25 - Is she okay?

1264 Words

Orrin Anja suddenly places her hands on either side of Tracy’s head. Tracy stops crying, her mouth hangs open, and her eyes cloud white over. Both Adrian and I instinctively take a step forward. Anja’s eyes are also white, and her head moves from side to side in small movements. “What is she doing this time?” “I don’t know, Adrian!” I hiss. Though we’ve seen some of what Anja is capable of, I never know what she will do next. I don’t for a moment believe she’d hurt Tracy, but her abilities are manifesting day by day. None of us knows what they are, and I worry they could cause harm. It wouldn’t be Anja’s fault, but others wouldn’t see it that way. Anja’s hands slowly move from the sides of Tracy’s head. She blinks, and her eyes are green once more. I don’t think I’m ever going to get

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