Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 Jax The lights started to fade inside the room as Jax sat in the corner, pulling his hair out of headache from the overflowing of thoughts. That night--he remembered. As time goes by, his nightmares are starting to grow worse and worse. It was 30 minutes before 8 pm when he arrived yesterday at the restaurant. All is well reserved before that date, but it was ruined when a lady with narrow eyes, wearing glittering rose-colored formal dress suddenly neared him and closed her lips on his ear. "Hi, pretty boy." She licked his ears and crawl her hands through his chest into his abdomen and teasingly stopped near his down part. "I'll pay you, let's have sex." Jax was frozen on what he had heard. His ears became deaf from the caress of the metal spoon on the ceramic plate, the clink of cheered glasses, and a variety of buzzes from the other customers, except the beautiful lady's seductive breath and his rapid heartbeats. "Where?" His absent mind responded. "Follow me," she led him at the stairway. The lady dragged Jax inside the small guest room and pushed him on the wall. They passionately kissed, while helping him to unbutton his shirt. "Nice body," then she slapped his tummy, "Your abs wasn't that firm but still tasty," and she licked it while starting to remove her clothes by herself. Her tongue came down and down until his pants were being unzipped. Jax released a loud moan out of the sensation. He can't help himself to spread his neck up and pulled out the lady's hair who's kneeling in front of him. That caused him to accidentally saw his reflection on the glass window and forgot the exciting moment as he stared at it. "If you love me, you'll never cheat." "Of course..." she gulped, "baby..." The lady cluelessly responded and continue pleasuring him. "If you love me, you'll never cheat." She was a bit confused so she stood up, ran her fingers to his cheeks, and scanned each part that makes him attractive. "What do you mean?" she giggled, thought he was just making fun of her. Jax still glued his eyes on his reflection, "It's not my fault--" he turned to the lady. She started to feel weird, but still tried to chuckle, "What are you saying? You're weird," she was about to kiss him when Jax carried her and walked forward. "Ara ara~! So aggressive!" She said excitedly, little did she know, this will be served as her last words in her life. As they reached the edge, he grabbed the lady's hair. She was caught off guard and unable to do something as Jax spontaneously slammed her head into the glass window. Blood runs from her head until the window finally shattered into spiky fragments and she was being thrown outside. That's the only time when his episode had ended and realized what another mess he had done. He quickly wore up his pants and picked up his shirt. There is no time he can waste. With an exposed upper body skin, he ran to the fire exit. Until he managed to come home, he never detached his back to the corner of the room. His phone suddenly rang so he quickly picked it up and was disappointed. It was his boss, he thought it was Patricia. Foolish, he remembered, he hasn't given yet his number to her. He unconsciously answered it. ["Jax, where are you? The event will start at 3 pm where the hell are you, it's already 1 o'clock!"] "I-I'm coming--" ["This is the last chance or you'll get fired!"] The phone hung up. He decided to stand up and prepare himself. He parked his car in front of the office. As he went inside, white lilies and chrysanthemums linger through his nostrils. And there he saw bouquets lying on the tripod, displayed at the glass wall, picked up by the two men into the hearse. "What's missing? Is anything had been packed already?" A woman with messy hair, wearing glasses, rushed walked by her hills and freaking out caused by the pressure of time shortage. She is the secretary who acts as their boss--Frenelia. With her high arc eyebrow, it was being raised when he saw Jax, "What are you standing for? Move!" Jax used to be calm under the pressure. He gently walked towards the lab. When he arrived inside the room, he stared at a dead body lying on the isolated mortuary table from the white tiled floors and white painted walls. He took the set of colored powders and brushes, and near his client. He dumped the brush on the foundation and scrubbed through the face of the dead woman. The bruises on her forehead still obvious so he applied a thick concealer. "I'm sorry." Then he started to eye line her narrow eyes and tint red her thin lips. After, he pulled himself away to see the make-up as a whole. He was stuck in that position at that moment and wiped her lips with his thumb. "You're still beautiful. I'm sorry what I had done to you last night," he whispered monotonously while slowly nearing her face to her, gazed on the lips. He was about to kiss her when he suddenly sensed a pair of widened eyes staring at him. It was Frenelia who was shocked by what she witnessed. "What the hell are you doing--" She said trembling, terrorized how sick his co-worker is. Jax glared at her deeply while walking slowly into her. When he reached her, he stopped and dumped his lips into her lips. Frenelia unable to move her body, and started to lose her mind. It is her first kiss, never thought this is how it felt. Her eyes began to shut when a nature ringtone suddenly played on her phone. And then she woke up from reality when she remembered the event. That's the only time she realized what is happening so she slapped the man in front of her. "Move!" She raggedly shouted. Jax still calmed and let out a warm breath before he gently moved away but suddenly stopped when he sensed something wrapped on his wrist--it was Frenelia, staring his eyes with the thirst of lust--he can tell it. And he knew this wasn't the first time, but every time. She slowly neared him without taking her eyes off him. No second thoughts she continued tasting his lips. She crazy from the sensation she felt, she badly needed his body to feed her lust and there is no turning back not until she had climaxed. But if this moment had continued, who is gonna served her as a funeral service secretary? *** ]mvcabusas[
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