Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 Her Guts The sun shone in Patricia's face but her eyes were still glued at the ceiling. The phone snoozes its alarm but she just ignored it as if she still hearing the silence. That night... that scene cannot go out in her head. Anxiety started to swallow her mind again. She was scared--scared of seeing that such cold lifeless eyes again, an eye who hopelessly begged for mercy, but she could do nothing for her. On that night, she can't take her eyes away from that pathetic woman. Shaking, but unable to move her body. A sudden shriek released out from Janna who came at that perfect time. But instead of running away, she thought of Patricia's sake which she woke her up from her lost senses. "What happe--" The waitress tried to ask but screech out when she answered her own question. And that was the time when the crowd came to the scene out of curiosity and dialed for the authority. Almost all of the customers and servers can't believe how the prestigious restaurant let that kind of heinous crime. Until the police had arrived, took care of the crime scene and interview witnesses like Patricia--but she can't even move her mouth due to trauma. She is a Psychiatrist, she felt shame for herself for having a weak mind. Yahir finally arrived after half of an hour when Janna called him and felt broken after seeing Patricia's condition. They went in his car to go home. While Patricia was watching outside the window, leaving the parking lot, she saw a familiar white Toyota Vios. She tried to peek for the plate number but a car which just also withdrew out blocked her vision. X and 5 This is the least she remembered from her lacking of photographic memory, which she even forgot the placing of number 5. But she was sure, that the letter X is at the end. Besides of her trauma, she can't also move on if Jax is just messing her up. Why didn't he come? What's that supposed to mean? Does he thought she was a gold digger? Is he laughing now thinking that Patricia ordered a lot but has no money to afford it all, expecting Jax to pay it? Then will she ended up washing mountains of dishes? And her pathetic hope turned into shame. She hope that she was just overthinking. The phone rang again. This time, it wasn't the snoozes of alarm anymore--it was her best friend. ["Patricia, I'm at the hospital and your office is locked. Are you at home?"] Patricia felt guilty for wasting Janna's effort to visit in her empty office, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you." ["No problem. How are you?"] She asked worriedly. She smiled, "I'm okay." ["Wait for me, I'm going there."] Her eyes widened, "No, I'm okay." ["I know right."] "I-I don't want to bother you." ["Nah... you would change your mind after you opened me your door."] She said and giggled. Patricia sighed and back her smile. She can't imagine how warm and sweet friend she had. She was lucky to have Janna--so grateful having her. Even she once tried to stay away from them, they will still get near and near to her life. After a minute, she heard a doorbell. Her eyebrows furrowed, who except from Janna will visit her? She stood up from the bed, went to the living room, and opened the door. She was surprised by the two things. "How could you-- are you flash? Or a sonic boom?" Janna laughed in front of her, "It's a prank! Of course, I know you would stay at home! You always like this, you didn't go to school whenever your parents fight." The second thing surprised her-- "You know how to make me happy," Patricia said looking at the cup Janna was holding. Janna raised it, "Of course, your favorite milk tea! And not only that..." Behind her back, she was also carrying a box of doughnuts, "Your favorite food!" Patricia can't help herself but to smile and give Janna a tight hug. As her guilt conquer her conscience, tears started to fall, "I'm sorry." Janna gently tapped her back, "For what? On that night? I honestly enjoyed it." "No... I mean, before we met in this town--" "Shh... Move on. That's not a big deal, though." "It is for me... but thank you." Her hug tightened. Janna doesn't like a sad Atmosphere, so he changed the subject. "Wait where is Aunty?" Patricia ended her hug and wiped his tears, "She went back to the city." –- One day of rest is enough to recover--she thought. Because she need to do her duty no matter what if she wants a stable job. The hands of the clock turned at 12. She may have no appetite to eat but she wanted to at least breath some fresh air at the usual place she always come. Under the unbrella cottage, she sat comfortable and wear her earphones while observing the people around as if she was just watching a movie. And just like a movie, a tall white man caught her attention, who was now walking straight into her. She fixed her posture and looked away from him. "Patricia I'm sorry, I had an emergency on that night." She decided to look Jax straight in the eye to see the genuineness of his apology--she can't say he was telling the truth--not bluffing. It was blank and undecipherable, she didn't know. But she wasn't that surprised after all because it wasn't her first time to meet a man like him. To break the awkward silence, she forced a fake laugh, "You don't have to say sorry, it's okay." "I'm worried about you, there was an insident on that night. If anything happened to you, I can't forgive myself." She again executed a giggle, with matching of gesture of swaying his hands away through the air, "I told you, you have nothing to--" "Stop acting fake, Patricia." A suspenseful silence coated the atmosphere. He is too straightforward, and that was supposed to be her line. And she was bit offended. "Please give me a chance." She started to think of the worst possibilities. What if it was just a game? It isn't her lost anyway. Wait, what she was thinking, it was just about friendship! She stared at his eyes for the last time, but she still can't tell what's behind in his words. Maybe this will be the time she need to try to lend her trust. And once Jax broke it, she thought she wouldn't hurt because she could just slam her door for him and forgot his existence. Then the figure of the car he saw on the restaurant plays in her memories. She was hoping that her guts was wrong. *** ]mvcabusas[
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