Chapter 5 Learning Witchcraft

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POV: Damon These past nine months have been about only one thing, getting back to my mate. I have felt everything from my mate. We are still connected but she can't feel me. I have been working with Nadine to learn how to use my witch powers. She's Aiden's mate and Luna. I've about mastered them. Nadine is giving me my last test today and just in time. I felt it this morning. Zayla has found her second chance mate as the moon goddess told me she would. Zayla has begun her journey now. In my off time, I have been searching for any clue that would lead me to the temple of Hecate. I think I've found one. I have to travel to Turkey to do so. Apparently, there are two temples. There are ruins of one of Hecate's temples in Turkey. I've read all that I can on the goddess, Hecate. The temple holds a clue that will lead to the hidden temple. It's near Turgut, Anatolia, modern-day southwestern Turkey. It was once known as Lagina in ancient Caria. I leave in the next two days for Turkey. I will do anything to get to my mate and son. I have wondered how the pack is doing but I have no way of finding out. Aiden could find out for me but I don't want to risk anyone from the pack finding out I still live at least not yet anyway. Nadine has been teaching me about different stones and what they symbolize. Some stones and crystals have certain powers and abilities to them. That's what today's test is about. I've learned to cast spells, make potions, read and write spells. It's a lot but my lessons were fast-tracked. Nadine told me it takes years to learn it all. She has been trying to teach me everything she can. It seems stones and crystals are her last lesson. When I'm not doing my warlock lessons and research I'm helping Aiden. I've been helping to train his pack. He has a small pack but wants to grow it. That means he will need stronger warriors with a lot more stamina so I've been helping with that since my pack is a lot bigger than his. Adding the lavender wolves to my pack I almost doubled in size. I was a medium-sized pack but now I'm one of the biggest packs. I wonder how Zayla is handling all of that. It's almost like running two packs at once. I do worry if she is struggling. Did my pack accept Zayla as both Alpha and Luna? How is my son? Is he a good baby or a difficult one? Does he look like her or me? Maybe he's a combination of both of us. How is Zayla taking to having a new mate? I know I felt her upset earlier. She feels like she's a little more at peace. The main feeling I have felt from my mate is grief and tiredness. I hate doing this to her but it's necessary. At least that is what the mood goddess says. I trust and believe in her so I am going along with her plan. Two pups come running and laughing around me. These are Aiden and Nadine's kids, Diana and Kelly. They have a son who is two. His name is Parker. I feel bad for him with two older twin sisters. They're always trying to play with him like he's a doll and dress him up. They once got a hold of Nadine's makeup and put it on themselves and poor Parker. "Hey girls, where's your mother?" I ask the giggling little girls. "In her craft room." They say. Craft room is code for witchcraft room. Some don't take too kindly to any kind of witchcraft being in a pack so they use code words for it in the Blue River Pack. "Damon you can't catch us! hehe" Diana, the eldest twin giggles. I laugh. I play growl and roar at them chasing them around. They run into her Aiden. "Haha, Daddy Damon is going to get us." Kelly laughs running around her father. Aiden laughs at his girls. "Oh no. Why don't you girls go play outside for now and let Alpha Damon take his test." Aiden says. "Awe, can we play later? He's leaving." Kelly asks. "I promise to play with you tomorrow. Now run along." I say. They make me long for the day I will get to play with my son. I wish I could just see him once and hold him in my arms. He would have been born by now. I wonder what Zayla named him. Did she name him Zayn as we discussed or did she go with something else? "Ok, by Damon. see you later." The girl waved running outside. "They are going to miss you when you leave. They like you a lot." Aiden says. "Yeah well, I'll have to come visit them. I have my own son to get home to." I say sadly. Anytime I think of my son I get sad. "Anyway, Nae is waiting for you. She's in her craft room." Aiden informs me. "I was just on my way there when the girls came running around. Wish me luck. I get this down I can go." I say hopeful. I need to pass this the first time. There have been a few where I didn't get right away and took a little longer. I think I've done pretty well for nine months of learning this craft. I make my way to the craft room so I can take this test. "Hello, Nadine." I greet her as I enter the room. "Hello, Damon. You can have a seat right there. I have the stones and crystals all laid out on the table." She says. I sit down where she wants me. There are some stones and crystals laid out on the table along with photos of stones and crystals. She asks me a series of questions about what the stones are and what they mean and can do. For example, the sage stone the moon goddess gifted me symbolizes wisdom, insight, and creative problem-solving. Amethyst symbolizes spiritual healing, calmness, and wisdom. I've noticed how most stones symbolize wisdom in some way. Learning about the stones was just a matter of memorization and repetition. "Excellent. You have passed. I'd like to gift you this grimoire and the stones. You may need them in the future." Nadine smiles. She sets an old leather-bound book embossed with a pentagram and other symbols. "Oh, and these. They're runic dials you can use in your spells." She places a felt drawstring bag filled with runic dials inside. Ruinic dials are small pieces of stone or wood with ruins or symbols that represent certain things that can be used in spells. This was one of the first things we covered in my learning of witchcraft. "Thank you," I say. "I'm hosting a dinner for your farewell tomorrow. Oh, the girls are going to miss you so much." Nadine says. "That isn't necessary but I thank you anyway." It feels like everyone is saying goodbye even though I'm leaving Thursday morning. I guess they rather say it now than do it tomorrow. I've grown close with this pack and Aiden's family so It is a little hard to leave but I have something bigger than the rest of us to do. I have a mate and a son to get home to and that is what all of this is about.
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