Kitchen Bang

1311 Words
___________________________________ Personal thoughts ran into each of our minds as we sat in the car after alighting from the plane. I never saw a smile settle on Collins's face even till now. He was being different all of a sudden. I look out the window and my mood twitches again. What if I was just taking matters too slightly, this is my whole life right in front of me. Early pregnancy, baby daddy, separate parenting, and a lot more at such a young age. Most were disadvantages. I wished it was with the right person. Not him. I didn’t want him. I could remember vividly how we met... TWO YEARS BACK. “You can’t be banging in the cafeteria kitchen bruv!” I had entered from the back door of the kitchen that day to drop off a present for Lisa only to catch the school's most popular with an extremely innocent girl smashed to the kitchen wall. No etiquette! “I can bang wherever I want!” He said ignoring whoever came in and hitting hard on the girl as she let out moans. The view was so nice to watch, seeing them glued to the wall was a nice scene, like in the movies. His butt cheek was out of his trouser and I sincerely felt like tapping those smooth asses. “But honestly, you both should have gotten a hotel or something” I rested my back on the counter of the kitchen and watched them from a distance. They seemed so into each other and it felt like I was ruining a great moment. But who cares. “Unexpected- bangs are- the best,” he said between his groans and then groan loudly again, it was obvious he was about to come and he tried reaching his hand to the counter beside him to grab a tissue but he could not. “Don’t worry, I got you” I said as I move closer to them and grab a napkin just beside the tissue and threw it to him. He grabbed it and pulled out of the girl cleaning himself up. They were both panting heavily. The innocent-looking girl wasn’t looking so innocent anymore, she bit her lips seductively like she wanted more. I moved closer to her and her eyes met mine. “Girls of nowadays hun?” I said to her with a small laugh. She scorn and wore her panties as she moved to Collins. He pulled out a card from his back pocket and handed it to her. “Call me,” he said and she squealed and left the kitchen with smiles. “Seriously? That was what all this is for?” I shouted after her. Girls will always embarrass girls. Who has a kitchen bang for just a complimentary card? I was even sure this asshole wasn’t going to call her back eventually. “I would never do that!” I said my thoughts out like I used to. He just seemed to notice me when I talked. He raise his head at me and his brows arched with surprise. “You would never do that?” he chuckled softly asking me. “Yeah. Never. I mean, don’t get me wrong here. You’re a fine-ass rich boy, but I could have your number several ways without all these.” I was so proud to say that. Yes. It was me, Ivory. I’m literally the nicest girl on earth, anyone would want to give out their number. “So is this your way?” he asked moving closer to me. I shift back a bit at his approach. “Wait hold up! You think I’m asking for your number?” I asked him stifling a laugh. He was the proud rich boy in school, why would I want to have his number? I have no business with him. He really can’t handle being friends with me honestly. I see every reason why Lisa hated him. The dude thinks too highly of himself. I’m in my final year and I really do not want to experience assholes like him. I wasn’t polite. He really shouldn’t mess with me. “Okay Collins, you-“ “Ooh. So you know my name? Hard crush hun?” he teased but it just triggered my angry nerve cells. “Everyone knows you!” I rolled my eyes at him. “Anyway. I’m going to be easy on you since you and Lisa had a thing. But it’s wrong of you to bang a girl in Lisa’s mum's kitchen” I blurted at him. “I would let you go if you pay a ransom though?” I grin at him not even ready to pick a fight with a billionaire son. I’m just being a nice bully here. Haha. Extort some real cash out of the mother fucker. “Who’s Lisa?” he asked with surprise on his face, but I was shocked the most instead. He had so much to do with a lot of friends that he couldn’t even remember Lisa. How dare he look down at my friend that way. So all they had meant nothing to him! “You know what Collins- I use to mind my business when I hear things about you, but denying Lisa. That’s over the top man! She’s my f*****g friend!”. I was angry. I solemnly don’t support being in a guy’s life without having either a negative or a positive effect on the guy that he would never forget. There needs to be a part of me a guy must always remember. It would be an insult to me if that didn’t happen. Not with Lisa too. She’s the prettiest, sweetest thing on earth. If she was in a guy’s life. He would surely take note of her. He threw the napkin he used earlier to clean his c*m at me. I dodged it instantly. “Whoever you are or Lisa is, I don’t care. But if you’re going to be two-faced, at least make one pretty!” he snarled. I freeze at his catcall. How dare he mock me. What the hell is he insinuating? My brain rummaged for a quick comeback. I was good with words and had ever come back for every opprobrium, he couldn’t just win like that. “I was hoping for a battle of wits, but you appear to be unharmed” Yes. There it was. I didn’t even have to try. My comeback game was sharp and smooth. Living in the street where you have to learn to bully the bully, I was not a slack in the game at all. To top it I was extremely smart, I mean why else was I in the same school as Collins Empire? He appeared rather impressed than shocked. I bet no one has ever talked back at him in school before. Well welcome to my world Collins, I was totally different! He rolls his tongue in his mouth with a smile. “Mm. Spoke like a hero” he cackled in a very obnoxious way. “I would have stayed longer, but I really have better things to do. We might see each other around though” he said with that scary smile and walked out of the kitchen. “Tch. I pray not” I silently say as he leaves. Never do I want anything to do with someone like that. We really cannot be friends and we had better not cross paths again. PRESENT Well, that was a lie as that was just the beginning of my clash with the school popular boy Collins Tyson. I turned to look him at the other side of the car where he sat and our eyes met. That guy banging in the kitchen is now the father of my baby!
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