Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 Fallen Papillon "When can you be free?" Jax asked her and sipped his mango shake before he took the slice of porkchop while they are sitting under the umbrella cottage. "Hmm... Saturday..." Then Patricia realized that this day is for Janna and Yahir. "I'm sorry, I'm not available this weekend, it's the only evening I could have free time," she bit the burger. "That's perfect!" Patricia looked at him with confusion. "B-because I wanted to treat you a dinner in a good restaurant I knew." Patricia widened her eyes as if she summoned a light bulb on her head, "Perfect! I could also bring my friend so she could take a tour and decide to apply for a waitress!" "That's great!" Jax stretched his smile as his invitation was accepted. He heard that she would bring someone who can bother their time but it didn't process on his mind. "So, what's the name of the restaurant?" "Magdalena's Cocktail Lounge." "Cocktail Lounge? Isn't that a bar?" That's the weirdest answer she ever heard. Jax squeezed his eyes out of embarrassment as his mind and mouth didn't cooperate with each other. "No, no, I mean, 'Le Restaurant Aux Papillons,'" pronouncing the right pronunciation of the restaurant name. Then he tried to blink for a second while looking at somewhere, "My thoughts had mixed up, I'm so sorry." "I-I can't understand the language. Is that Spanish or French or something?" "You hit it, it was french," He pointed his finger to her and smirked. To make it clear, he repeated the name with an incorrect but easy to understand the pronunciation. "Ah! Papillon, butterfly!" she pronounced as pa-pi-lon, "So that's the correct pronunciation, huh?" "Yes, 'pa-pee-ann.'" "I'm sure Janna will be excited to hear this!" "I hope you too." Patricia froze. "Of course," she said unsurely. "A-am I?" she thought. Why should she be excited about a fancy restaurant? She was sure that there is no milk tea menu in there. –- While there's no client, Patricia browsed the restaurant website on the internet. And there she saw a vacant job for the receptionist. So she immediately dialed Janna's number. "Janna! Someone asked me for a dinner!" She exclaimed. "What? Really? Who?" She exclaimed with raised eyebrows, still can't believe what she heard. Actually, it wasn't new for Patricia to be asked for a date because she was indeed beautiful from inside to outside. But what Janna can't understand is the tone of the excitement of her friend. She thought Patricia would never let a man in her life again. "And guess what, it was a french restaurant!" Janna shrieked out of excitement, "OMG, Patricia, you're really lucky, I envy you! I'm so proud of you, bestie!" She wiped the small tears that came out from her eyes caused by being a proud friend. "No, Janna, you're the lucky one because they are hiring for a receptionist!" She squealed. At that moment, Janna replaced her excitement with confusion, "What do you mean?" "We will come this Saturday evening and I'm sure you're gonna be qualified! You can continue your dreams again!" "Wait, Patrica, are you just excited because of me?" "Yes, is there any exciting moment will come for tomorrow?" "B-but, how about your date? I thought you are excited about the date and I don't want to bother." "Date? What are you talking about? We're just having dinner and I wanted you to join us so you could apply for a job." Janna slapped her face, "Patricia, you are the worst woman ever! Dinner means date, you bitter gourd!" "That doesn't make sense." "Patricia!" Janna yelled. "Okay, okay, I get it. But I still need you to come." "Why I still need to come?" "Because if you won't come, what is the purpose of eating in an expensive restaurant? We can just eat street foods instead." Janna deeply inhaled and let out a sigh, "Okay, Janna, relax, inhale-exhale," she said to herself. "Patricia you i***t!" Patricia just laughed quietly. She wasn't clueless after all, but she enjoyed seeing the reaction of her friend. But still, she wanted to make every minute productive so she preferred multi-purpose events. –- Standing in front of the mirror, the door had opened. A girl whose wearing a sky-blue off-shoulder top that complements her morena skin, dark blue skirt and hills, came to her room, put the shoulder bag on the bed and finger comb the hair first before noticing Patricia's presence. "Janna, how do I dress like?" With a messy mood caused by having no Yahir's ride service, she felt worst seeing a white loose shirt paired only with denim pants and rubber shoes plus the inverted cup. Seeing how Janna exhaled deeply, trying to calm herself, made Patricia laugh. Janna gave her downcast eyes, "Patricia, I know you were being hurt before and suffered from depression, but please, I'm begging you as a friend, stop sabotaging yourself. I already proved you have a great taste of fashion, please don't do this." Patricia sighed, finally gone