
369 Words
Kara POV "Im Tracy and im a nurse here. please calm down Luna you've been dead for 5 minutes"   As soon as the woman in front of me said that, i froze I was dead? I died? Does that mean i was in heaven? Was that why i saw my family? All these thoughts crashed down on me as i started to shake as sobs started racking my body. My body went limp and the nurse used this opportunity to force me back onto the hospital bed. "Luna its okay, your in good hands. We wont harm you. Ever." The woman in front of me said in a soothing voice. I looked up through my tears. "What did you say your name was again?" I stuttered  The lady in front of me looked stunned before gaining her composure and replying with a smile. "My name is Tracy Luna and it is a pleasure to finally meet you" I softly smiled back at her. She gave off a good vibe. A calming one.  I could tell we were going to be good friends. "Luna i need to run some tests on you okay? But before that would you like to see the Alpha? He has been a mess since you collapsed." Tracy confessed. Oh god Alaric. They must have run tests on me. which means they know about everything. The abuse The torture. The rape. Hes is definitely going to reject me now. "No please i don't want to see him right now" I whispered at Tracy She looked at me a little uncomfortable. "Luna the alpha is desperate to see you. He has been a mess without knowing if you are okay or not. He also ordered us to tell him immediately when you wake up" I sighed. Might as well get this rejection done and over with. "Okay please let him come in Tracy" Tracy beamed at me and immediately replied. "Of course Luna i will go now" She turned to leave when i called her name again, "And Tracy thank you" Tracy offered me another smile before bustling of to find Alaric. I was wallowing in my own thoughts. The thoughts of the imminent rejection filtered through my mate making my wolf whine at the back of the head. When suddenly the hospital rooms door burst open. And there stood my Mate. His pitch black eyes set dead straight on me.
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