulling my chin up so that my eyes met his.  "Nothing, im just excited to see your pack i guess"I said Lie. Alaric chuckled "I hope you will like it Angel". "Alpha" One of the men in front of us said "What" Alaric's soft demeanor immediately changed into one of power and authority. "We are almost at the edge of our territory alpha" The man said bowing as much as he can. "Good" Alaric snapped. He turned to me and kissed my forehead causing me to sigh in content. How can one man make me feel so damn good? ---------------------------- We drove for a few more hours and reached a massive house. It was simply beautiful. It was classy and elegant and yet you could get a sense of power radiating off of it. I gasped as i took in it's sheer size. It mad Kyle's alpha house look like a dog house. "Come on Mate we have reached. Let me take you inside" Alaric whispered softly. I nodded. I got down from the car and was about to walk when i felt two strong arms literally sweep me off of my feet. I squealed and looked up at my Captor. His golden eyes smirked at me as he picked me up bridal style. "You know i can walk right?" "I know. But this way you will be closer to me" I blushed and snuggled into his chest. Warmth radiating off of him. It was like i was made to be there. My tiny frame complimenting his massive one. I internally sighed. If only it could always be like this but alas the truth will destroy whatever relationship we have. "Gamma" Alaric snapped his comforting tone suddenly turned authoritative. "Yes alpha" One of the men in the car hurriedly got off and stood in front of us. "Tell one of the maids to prepare some clothes for my mate" Alaric ordered. "sure thing alpha" The man said before winking at me while Alaric turned the other way. "Well that is weird" I thought. "Let's go my love, i cant wait to show you the alpha house." We walked in the house followed by a bunch of men whom i assumed were the main pack warriors. Alaric placed me down and spoke to the man standing right next to him. I did not have any time to take in the beauty of the house as i felt my chest start to contract. My chest started to pound and i could my eyes getting glassy. I started to sweat and i could feel myself losing consciousness. The last thing i remember was Alaric screaming my name as darkness consumed me.
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