24 - Please help me

1785 Words

Orrin Anja and I follow Adrian to his chambers. He stops shy of opening the door and turns to me. He swallows hard, and my stomach clenches to see tears in his eyes. Goddess above, he loves the girl; any idio.t can see that. “Orrin, please try to be understanding of how this feels. I know you won’t let me claim her, and I’ll have to set her free. But she needs help right now, and. . .” My heart aches for my brother when his eyes close. I don’t understand his pain when I’ve never felt it myself, but I’m not dead in the heart either. Regardless, I cannot allow this union. “We’ll help your mate in any way we can, Adrian. But I cannot allow you to claim a human mate; you know this.” Adrian nods his head while swallowing back his emotions. “I know. I won’t lie to you, Orrin; I have more re

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