26 - A run with friends

1687 Words

Anja My open eyes slowly. I can’t feel my body because I’m numb; I can’t even move my head. However, I can see that I’m back in my room, and Orrin is sitting beside me, looking at me. I sigh as he strokes the back of his hand down my cheek. “How long was I out this time?” I manage to ask in a quiet voice. “Half an hour.” He replies. Not long at all. “Wanna tell me what the hell that was and how you managed to break a Witch’s spell? An unbreakable one at that?” “I don’t know,” The truth is, I don’t have a damn clue what the hell I did or how. One minute, I was talking with Orrin and Adrian; the next, I was levitating along with Tracy. Something told me to help my friend free the Wolf, so I did. ‘The same someone who told you how to heal Lysette. Why don’t you just be honest with your

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