You're My Baby Daddy 2

1849 Words
---------------------------------- “Mum I’ll be fine” I assured my mum with a very tight hug. She didn’t have to be too extra dough. It was just Collins, to be honest, I was going to do well. He was my rival at school then and well I was a sonic too. Why can’t I win now? And it's not like I’m getting married to him. Gross. All I wanted was to fulfill Mum’s wish of staying with the man that got me pregnant. She said it was good physically, spiritually, medically, and emotionally. Whatever she meant by that. And she shouldn’t miss me too much, I might come home every day instead of being with my to-be-stressed baby daddy, Collins. “If by any chance that witch over there wants to trouble you. Make a live video immediately” My mum whispered to me and I let out a huge laugh. We both know the only way to get to the Collins is to let out a public opinion. That was my strategy during my college days, I still wouldn’t let go. Not yet. I turned to watch Collins and his mother from a distance, their facial expression could tell that they were discussing their loss of having me around. Why are they making me feel like a disaster? I’m not much of a trouble for real, I don’t eat much and I’m always on my phone daily. Collins would be really lucky to have me. My eyes suddenly met Mrs. Empire. Gosh, this woman still gives me chills. I gulped slowly as she and her son approached my mum and me. Damn! What boss aura! I could imagine my daughter being born into this wealth, but she would be the opposite of the Empires. She’s gonna be just like me. Her hair would be packed in a bun, she would wear an oversized hoodie or a sneaker. Yeah, she should wear a face cap too with a nose piercing and have a toothpick on her… No Ivory, that’s a thug you’re describing. You wanna birth a thug? “Ivory” resounding call from Mrs. Empire. B. Don’t call my name like that. “Is this all you have to take? If yes, proceed to the rooftop. There’s a plane waiting for you and Collins. You both would be leaving the city where there would be less of your trouble. All you need would be provided and after birthing our heir, you can go away.” She’s kidding, right? A plane! For me! What the heck? “You’re kidding, right? A plane! For me! What the heck!” I let out my thoughts laughing. “Yes. A plane Ivory. The first you have ever boarded.” She threw at me. “Oh. Ma’am don’t be a hater. I’ve boarded a plane before. Right Collins, remember our last vacation at school” “That was a parachute Ivory” Collins replied. He was so humbly sweet beside his mother. I can't wait to see how frustrated he's going to treat me after we leave. “At least we flew. Ha ha ha!” I laughed at my joke in a very annoying manner “That was funny” my mum hit my shoulder and joined me in laughing. Oh, how I love that woman! Collins infuriated look stored on his face, I knew he was trying his best to prove that a parachute floats instead, but who cares, I was up in the sky and it felt good. “Hurry Ivory, take this bag “ my mum handed a small go-bag to me. She had promised she would help me pack up after hearing the good news yesterday. She was so happy the Empire accepted my pregnancy and by this morning, I was all over the news and magazine cover. I was the highlight! I knew I was gonna become a celebrity one way or the other. But Collins's mum just decided to send us off so quickly without even thinking. I was expecting a lot of bags from home. I had lots. “Mum. Just this?” I asked her. “They will buy you more, they have no choice” she wink hard at me and I stifle a laugh. Talking about who I got my craziness from. It was no one other than this woman called my mum. “Can we leave?” looking like someone that has been scolded thoroughly by his mum, Collins squeeze his face and turned to me. “Sure” I gave him an assuring smile and as he led the way, I followed him behind. As I turned back to wave bye to my mum. I suddenly felt empty inside of me. I suddenly realized that I was truly going to another city with someone I dispute so much, I was going to leave my mum for so long. Wait I hadn’t thought of that! What the hell! I was going to be alone with Collins. How would I be able to do that? Who’s gonna motivate me? I see her clean a tear from her eyes and my heart thud. We both got to the rooftop and sincerely I wasn’t expecting the press here. There was a flashlight everywhere and they all rushed to us with their microphones. What city are you going to? Is he still keeping the baby? Do you trust your safety with the Empires? Mr. Tyson. Would your project hold till then? Are we expecting an heir from