Never say that again

467 Words
Alaric POV I will kill them I will slaughter them. Rip them apart Limb by limb Slowly and torturously  And feed them to the dogs.  SHE IS MINE. How dare they How dare they hurt her How dare they touch her. They better be ready. They wont know what f*****g hit them. I was wallowing in my own thoughts when someone mind linked me.  Alpha she's awake. I froze. She was okay. I ran as fast as i could. To her.  To my little queen. Kara POV When suddenly the hospital rooms door burst open. And there stood my Mate. His pitch black eyes set dead straight on me. I gasped as Alaric looked at me. His eyes though pitch black immediately comforted me.  I looked at him and whispered... "Alaric?" He eyes flickered and then he ran to me. He engulfed me into a bear hug. My little body fitting perfectly into his broad chest. His heart was thumping loud and i could feel him relaxing. I felt safe. I felt as peace. At home. I started sobbing.  "Oh angel" Alaric muttered as he inhaled my scent. "You really scared me there, i thought i lost you, i was so worried" I looked at him confused. He was worried? Why? He was just going to reject me so why is he worried? "Why are you worried?" I whispered in-between sobs. He looked at me with hooded eyes. "Because your my mate!" He said looking shocked. "But your just going to reject me" "WHAT" he roared as he picked me up and slammed me against the wall, his arm taking the brunt of the force. "WHAT THE f**k DID YOU JUST SAY". I whimpered. "I WILL NEVER REJECT YOU. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" He roared in anger. I started sobbing as screamed at him. "No you deserve someone better as your Luna. Someone stronger. Someone who is not broken. Broken like me." "I wont reject you so get that f*****g thought out of your head" He said before walking out the door and slamming it.....breaking it.  I was so confused. What is happening? Unknown POV2- The red haired man looked into the distance.  Lightning lit the skies in brilliant streaks. Fog embraced every tree, every square centimetre of of ground. Thunder declared itself as some rock star upon the stage. Sheets of rain revived the grass, resounding and rippling without frontier.Above, the houses on the hill survive in valley-echoed hail.Emerald eruptions of green envelop countryside in a carpet of living nature. Towers and trees - once boundless and bare - now flourish with vines, victorious as they claim their valley. A storm was coming. The red haired man sighed. It had been long since he had seen her. He wanted to see her again. But it was to dangerous and he knew it. Sighing he looked away from the beautiful area he called home. Soon he would have to leave. A small price to pay to have her. He would give up the whole world to have her. Anything and everything.
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