Chapter 7

1083 Words
Samika's POV The entire pack house was silent by the time I arrived. Of course. Obviously. It's already late at night and the journey to the human territory and back to pack itself consumed half a day. I carefully walk upstairs trying my best not to make any noise. But the bags in my hands are giving me a tough time. I didn't realize this when I was shopping but I indeed shopped a lot. Like.. really a lot. I don't even know if I am going to use half of these I bought today. I didn't hear a noise but I only felt someone take the bags from my hand. I turn around to see Devon. I smile at him as he takes almost all of those from my hands making it a little easy for me. We both silently walked to my room. I switched the lights on but even before that, Devon already walked in and put the bags down, right beside my wardrobe. Night vision. Nyle told me werewolves have night vision. But I don't. Because I have only wolf vision. Not a werewolf vision. "Are you hungry?" Nyle asks and even though I want to tell him no, I still nod my head because I am terribly hungry. Cass had a sandwich on her way back to the pack but I told her I wasn't hungry. I really wasn't hungry back then but now I am. I am starving. "Come with me," he chuckles and starts walking while I just follow him close behind. He walks into the kitchen and gestures to me to sit at the counter. I watch him as he ties an apron loosely around him and goes through the cupboards trying to find something. Who knew Alpha Jerome's son, Devon, would be cooking for his mate? Technically, I am still his mate. Yes. Nyle told me there's an option for rejection but Alyssa explained to me about it. So until we reject each other, we are still mates. I know I should talk about this. But I am just waiting for Nyle. "Did you know anything about Nyle's whereabouts?" I ask Devon. And he pauses for a second as he grabs a packet of bread and other things I didn't read the labels of. "Not yet," Nyle whispers and I nod, with a frown. Where did he go? Why did he even leave? "Do you like him?" Devon asks me and I look at him again. "He is my boyfriend, remember?" I ask him and he just nods, without meeting my eye. Sometimes I want to know what might be running through Devon's mind. But then again, I also wonder if I can handle it. I watch Devon as he makes grilled cheese sandwiches for both of us. He slides me one and I dig in without even waiting for another second. Devon raises his sandwich to toast but when he noticed I was already eating, he couldn't help but laugh. Not sure why it made me feel amused, but it did. We both eat in silence, and he takes a pause from eating only to fill two glasses with some fruit juice and bring it back to the counter. I am sitting on the stool while he is still standing on the other side of the counter, in the kitchen. "So when you saw me on human territory last week," I whispered and he looked at me, then nodded at me asking to continue. "Were you smiling because you found out you were my mate?" I ask him. I was just done shopping with Olive and she was driving. I saw Devon for a few seconds and he had an amused smile on his face. Just when Olive started driving again, he disappeared. "No," he pauses and I look at him in confusion,"I found you even before that day" "What? When?" I ask him, dropping my half eaten sandwich on to the plate again. "When you came to the woods with someone else. Midnight. Just the two of you," he tells me. And I recall the night Brent and I went to the woods because he wanted to know and prove if werewolves were real. (Heart of Ice, Chapter- 73) "I couldn't focus on anything else except my wolf screaming at me. That we found our mate. You," he says and I gulp, trying to recall what exactly happened that night. "But you were lunging at us and-" "I was running to you because I couldn't wait another second," he cuts me off. And I realized how fear can change an entire perspective of a situation. I thought he was about to kill me or Brent. But in reality it was my mate coming for me. "i***t Nyle interrupted it all, and by the time I realized you were gone .. I was worried I would never find you. But I came to human land because I knew you were a human. That's when you saw me. On the road," he tells me. And I sit there, staring at him dab the corners of his mouth with a tissue. And then resume eating his sandwich again. I had zero idea that it all had such a backstory behind it. "Who was that person who came with you that night? I couldn't focus on him because of the mate bond and dizziness," he says. "My brother. Not by blood but someone I love the most in this world," I tell Devon and he smiles. Just a little. He finishes off his sandwich and glass of juice and throws the utensils in the dishwasher. "I think I am going to spare that man only because you called him your brother," Devon says again but his voice is so light unlike usual Devon everyone knows. Tells me that he doesn't mean what he just said. He waits until I finish mine, and we both part our ways to our own rooms. I see no one took Alpha Jerome's previous room. Maybe I should turn that into a guest room. "Sam?" He called me just when I was almost at my room's door. "Good night," he says and waves his hand a little. I smile at him and walk inside my room. I wish Nyle was here. It feels a little lonely in this room. I don't even change my clothes. I fall on the bed. And that's all I knew before darkness won over my consciousness.
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