Chapter 13

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Chapater 13 Cassandra B "How to make a boyfriend." She mumbled while typing the phrase on the computer at the computer shop. The boy customer at her right managed to hear her despite wearing a headset. The curiosity made the boy peek at her white small face with a thin pointed nose down to her petite body. "How could not you have a boyfriend?" He asked. Cassandra was annoyed, "Don't talk to me," she said without looking at him. "Ohh... I get it. Bad attitude." "I don't care." Finally, she received notifications after a couple of minutes. Comment Make? Seriously, MAKE? Comment You mean, "How to have a boyfriend?" Comment Just chat with me ;-) ? ? ? (water drops emoji plus eggplant emoji) She banged the computer table, "Ugh! Non-sense!" "Why don't you see a therapist?" The boy cut in again. She rolled her eyes and raised her hand, "As if we have that in our town." "Yes, we have!" Unbelievable, she looked at the boy with curious eyes, "Really? Since when?" After she dropped her words, that's the only time that she's talking to a teenage boy with that body and dark brown skin, but her hair is styled as fade and has no signs of curliness. "Just a half of year, I guess." With a clever tone, he then rested her palms under his nape but was interrupted when he noticed his computer and focussed on it, "Oh, the game is starting." "Where can I find that therapist?" Cassandra waited a few seconds, but the boy failed to respond. So she asked twice, "Where can I find that therapist?" "Uh.. oh... At the hospital-- Boom! Double kill!" He said without looking at her and can't help to express himself on the game. Convinced, she decided to pay her time at the counter and went to the hospital. Standing in front of the 2nd floored building, she began to feel anxious. She must ready herself from interacting with strangers with professions, and what if-- "Oh, Cassandra, how are you?" A woman wearing a lab coat neared her with a wide smile, "Let me guess, you're finally having a baby? Omg, I'm excited! Come on!" Trying to lead her on the way but she hesitated. "N-no, that's not my appointment. I'm a..." She paused for a second, thinking for a convincing excuse, "...Came here to visit my friend." The doctor drove more curiosity and excitement, "Oh, is it our batch? Do I know him or her?" "No, no, no." "Ah, okay." Silence came at that few seconds before she broke it up. "Can I go now?" "Sure, sure, sure!" She said without breaking her smile and the first one to step away. Cassandra sighed out of relief. "That nerd," she thought. "I never thought she could be a successful doctor. I felt so ashamed, I'm the worst at my batch." Before tears could escape from her tears, she realized, "I really need a therapist right now." She stopped for a second and hid behind before entering the opened door of the Psychiatrist. She finger-combed her hair, fixed her clothes and released a sigh to take over the anxiety. She finally gripped the courage to enter the room when a girl suddenly took first her way. "Patricia!" She heard inside as if they haven't met a very very long time. "Oh, Janna, I'm glad you're here." With the modesty approach of Patricia, Cassandra remembered her cousin. She started to doubt if she would continue. "By the way, Patricia, you have now a new customer." "Client, Janna, client and customer are different," Patricia corrected. "It was both starts with letter C then... By the way, I'll just gonna shut my mouth here," then she carelessly slid the chair into the wall which annoyed Patricia's ears. Cassandra became more anxious about what she had heard, there's no turning back, so she shakingly showed herself. "H-hi... I-I'm Cassandra Eukra, 30, from--" "You do realize that you're not in the pageant to introduce your biography, right?" Janna cut in. "Janna?" Patricia warned and looked at her irritatedly. "I'm just trying to make her feel at home, I'm sorry," she chuckled. Patricia shifted her face into a sweet expression, "Don't mind her. Come and sit. How can I help you?" Looking at the surroundings, Cassandra slowly sat down on the chair. She fixed her clothes before looking at the therapist, "Uhm... This may sound ridiculous but... How to make a boyfriend?" Janna laughed, "You got the wrong person!" "Janna! You're not supposed to be here!" Silence embraced the surroundings. Janna was shocked, never thought her best friend would finally raise its voice into her. And so do Patricia which she unexpectedly dropped her patience. But they both knew, who is wrong, and Janna managed to realize it. "I-I'm sorry," she said trembling and was gone. Instead of entertaining Janna, she felt more ashamed for the client, feeling that it loses her credibility to advice. "I'm sorry, Cassandra. Let's continue our session now." –- Walking under the street glistening lamps, she stopped in front of the building with assorted shimmering lights inside and hearing the fast beat sounds. "Magdalena's Cocktail Lounge" She remembered the advice of the therapist, "It's okay not to have husband and children if it was your destiny." She rolled her eyes and trying to get rid of the flashback, "Duh? I want to experience s*x, of course. Who didn't? Her? As if," she puffed. And that's why she was here. The first time she entered, she went directly to the dance floor. Swaying her body seductively while raising her hands, she danced in the rhythm. A man neared her and looked at her with lustful eyes. She knew it so she wrapped her hands into his neck but changed her mind when she realized he hadn't met her standard. As she turned around, another man dancing sexy into her and so she does. Then another man again neared her who afford to strip its shirt while dancing like a worm. She lost her mind from seeing the first time a real and live abs. Without thinking, she stripped her blouse too and her bra, letting men see her small boobies. But when it was being touched, she suddenly punched that man. The music still ongoing but the crowd had stopped as she drew the attention. She even doesn't know why did she react like that. Feeling ashamed, she immediately wore her blouse and walked away to the back door. She was drunk, drank by the emptiness and frustrations. At this state, she just loves to sit in the corner and read a BL novel, but her phone is snatched by her Mom. Tears started to form in her eyes until she let it out while walking like a zombie. After minutes, she finally saw the terminal. And there she saw a familiar woman who came out from the white Vios--it's her, Patricia, the therapist. But one thing surprised her more, the perfect man in her dreams who's driving the car. She can't help but drool over him even just staring at his eyes. She was at the perfect place, she realized when the car turned in her direction. Time is running, this is her chance. What should she do? Due to panic, her feet dragged her to the middle of the road, blocking the driveway. Jax immediately stepped the break and was shocked. That was close, he thought and sighed for relief. He opened the door and went outside. "I'm sorry!" He said and formed a furrowed eyebrows as he saw nothing. She was... gone? Looking at the surroundings, he failed to see her. So he decided to go back to his car and continued driving. *** ]mvcabusas[
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