Chapter 12: Losing the Egg

367 Words

Chapter 12: Losing the Egg Alec Alec was incredulous. “What the hell were you both thinking? You should never have let Fenn get near the thing once you’d worked out where it was!” Sedman’s flinch was visible. “It wasn’t like that, sir. We had to go and telephone to DS Grant. And then I had to wait outside to flag him down. I didn’t have any chance to stop her before the DS got there. And anyway…” His voice trailed off in a mutter. “What? Speak up, man!” Alec wasn’t taking any prisoners—Sedman was a good man, and this was ridiculous. “What did you say?” Will stepped forward, apparently taking pity on Sedman. “Fenn flew, Detective Inspector Carter.” There was a pithy, stultified silence as Alec’s line of attack hit a wall and crumpled to a stop. “She flew.” It was a statement, not a qu

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