Get Ready

719 Words
PRESENT DAY Kara POV I chocked back a sob as i remembered my family. My beautiful mother. My kind father. And my loving brother. They were all dead. Slaughtered because of me. Why? Well that is a question i have reserved for my real "family".  I shiver as Alpha Kyle walks in fuming. Its clear something has happened and i was the one to feel the wrath of it.  "You b***h get over here" He roared I crawled slowly towards him the silver chains siring my skin. He saw me looking so broken and smiled. I fumed. I was angry but there was nothing i could do. The constant years of abuse, Wolfs bane and silver had weakened me to a point of no return. Now im just waiting for the fateful day the moon goddess takes pity on me and claims me back. He raised his hand and i flinched as burning hot pain shot through my left cheek. He then did the same for my right cheek.  He smiled as whispered "Oh im going to have fun with you". "f**k you" I gritted out. "Oh you will soon" With that he pulled out a whip. A silver whip. I whimpered. I hated showing weakness. But i HATED the whip. It would take me weeks to heal those gashes.  He started at my feet and slowly made his way to my chest, ensuring each whip would open a fresh wound. The whip slammed onto my skin making it burn....i screamed and screamed as tears poured down my face. "P..p...p..please" Kyle started at me and laughed again. "Do you agree to be my luna now?" "Never" I spat out. No matter what he does to me i will never mate with him. You see as soon as i mate with a wolf they will receive co-powers along with me. A white wolf normally get their powers at 18...but being in the state i am i never knew what my powers are. "Very well i guess we will have to up the punishment then". With that he walked near me and pulled my hair harshly making me whimper. He bought his head to mine. I could smell his disgusting reeked of alcohol and smoke.   He took out a silver knife laced with wolfsbane. My eyes widened in pure terror. "No No Not both of them i cant handle both" I thought "Lets have some fun shall we?" With that he bought the knife to my stomach where a new gash lay from the whip and stabbed the knife into it. The pain was more excruciating than anything i have ever felt before. I started to see black dots as his twisted the knife in my stomach making more blood leak out.  I yelled and screamed until all my energy was spent.  Kyle continued to stab my wounds to the point where i eventually passed out. ------------------------------ When i woke up again i saw Kyle in front me.  He sneered and looked at me "Go get ready... the Silver Bane pack is coming today and we need our slave." Yes finally i can leave the cell...even if it for a few hours. "Yes" "Yes WHAT" "Yes Alpha" I gritted out "Good...Jordan untie her" "Are you sure Alpha" "Just f*****g do it" "Yes alpha" Jordan said as he walked in looking at me with disgust. -------------------------------- I was taken to a "room". By room i meant a broom cupboard that had a small mirror in the corner. "Alpha said to cover your pathetic body completely and to hid your f*****g gashes...we dont want our guests appetite to be ruined" "Yes" Jordan slapped me, making me gasp "Thats Beta to you hoe" "Yes Beta" He scoffed and walked out making me close my eyes as tears started to pour our. I f*****g hated it. I hated my life...i hated me. I had no on. I will never have everyone. I sighed and held the "dress" Jordan had left. It was a full sleeve maids dress. I put it on and started at my reflection. I looked disgusting. I was so thin and my eyes were lifeless. Despite being malnourished my curves were still there. I had what people called "Perfect" breasts and ass. I hated them all. According to Kyle it only made me look like a bigger slut. My eyes which were once a beautiful Silver, now held no life. My face was sunken and my jet black hair was a mess. I quickly tied my hair back I heard the door bell. They were here.
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