"Stay Safe Little One"

494 Words
Kara Pov I stood dumbly as I heard those words leave Alaric's mouth. I could feel my anxiety building up. I was so nervous. Alaric almost killed Alpha Kyle with his bare hands. No scratch that with his bare hand, singular. He was so powerful. How the f**k is he my mate?? "Angel?" Alaric's calming voice echoed through the hall as he gently walked towards me and pulled my chin up so that i was looking at him. I gasped as i saw his golden eyes staring intensely into mine, laced with worry.  "Angel did you hear me?" "Huh what" I whispered nervously looking at Alpha Kyle who was looking at me with pure hatred and anger.  "I said to go get your bags baby so that we can leave" Alaric told me before staring at Kyle and snarling, daring him to go against his wishes. Not having a death wish Kyle remained silent, the anger never leaving his eyes.  I opened my mouth to say something but quickly remembered that Alaric could easily eat me up. instead i mumbled a quick okay and stared to go towards my "room". "Wait" Alaric said I turned around in confusion and looked at him.  "I want you take someone to help you gather your stuff" Alaric ordered looking at me. I tried to argue but his stern face shut me up. "Okay" I mumbled. "I can help you" A small voice whispered from the back. I turned around and searched for the source of the voice. It was the "Luna" of the pack. "Okay" I muttered looking down. I could fee myself getting nervous all over again. This women probably wants to kill me. Im the reason her mate is refusing her Luna status.  We walked in silence towards the broom cupboard that i was "lucky" enough to call my room. I sighed and quickly turned to her and said, "You dont have to help me its fine, ill just get my bag its not much" I said nerves eating away in my stomach. She simply looked and me with a blank expression and hurriedly closed the broom closets door. She took a deep breathe and started to speak, "I know you think i hate you. I dont. I truly dont." "W..w..what?" I whispered softly "I dont hate you sweetie. fact every time that bastard would go down to you i would feel so sorry for you. But, im happy that you are mated to Alpha Alaric. He is a good man. A strong man." I just looked at her blankly as she moved around my "room" picking up some rags of mine. "You can finally leave and have a good life. I sense a power within you Kara. An ancient power. One that has not been around for centuries." "What the hell" I thought. she finished picking up all my clothes and handed them to me. She then softly told me.. "Stay safe little one...you have a destiny larger than all of us. You are meant for great things." With that she left the room with me wondering what the f**k she meant.
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