One Bed, Two Trouble

1666 Words
PRESENT ___________________________________ The driver drove us into a very tall building, one of the finest in the estate. It was super luxurious and I can’t help but think how long these people have been rich for! How long did it take them to build things like this, or how much did it take them to buy them. And this was just one of their hidden properties. How many more luxury is left? How much do they even make? So Collins have really been in too much wealth! Wow. Dying wish. So no good human could volunteer to give to the less needy? Living in the hood for so long with my mum, life was totally different over there. We use to see the rich as not nice and proud, unfortunately Collins didn’t convince me either. I also had a dream. I wanted to finish college and apply for a job at a very reputable company like the Tyson’s. I wanted to make huge money and make mom proud, like I’ve always done. But reunion s**t got me messed up. I can’t wait to see life after 9 months though. Yeah, it’s gonna be hell, but I think I gat this. I was just going to mind my business like Collins is doing, ignoring him like he is with me right now and everything is going to be so fine. Coming out of the car, Collins seemed surprised too. It tells he hasn’t been here before. Mm. That woman really sent us out. Far! I really can’t believe I was going to be living here, I can’t wait to settle down and make a lot of videos to send to mum. I never thought I would get hooked up with a billionaire’s son, neither did I think of dreaming this large. But as mum use to say. Use the opportunity before it slides. Maybe this was just a blessing and I was meant to make a change in mine and mum’s life. I could tell my whole street was talking about me presently, since I was on the news and magazine covers now, I have peeps that would be so happy I got into this wealth and I also have peeps that are embarrassed of me. I don’t blame them, I’m embarrassed of my self too. It’s just for the baby! I assured myself. The driver helped with our little bags as he ushered us into the house. Not just a catching front view, the inside of this place was exquisitely splendid. This was wealth! Money was living in here. I have never visited a place like this before in my entire life! Aside the ones I see on TV which are not even a comparison to this, I’m awed at the awesomeness of living like this from the very day he was born. Everyone should be jealous of Collins, I mean I think that is why he thinks everyone is jealous of him. You can’t see something this beautiful and not want to have a taste of it. Mine wasn’t that way though, I actually knew he was wealthy, but I didn’t picture it like this. And maybe that was why I was rude. Geez, I’m sorry Collins, I would have been nicer if I knew this was what you own! Bleh! I don’t think that would still have happened. Collins character was not a match to mine. Even if I knew he was this rich, I would still have showed him his place. Where’s his place? I’m in his place. Luck is really on my side don’t you think? If all this had happened when I was still schooling, damn! Whether mum likes it or not, the baby is going down the toilet! He was a billionaire, so? But he was my enemy! That makes it more embarrassing and an insult to my ego. We still admired the house and my eyes met Collins, I still didn’t know what was running through his mind. He wasn’t usually this quiet. He always had a lot to say, snarky remarks, and lots of sarcasm. I couldn’t figure out what he was thinking. Maybe he’s also planning to do it the quiet way and stay on his own. He probably hates that I tarnished his beautiful image right in public. I made him stop and ongoing project and he doesn’t look like someone who is ready to be a father. It was a mistake! That night was a mistake! I would have gotten rid of it if it wasn’t for mum. But now that it’s still here. We just had to face it. Get a Hold of your self Ivory. Time would pass and this would all the over. The driver ushered us upstairs and as we pass the hallway, different doors leading to different rooms was there. Who knows how many rooms this building contained. He finally stopped at a very big masters bedroom, the door was opened and I could see everything in the room! Sublime, Superb, Flawless, Perfect! It was a very big room with a large bed too. Very beautiful and empty, radiant painting and plasters, lightening enough to make you not aware of when night comes. All I could see was beauty. “This would be your room” Our driver said with a small smile. “Thank you” Collins replied him as he moves forward into the room and drop his bags in the wardrobe. I picked my bag from where the driver dropped them too and followed him behind so he could direct me to mine. It really should have been ladies first, but I guess Collins didn’t want to know where my room was located. He didn’t even want to know anything about this. He still seemed very Angry. Well ,I am angry too! Very angry! The fact that I joke with the little things, doesn’t mean I’m happy about it. You know, mum said, you just have to be happy even when you know things are wrong. I cultivated that habit from her and try to make a joke with everything. It has been working very fine till date. I just hope it works now too. Our driver leaves- Our? I mean Collins driver proceed to leave the room as I follow him behind, but he stopped at the door step about to close the door, I hurriedly hold the door before he could. “I was behind you” I said to him. “Care to show me where my room is?” I asked politely. “This is your room ma’am” he said. I raised my brows at him and turned back to look at Collins who already seemed distracted with what he heard from the driver too. He was already looking towards us with his brows arched. “Then where is Collins room?” I asked him. Maybe they all wanted to give me the honor of having this huge Masters bedroom to my self. I can feel Collins burn stares on me already, maybe he has never slept in an ordinary room before. Lucky me! “This is also his room ma’am. Madam ordered you stayed together!” The driver says. I started with a small laugh and then another and then I laughed out loud and turned to Collins. “He’s kidding right?” I asked him “Mum would never do that!” Collins suddenly in a baritone as he responded to the driver. Yes obviously, his mother would never do that! That woman doesn’t even want this! She’s so embarrassed, she sent us both away and now she wants us to stay together? Impossible. Does she even have an idea of who we are? I’m Ivory, he’s Collins! Worst popular enemies at final year! We got special invitation to attend the reunion! I went cause he was coming, he also came cause I was coming. It was like a competition of who would be there first, or who still hated each other much and yes, we still do hate each other. Then what was all this for? “That was the order given Sir Collins” The driver says and immediately closes the door and leaves. My mouth was still agape as I stand by the door and stared at Collins who was by the bed. The both of us typically didn’t believe this man. Maybe , he was just trying to mess with us. Collins picks up his phone ambulating with nervousness to and fro as he waited for his mum to pick up. “Mom?!” I hear him shout. After safely arriving here and believing I’m not going to be kidnapped by the Tyson’s, I’m yet to find out why this same strict mum who despise me at first sight would want me to stay with her son on the same bed. Or what if she wanted me dead? Cause staying with Collins on the same bed meant death..How would I be comfortable with this bully asshole. Collins suddenly stone me a hard glare as he still kept the phone on his ear listening to his mum. Whatever they were saying, I didn’t know. But it was definitely not good news. I stone him the same glare he gave me and laughed. I wondered why I did that. He especially hated that part of me in school. Laughing hurts when used at the right time. He looked very infuriated on that call and I guess he didn’t have a choice but listen to what his mum was saying. He was always extremely respectful and quiet when it comes to his mum. Always a baby. If he was that soft, why did he decide to pick on me in school. He hung up and his gaze didn’t move from my face. “Why are you glaring at me that way boy?” I asked him in my breanne tone. “IVORY!” Dude almost gave me a bumrush.
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