Alpha Kyle's Anger

1171 Words
Kara Pov We made to the front of the Alphas house where two men were waiting for us. I couldn't help but shiver. This house terrified the s**t out of me. The two men that were waiting from us smiled at me warmly and bowed to us. Alpha Alaric griped my hands even harder when he felt me shaking. He quickly shot me a worried glance. He knew something was wrong and his eyes were pleading me to tell him. To trust him. To allow him to comfort me. But, I couldn't. I could not show him nor tell him how broken i am. I could not tell him what i have been through. I could not tell him what truly happens behind the walls of this house. The horrible atrocities that Kyle hides from the rest of the world. When he figured out that i wasn't going to say anything to him, Alpha Alaric sighed sadly and proceeded to walk towards the houses main door, dragging me beside him. Disappointment bloomed within me. I had hurt my mate. He was sad because of me. God i was so useless. I couldn't even make my own mate happy. Moon- Look what you have done mate is sad because of us. You should have just told him. He will kill Kyle and protect us because he is mate. Moon tried to reason with me  No Moon, I can't trust him. We just met him. We know nothing about him.  Moon-But Mate.... Okay fine lets say that we trust him because he is our mate. Do you really want us to tell him how broken we are huh? How we get f*****g raped every night by our Alpha. How we are the pack slave. He is a Alpha. He needs a Luna that can match with his power. We are not that person. We are weak. When he finds out our true form he will reject us. Moon started to whimper. I could tell i had hurt her and bad. She was wondering if rejection is actually possible. I sighed. Im sorry Moon but its the truth. We have to be prepared for the rejection. Im truly am sorry for you Moon  Moon didn't reply. She blocked me.  We reached the main door and i sighed internally. God i was so scared. When Kyle finds out i found my mate he will be beyond angry. I know that today's beating will be the worst one i have ever gotten. He will probably kill me. And if he doesn't he will definitely make me wish i were dead. I started to shiver with fright. Oh god after Alaric rejects me and leaves i will be treated worse than before. Kyle will probably starve me for days and use the silver knife on me. I was terrified.  Alaric gripped my hand and i felt warmth flowing through my body. I felt safe. At home. But i knew it wasn't for long. He gently looked at me and gave me a reassuring look. I could tell he was confused as to why i was acting like this. Why i wasn't trusting him like normal mates do.  But how can I. We entered the dining room of the house and i took in the surrounding. Alpha Kyle stood at the far end with Beta Jordan. They seemed tense and were speaking in hushed whispers. No doubt about me and what punishment i will be receiving.  Behind them with her head down stood a woman. She was tiny and thin. Not as thin as me but thin nonetheless. I quickly scanned her. She had dirty blonde hair that neatly fell down to her side. It was tightly pulled back on her head and looked like it hurt. Her face was sunken showing the lack of food. Her wrists were red but they weren't as bad as mine. Mine were blue and black from the silver chains. She wore a simple red dress and i could see tears in her eyes that she was trying desperately to prevent. But despite her state she was looking at Alpha Kyle with love and adoration. What the hell? I gasped as realization hit me.  This was his mate.  The Luna of the pack.  But he told me that he didn't have a Luna? I had heard rumors of him having a Luna from some of the guards but i never thought they would be true. I mean who does what Kyle does to me while having a mate? Who rapes and has s*x with another women when you having a loving mate at your side? I instantly knew that whatever i was going through was nothing compared to the poor women next to Kyle. She is forced to know that the one man who is supposed to love more than anything, is raping another women. Is claiming another women as his. Is refusing to claim her as his Luna.  As soon as we walked in Alpha Kyle and Beta Jordan looked up from their conversation. Kyle's eyes immediately went to Alaric's and i hands that were interlocked in a powerful embrace. Alpha Kyle's eyes immediately blazed with anger. He looked at me with pure hatred and anger and grit his teeth. I could myself threatening to collapse, the fear overwhelming. Sensing my sudden ear Alaric wrapped one of his arms around my shoulder and pulled me against his hard chest. He leaned down and whispered, "Dont be afraid love, im here" Not for long, I thought miserably. Kyle instantly saw Alaric moving his arm and pulling me against him and his eyes blazed ferociously with anger. He snarled and said, "Alpha Alaric what the f**k are you doing" Alaric stared at him and roared "ALPHA KYLE YOU WILL SHOW ME f*****g RESPECT DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" "Yes alpha" Kyle whimpered instantly submitting but his eyes full of anger never left mine. "Now, to answer your question. This little she-wolf is my mate. My Luna. My queen. She will coming back to my pack with me. I hope you can make the necessary transfer and send someone with her to pack up her things" Alaric replied authority seeping through his words. Kyle and Jordan's eyes widened as they stared between the two of us. Kyle looked and Alaric and snarled "NO. YOU CANT TAKE HER" "excuse me" Alaric said his tone deathly calm. I gulped. f**k this isn't good. "I said YOU CANT TAKE HER. SHES MINE" Kyle snarled again In a flash Alaric was in front of Kyle and had him pinned against the wall one arm wrapped around his neck chocking him. The two men from outside instantly stood in front of me. Protecting me. Beta Jordan seemed unsure what to do.  "Listen to and listen to me very carefully you f*****g bastard. SHE IS MINE. MY f*****g MATE. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME. IF YOU STAND IN THE WAY OF ME MAKING HER MINE I WONT HESITATE TO RIP OUT YOUR LIMBS AND WATCH YOU BLEED TO DEATH. DO YOU f*****g UNDERSTAND ME" Alaric roared his wolf surged forward making Kyle instantly submit. "Yes Alpha" Kyle gritted out. Alaric released Kyle and turned to me.  "Go get you stuff Angel. We are leaving"
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