Chapter 11: Finding the Egg

917 Words

Chapter 11: Finding the Egg Will “Sir?” Sedman’s voice was gravelly with exhaustion even over the telephone. “Sir, I think we’ve found them.” “Where?” Will was already struggling into his shirt one-armed as he held the slippery receiver to his ear with the other hand. “Are they hatching? Who’s with you?” “Just me and Fenn, sir. Nothing hatching. We’re down in that abandoned warehouse on Grimes Street. The one where you had that bad turn a few weeks ago?” “I know it. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” He threw on the rest of his clothes, grabbed his hat from the stand by the door, and ran down the echoing stone staircase, nodding to the uniformed concierge as he dashed past. Luckily, he’d left the Morris on the street outside rather than putting her in the garage when he’d arrived home

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