Episode 4

1022 Words
Unknown POV I huffed as we neared the Red River pack. To say i despised them was an understatement. My father had told me stories of the abuse he made his Omegas and prisoners go through. It was horrible.Accordingly he raped and slaughtered the women and burned the children and men with silver. But, we couldn't do anything about it. There was no proof. Going against them with no proof is seen as an act of war and the High Council of Werewolves will not approve.  I shivered slightly as our car entered the packs territory. As the car surged forward i stared at the men and women that stood around. They were laughing. happy. The women were clad in expensive clothes with the men mirroring them. They seemed so peaceful. So calm. How could they stand around and laugh when their omegas are being treated like filth? Maybe they arent? Maybe the Omegas are treated right? Maybe they are rumors.  "Sir" I was snapped out of my thoughts by a curt voice. I rolled down the passenger seat window and replied, "What"  "Sir what our you doing on our territory" "Tell your alpha that we are the Silver Bane Pack. And next time you talk with such disrespect i will personally rip you apart. Understood?" My voice boomed The mans eyes widened and quickly nodded in fear. He knew who i was and he feared me. I loved it. Seeing their fear. Knowing i can kill them in a matter of seconds. The thrill of having someones life on your hand is simply exhilarating.  "Im sorry sir please forgive for my manners, I was not told you will be coming today" The man replied shaking as he stared down.  "Open the damn gate." "Of course sir" The man quickly returned to his patrol station and pressed the button that will open the door to allow us to go to the alphas house. "Start the damn car" I snapped at the driver who flinched in fright making my lips to curl in a smirk. "Yes Sir" Finally we had reached the damn alphas house. I just had to get through this damn night.  I could feel my wolf becoming more restless. He was pacing up and down as though something was wrong. I could feel myself sweating and my hands had clammed up. What the f**k? My wold started muttering words i couldn't understand, as knots started to form in my stomach. What the actual s**t is this. I've never felt this before. I shook my head. I was probably nothing.  I rubbed my temples and got down from the car. The cold winter breeze instantly hit me, It was freezing but i refused to show it. I walked up to the house and knocked on the door with two other men. A small petite girl answered the door. She looked up and instantly pure terror passed her face. I smirked. So they had heard of my reputation. "T...this w..w..way S..sir the Alpha is at the dining room" I simply nodded dismissing her.  I was about to walk in when a she-wolf walked up to me. I raised my eyebrow and studied her. She was wearing a pink dress that was far to short for her and covered nothing. Her face was slathered with makeup and she was drunk from her slurring speech. I wrinkled my nose is disgust as the men beside me coughed to cover up their laughs. "Hello sir" The girl whispered as her hand was placed on my thigh. I growled loudly. I didn't have time for all of this. "Listen to me she-wolf if you value your life you will walk away from here right this instant." She shook with fear at my voice and muttered a quick sorry before hurrying away. I hated women like that. Someone that no respect whats-so-ever. True in the past i messed around with women like that. But, i was young. Though i tell no one, now all i want is my mate. The one women in the world who will satisfy me. The women i can love, take care of, make my wife and the mother of my pups. Hopefully this damn dinner goes exactly as planned and i can go home. ----------------------------- Kara POV I was bustling around the kitchen cooking the dinner. The head cook Beth was always sweet to me. She always pitied me and would sneak food to me every time i was asked to come help cook. "Sweetie have you finished with the pie?"Beth Called "Yep...Is there anything else i can do?" "No just go wait at the door, The pack is here and you will have to serve them soon" "Okay Beth" I smiled. I sighed and went to stand near the door. I could feel my wolf becoming very restless. I started to shiver slightly. My heart was pounding. What is happening? "Crescent is everything okay?" Crescent-I dont know Kara just be on high alert. Something is happening. I can feel it.  "Okay Crescent that is weird but i trust you so okay." "Sweetie come here" Beth's voice rung through the kitchen interrupting my thoughts. "Huh" "Kara come here quickly we have to take the first course out for the alphas." "Coming Beth" I ran up to Beth and instantly winced. One of the gashes had torn up again and was bleeding. I silently Whimpered. I didn't have time to cover it up. Hopefully no one notices.  I picked up some of the plates and walked towards the main dining room.  As i walked i made to sure to make no eye contact with anyone. As per the alphas orders i had to look down at all times, so that no one an see the horrendous scars on my face. I entered the dining room and i could feel my heart pounding. I started to shiver even more and my hands started to sweating. What is this feeling?  I started to walked towards the head of the table when i slammed into a very hard chest. Everyone went silent. i gasped and started to shiver harshly as i looked up.....................into the most beautiful golden eyes i had ever seen before. " MATE" ----------------------------------------------- SPECIAL NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR. Hey guysss i hope you are enjoying the story. I need ideas for Two characters that will be introduced. Two males. It would help if you guys could fill out this so that i could add them in.  Thankssss NAME- EYE COLOR-  HAIR COLOR- DISTINGUISHABLE FEATURE(TATTOO)-
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