through her calming state. "I get what you mean--" before she finished her line, Janna near her and tied the loose on her shirt at the back. "Yeah, you're just trying to tease me. I know you, Patricia, you always have tricks on your sleeve." Warm smile shaped on Patricia's lips as she realized how lucky she has to have a friend like Janna who does the effort to know every detail of you. But it suddenly turned miserable as guilt conquering her heart. When Janna was done, "You still look like... a terrible sense of fashion. Where are your other tricks?" Patricia removed her cap and revealed her braided hair, slightly splashed with a hair net. Janna smirked, and before Patricia remove the braid by herself, she volunteered. "Let me." As the san rio loses its attachment, her dark blond hair began to expand and bounce off the wavy hair. She combed back the top of her ear and put a silver earring. Janna almost dropped her jaw seeing how gorgeous her friend, but when she scanned her eyes down, still felt unsatisfied. "Yes, you look like now a modern woman, but why not choose to wear something... like a dress or skirt like mine?" Patricia looked at the floor, "I just trying not to give meaning about this." Janna understood her so she didn't make a complaint anymore. "May I know who's that lucky man? Is he handsome?" She teases with shimmering eyes to shift the mood. "What's the point of asking? You'll gonna see it soon anyway." "What time will he come?" "He said 8 pm is the meeting time." "No, I mean, wait... Don't tell me he has no car?" "He does but I didn't want to tell my address." –- As they went outside the cob, white glistening lights shone their eyes that was came from the glassed wall 2-floored fancy restaurant-- "Les Restaurant Aux Papillion" They were both stunned from seeing how exclusive the place they will cherish this night. "I wanna work here." Janna came to her thoughts through her mouth without noticing her dropped jaw. She knew this place was a little far away as this city is outside their town, but she's sure that her salary would be worth it even if she rented for a dorm. Even Patricia trying to get out from being materialistic, she can't help but also get excited and thankful for this blessing. This is their first time to dine at a French restaurant. As they walk through the door, a mid-60s receptionist man approached them. "Good evening, beautiful ladies. Are you Ms. Patricia Montes?" "How--" Patricia about to ask how did the man know when Janna interrupted her. "Precisely, she was," then she tapped Patricia's back. "And you are her friend, right? May I know how may I call you, Ma'am?" "Janna." "Table 50, please." Then a waitress came to lead them so they follow. "Don't ask how did they know your name, of course, your gentleman reserved it." "Oh, is that how this works?" "Yes, there is so much different from Jollibee or Mcdo!" Janna tried to whisper to not let the waiter hear them. Until Patricia started to get confused as they were being led to the backyard. "Does she trying to tell us to leave indirectly?" "Just wait." When they finally arrived, an isolated table was being surrounded by yellow small bulbs spread throughout the trees, rose petals scattered on the bermudagrass floor and a scented candle on the table. "This is so romantic!" Another amusement came out to Janna. The waitress offered them the chair and assist their table napkins. "Good evening, Ma'am Janna, are you the one who wants to join our colleagues as a receptionist?" "You were indeed correct." "You may ask me for assistance after you enjoy your night," she looked at Patricia too, "Enjoy your dinner." She farewelled. "Thank you," Patricia responded. "So where is your boyfriend?" "Friend!" Patricia corrected. He should be now on time!" "Be patient Janna, maybe he has a surprise or just had a minor problem or something." "If it was a surprise, it's no longer a surprise because you already guessed it. That's the disadvantage of being a psychologist, you won't enjoy surprises as you already read their mind." "I'm not a mind reader, I just think of the possibilities." The waitress came again to pour their glass a cold refreshing water. They waited for almost half of an hour, so the waitress initiated to offer them the menu book so they won't get bored but they refused. Until the clock turned to 9 and there's still have no sign of Jax. Janna stood up in a mood trying to hold back the burst of anger to Jax, "Forget it, Patricia, he will never come. I have to apply now. You coming with me?" "I'm okay, I just wait for him what if he came and he won't see us." Janna leave. Minutes had passed, Patricia started to lose hope. Until a loud thud bangs her ears, wrecking the varnished wooden table in front of her. Her eyes widened as she saw a lifeless woman squirted her white shirt and pale skin with fresh hot blood. *** ]mvcabusas[
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