Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 Cassandra A A soft dynamics of piano tiles wandering spirally through her ear while holding her phone in front and chuckling. She then read, "Do you want my abs, right? Come and kiss it." She temporarily took off her phone onto the bed and grabbed the pillow. She kneeled and shriek out of romantic excitement while striking the pillow on her bed continuously. The door suddenly opened. It's her mother who's eyes are widened and breathing heavily as the adrenaline rush is being activated, "Cassandra! What happened?" She quickly ran to her daughter and dipped her hands into its cheeks. "Are you okay? Tell me what happened!" Cassandra looked at her excitedly, "Mom, John and Dave are about to--!" "About what!" still worried. "About to--" her tone suddenly turned to hesitation, looking at surrounding while tapping her chin, "Uhm.. you know..." She looked back to her mom. Pouting, she continuously tapped her pointer finger to each other. "S-s... Uhm... you know what do the lovers do...?" Her mother started to form a clue on her head and catch her attention to her cellphone. It was opened. She then took it to see what application is running. And there she realized that it was just a novel. Her blood began to boil and thinking about how to handle her patient. But wait, "John and Dave?" She asked. Cassandra just grinned, which her mother finally got it--she's reading a Boy's Love stories. Her mother fixed its posture, "Cassandra! Get up into the real world!" "But mom--" "No explanation! Your aunt is here, fix yourself up!" Cassandra's eyebrows crossed to each other, "What is she doing here?" "You should ask 'they,'" She emphasized. "What? She's also here?" "Yes, your b***h cousin so get up and don't embarrass me!" After an hour inside the shower, her mother knocked on the door. "Just tell me if you want me to bring you food in there," she said while rolling her eyes. Cassandra is currently reading at that time while sitting on the toilet. "Okay mom, I'll take a shower now." "What? You haven't taken a shower yet!" Cassandra ignored her as she started to play loud fast beat Korean music from the wireless earphone. She swayed her hands, moved her hips and even do jumping as if she was in the concert while soaping herself. After 15 minutes, she wrapped the towel on her hair in front of the mirror, brushed her teeth then dress up with a flesh pink chiffon blouse paired with tortilla brown square pants. She walked down to stare and caught the attention of her visitors who were sitting at the dining table together with her mom. "What a beautiful lady you are, Darling," Her aunt greeted her. "Thank you," She said and sat with them. "You're blooming, huh, Cassandra?" Her cousin complimented. "Thank you. You too, Shermelia." Shermelia just nodded and smiled modestly. Her aunt took the glass of juice, "By the way, I'm sure your daughter already has a boyfriend," she asked her sister, dumping her tinted lips onto the glass and sipped the orange liquid. Then caressed the button onto the wooden table. "Of course, Romelina, and guess what? My daughter's boyfriend is very handsome!" Xielda replied, she then looked at her daughter, "He's a Japanese right?" "Korean, Mom," Cassandra corrected her excitedly. "Oh yeah!" She then turned back to her sister, "He had bangs hued with ginger, which almost covered his narrowing eyes. White crystal skin, pointed nose and rosy lips! Romelina, I can't believe my daughter has a very handsome boyfriend!" "You're really good at describing fashion." Romelina applauded. Cassandra proudly raised her eyebrow, "Correction, Mom, he's not my boyfriend." Romelina's eyes widened out of shock. While Xielda doesn't know what to react, "What?" "Because he is my husband!" Cassandra shrieked out. "What!" The two elders reacted. "Ohh, that's exciting!" Romelina nodded with a pinch of doubt. "Is he a singer?" Shermelia cut in the conversation. "Yes!" "And also a dancer, right?" Xielda's face started to turn into confusion as if she was hearing a mystery. "Then with a heavy earing, silver glittering jacket and pants?" "How do you know John Taehyung? Is he something your acquaintance--?" "It's 'Jin Taehyung," Shermelia corrected, "Because he's also my husband." The two sisters can't help but to hung their mouths open. What the hell is happening? Now, the tension goes into the two cousins as they piercingly stare at each other's eyes. "He's real name is Hyoujin Smith Taehyeung, Born in Seoul, Korea, half American and a Korean." Cassandra challenged her. But Shermelia let out an unbelievable laugh, "Seriously?" Xielda doesn't like what is happening, "Cassandra, Shermelia, are you messing up with us?" Shermelia raised her eyebrows and pointed herself, "Not me, only her." Xielda turned to her daughter with disappointment, "What is the meaning of this?" Folding her head down, she confessed, "Mom, Jin Taehyung is a Korean Idol singer and actor--" "Yes, and his fangirls usually claimed themselves as his wife--" Shermelia cut in, but was being stopped by her mother with a hiss. "Learn to respect the speaker, Shermelia." Romelina added. "She's right, Mom, and I still never had a boyfriend." Cassandra stood up, "Why in the world at your 30s you still have no love life? Your cousin is soon to be married, same as your other cousins who are now married!" "Because I never had a suitor!" "You have lots of suitors at your younger age, right? Like John? He's rich!" "But he's ugly." "How about Jake? He looks average!" "No abs like Jin Taehyung." Shermelia covered her mouth and chuckled. "What? You're so choosy!" "I'm not choosy! It just that there is no handsome and muscular in this town!" "Darling, you do realize that physical looks fade someday, right?" "I know aunt, that's why I once loved Jackson. But Mother doesn't want me to!" "Because he has cancer! Cassandra, are you out of your mind? That person is even dead five years ago!" She looked at her with teary eyes, "But at least I could at least experience what does true love means!" "You're just too idealistic influence by the crap novels," Xielda looked at her cellphone on the table and pick it up, "Stop using this thing anymore!" Cassandra was speechless. All she can do is stand up, burst all of her tears out and walked away far from her home. Romelia stood up, "Cassandra, Wait!" Xielda stopped her sister, "Let her taste her own medicine." "You do realize the phenomena of missing women in our town, right?" "I don't think that's gonna happen to her." *** ]mvcabusas[
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