Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 Frenelia "Where the hell have you gone yesterday! The family is waiting for the snacks, you i***t!" All the crews are silently looking at the floor as Frenelia's voice echoed throughout the office. Jax looked at her straightly with his blank eyes. He hates being yelled at. He was very annoyed, even the first time he saw this woman, he hated her tone. "You're fired!" Jax widened his eyes, it can't be. "C-can we talk about it?" "No! Get out!" Jax closed his fist, squeezed it to transfer his anger into it, and walked out as Frenelia's commanded. He slammed his door car as he went inside and drove without knowing where to go. He loves his job, he loves taking care of the lifeless body into aesthetics. This vocation calls him just 2 years ago. He stopped the car without realizing that he parked at the food park. "Patricia," he mumbled as he remembered her. He immediately went outside his car to find Patricia. Looking around under the hot sunshine made him sweat, and gradually feeling that the world is turning around that turns faster and faster in every second had passed. He began to be deaf from surroundings and felt an ear-splitting from the loud thuds of the palpitation on her head. It was painful--severely until he unable to stand up and blood runs from his nose. "Hey, are you okay? You're bleeding." The minute he heard a man's voice, all things had calmed. Back to his senses, he saw a Latino skinned man wearing a descent police uniform. "The hospital is just over there, just go there--" "I'm okay." He responded quickly and walked away. He doesn't like to talk with that kind of man. Before he went inside the car, he glanced at the park for the last time to see for Patricia, but she was gone. He slept for about 5 hours and came back to the main office. The sky started to turn into black, and so the lights in every establishment are being turned on. In a quiet street he drove, he parked at the blank parking lot. Standing on the front of the glassed door, as he expected, it was unlocked. So he came inside, penetrated into the secretary's office. Frenelia who's busy accounting for the chemicals shocked by what she saw. And that shock turned to anger. But when Jax removed his shirt, the stone-hearted secretary turned into melting ice cream. She can't resist but still need to use her mind instead of her lust. "I'm not a woman that you think. Out!" "Out? What do you want me to come out?" He said teasingly, looked at his pants, and turned to Frenelia with lustful eyes. Frenelia can't help herself anymore, but to stand up and strike his lips. Jax was holding a blindfold and wrapped it into her eyes. She was surprised especially when Jax carried her outside. Little did she know, they went to a special room and put her down on the mortuary table. She felt the cold metal dumped into her skin so she decided to sat-up but Jax resisted her, instead, he tied her. Frenelia moans every time he felt the heat of his finger that touches her body, but that moan had turned into something unexpected. She shrieked out of the pain when a needle pierced at the top of her shoulder. "W-what are you doing? Is that--" He began to hear the rumbling of the machine--and realized that it was the embalming machine. "You're sick! You'll go in jai--" Before she completed the word, she screeched out while letting her blood be sucked by the machine and replaced with formalin. After a couple of minutes, silence embraced the room. Jac removed her blindfold and saw a frozen widened eyes. "Pathetic," he mumbled and gently dumped his palm into her face to make her eyes close. He put her inside the sack and into the trunk of his car. ~ Two days later "Hey Detective Alcantara, are you done with your case?" A bald-headed man in blue, rest his hands on the nape and lean to the swivel chair. Yahir was walking his way in the aisle to his own office and ignored the freak whose same of his rank--Inspector Colorado. "I'm talking to you!" Colorado stood up and bang his palm to his table. Seven other non-officers plus Inspector Alona, who shared the supposed 2nd-floor lobby as their official office room caught their attention. But Yahir acted as if he still doesn't hear anything. Colorado is about to near him when a loud bass authoritative voice spread throughout the room. "All of you, in the Conference Hall at 8:30." --Their chief--Superintendent Lorenzo. As Yahir sat inside the blank silent hall, he checked his wristwatch--7:59. At exactly 8, Colorado came enthusiastic not until he saw Yahir sitting already. He bubbled his mouth and boringly sat on his chair. After half of an hour, eight chairs had been fulfilled plus the last to come--their chief. "Two women are reported missing in two consecutive days just two days ago. Any idea who's behind of these?" All of them glanced at each other, cluelessly trying to find who among them have an idea. Until Yahir broke the silence. "Could it be the WO--" he said while looking down on the table. "Yes, the WOLVE Syndicate. They're starting to terror the society again." Hearing those words made his fist closed forcibly. "It's their fault," he whispered to himself. "Anyway, we have no evidence yet so we can't accuse them." Yahir looked his boss straight in the eye, "Lend that case to me." "But you're not done with your case yet, right? So give it to me, boss." Colorado blocked him with a boastful tone and reaction, featuring his crossing and rising of his eyebrow and acting nearly like a thug. "You got the point, Colorado, so I must give this case to you." But he is the Detective, skillful enough than his fellow policemen. But they were right, and he was running out of time. Two months and 2 weeks are remaining and their life would be in danger. Yahir has no choice but to breathe and sigh deeply to prolong his patience. And then he realized, he needs to warn the two girls to be careful. The meeting had been dismissed, but he was still stuck in his chair. Pasts started to play in his head. If he could just go back in time, he wanted to fix everything he messed up. *** ]mvcabusas[
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