a low class? Bodyguards pushed them away from our path, Collins held his finger on his lip asking me not to say a word. More questions popped out of the reporters, but we didn’t say a word. I didn’t even know how to answer some, I start to rethink. What if this was a kidnap? Mrs. Empire seems devious enough to do that. What if I didn’t get to see my mum again? Oh no! Reaching the last stair of the plane I turned back to everyone. I was leaving where I grew up behind. My childhood! And my mum! “I love you, mum!” I screamed to the press and made a bow. I needed a front-page picture of how much I love my mum if eventually, they found me dead. ‘Her last words were this…’, ‘Ivory Perkins, a low-class youth was kidnapped by her baby daddy Collins Tyson…’, ‘See the last thing Ivory Perkins did before her exodus’. Those would be the headlines. At least I paid homage to motherhood. ********** I sat opposite Collins on ‘our’ private plane, but he didn’t seem bothered about me. He was on his headphone and a magazine was close to his face, deliberately blocking my view of him. Was this the man I would eventually live with? Who’s talking about living anyways? I still have a huge feeling Mrs. Empire and her son are up to something. Come to think of it, I didn’t give a damn if I was being kidnapped or not. At least, I dared to face the popular untouchable Mrs. Empire and everyone knows about it. And I didn’t think they’ll want to pull up something like that. I was also a public figure now. So… “Watch your step, Mrs. Empire!” I shouted my thought again. “Huh?” Collins removed one part of his headphone and raised his brows at me. “What did you say?” he inquired looking pre-annoyed at whatever I’m about to say. “I was not talking to you” I bit my lips and murmured. He rolled his eyes and fixed his earphones back going back to his unbothered mood. Well, hold up, What is he feeling like? Why is he so silent? Aren’t we meant to talk? We have a whole lot of things to talk about. ‘This’ is not just a joke. I’m not keeping this pregnancy because I want to be recognized by his dumb ass family. I am not living with him because of the public. I should be ashamed that I fell into the trap of my rival at school. He was someone I could boast of not having anything to do with. And now look at me? Sitting silently opposite each other! Collins, wasn’t he the type to sit around and watch me win? We were competitors. He hated me. He hated my guts. He was supposed to be proud he got hold of me. Or was he too ashamed to claim it? Well, I’m ashamed too. I’m ashamed I went against my own rule and got into this mess, I’m ashamed that I’m all over the news and my friends can see how gullible I am. I hate that I’m pregnant for Collins and I also hate that mum wouldn’t let me abort it. What was I getting myself into? Collins was hell at school. And now, for 9 months? “Collins!” I hit my fist on the table between us to call his attention. He heard me, sure why wouldn’t he? My hands hurt from hitting it too much. He dropped the magazine and remove his headphone in a fast rage. “What is your problem Ivory!” he barked. “What is my problem? Don’t you ever utter such words to me, Collins? You are the main reason I am in this dilemma. You put me here!” “You were just being a b***h lurking over me that night. Your stupid ass wanted my money from the beginning of our rivalry. You low-class nincompoop lured me into this!” “Oh, sorry, am I supposed to be offended? Excuse me, but you must have mistaken me for someone who gives a s**t! And ‘I lured you?’. Your reckless dangling thing between your laps was a retard like you. You didn’t get that? A moron! That’s what you are.” He was silent. He shouldn’t have offered to be the bad one here. He knew well I was good with the words. I won him to the ground back then in school. He was a rich boy, what did he know about insults? I grew up in the street man! The dude was in a frizzle frazzle hearing me blurt at him. He wouldn’t mind tearing me to pieces this instant. But I wasn’t scared. It’s time he says something about this creature in my tummy. He sighs as he rubs his palm over his face and stared at me. “You already got what you wanted, mum knows about it, the press knows, we are to live together. What else do you want me to do about it?” I bit my lips as I realize, there was nothing to be done about it. I got what I asked for, living with my billionaire rival with his baby. I was just going to keep calm till 9 months is over. I just didn’t know how I would endure seeing the man I hate for that long.
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