Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 Blind Evidence "Good morning, Sir," greeted by his yesterday's assistant as he went inside the station. His straight direction through his office room was delayed when he realized to near her. "Valencia, do we have an updated record of this?" He was referring to the folder he was holding. Sierra Valencia stood up to reach the document and read. "Let me check it, Sir." While waiting, he tried to rest in his office. Until Sierra came. "Sir, negative, sir." "Okay, thank you." That's the sign that she needs to leave, but before she does, she hesitated first until she gained the strength to make a voice. "Sir, how about in statistical office online or license--" "If it was updated then I must already found them." "How about their relatives or home town? Their birth pla--" He felt a rage on his heart, he didn't like Sierra's words, "Who do you think is me? Am I the dumbest detective you think? Of course, I already waste my time on that!" "I-I'm sorry," she was sensitive so left with tears. ~ Patricia exhaled a little steam after she sipped the hot tea from the mug. She heard footsteps and her attention was being drawn by Janna who's late to come to compare to her usual visit. She felt a melt in her heart when she recognized her friend's downcast eyes while carrying the unsliced cake. "Don't tell me--" "Yes, Patricia. She forgot my birthday!' She cried after she sat on the chair. Her eyes furrowed and felt a little anger, "How could he!" Then she stood up to send Janna a warm and tight hug. This was the only thing she could do for ger friend. But she was still confused. What is happening to Yahir? "I'm hungry, let's just eat this cake in the park." –- "I waited for him all night because I... thought he was... just.. nyum... pretending clueless... to surprise me!" Janna sobbed while furiously enter the pastry through her mouth. "Me too, that's why I told you not to worry back then." "How could... nyum... he do this to me?" "This is unusual," Patricia peek her eyes somewhere, "Maybe he's just having a hard time on his job?" Then she looked down, deeply beyond the ground. "So you think if something's unusual, a person is like hiding something huge challenges in her life?" "Precisely." Janna smiled, to hide how disappointing the answer she heard. Minutes had passed, Patricia was left alone again as her friend had working out schedule. It was passed at 1 pm and she still wanted to stay under the umbrella cottage. She started to felt hopeless again. Alone... in the dark infinite cage. She spent all of her life just sitting inside the four corners of the room. There was no client yet. To entertain herself, she decided to open the TV. It's also been a while since she watched a TV. ["I will always love you."] ["Me, too, I love you forever"] Patricia felt strange feelings run through her skin--goosebump. She always felt cringe every time she witnesses romantic scenarios. She was about to change the channel when... ["I'll love you--"] The characters on the show are about to kiss when they suddenly heard a bang, at the same time, blood splashes through the male lead's face and coat. ["I said I love you but I lied."] "Interesting..." She whispered to herself. It was the peak point of the story when the flash news interrupted the movie. ["WOLVES are awakened after a year of being inactive...] "Good afternoon, I'm Kove Jershwin..." then he glimpsed at the television, removed his silver earing into his pocket and wiped his white tinted hair. "Oh, please be seated," she welcomed the client and closed the television. ~ Since the incident, she made sure that she would go home early every day. I was only passed at 5 when she was walking on the sidewalk of the road. When she turned to the narrow street, she hesitated and stopped for a moment as flashbacks ran through her head. She took a deep breath to earn courage. It's daylight, low chance of probability to drink and high chances of probability to walk with other citizens. She began to feel anxious when she finally saw the store where she was almost raped. Can she do this? Of course she does! She's a psychiatrist, sure she can cure herself. Minding her surroundings, she walked slowly, keep fighting her nervousness, and trying to calm her rapid thumping heart. "Patricia." She shrieked and ran away. "Patricia, it's me! Jax!" Her feet suddenly stopped moving. And she realized she was being watched by the people who were bothered by her scandalous behavior. "What did this man did to you? Would you mind if we sent him to the police station?" A concerned man neared her. She felt stupid and regret what she has done. She turned around until she saw a familiar figure in denim pants and a white shirt who's looking at her with furrowing eyes. Unfamiliar energy radiated from her chest, unable to help herself from chuckling from the epic moment that happened in her life. The man was overflowed by confusion while Jax absorbed the awkwardness and was left with no choice but to release an epic laugh. "I'm sorry, I didn't realized he's just my friend, I thought a stranger. Thank you for your concern, sir." She told the man before leaving to near Jax. "What the hell is that?" Jax giggled. He still can't move on from the shocking reaction he witnessed. She slapped her face, "I've been traumatized since that night," still chuckling while closing eyes and shaking head. An awkward silence came after that. Then Jax started to shift the topic. "So, are you going home now?" "Yes." "Would you mind if I invited you to dinner?" She felt a sudden heat on her cheeks and unable to believe what she heard. When reality was processed through her mind, she raised and waved her hands. "No, no, no. No thanks. My mom is waiting for me." "How about I ride you in my car--" "I appreciate your kindness but I don't want to bother. I'm so much fine, I'm okay." "No, it's my pleasure--" he was being interrupted when they heard a woman's voice. "Jax? Where are you?" They awkwardly looked at each other's eyes, "I think your girlfriend is already looking for you," Patricia said. "I don't have a girlfriend, she's my boss," he turned back, "Wait! I'm coming!" "So... uhm... I'm sorry," "No, Jax, you have nothing to sorry." "Uhm... I gotta go." "Sure." When Jax turned back, Patricia noticed something on his back. "Hey, I think you got a stain of ketchup on your shirt." She was being ignored, it seems her friend didn't hear what she said... or does he? Patricia looked deeply at the fresh dark red liquid tainting the clean white fabric. Confused, she shook her head to dimiss the thought and went on to go home. She must be right, it was just a droplet ketchup-- Or maybe a real fresh blood. *** ]mvcabusas[
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