Chapter 27

2925 Words

Atticus' POV: I was going through the cabinet in my office after I fed off of Kara, grabbing one of my swords, and putting it in the holster that was strapped around my body to help protect myself on my mission. I don't feel it was a coincidence that those demons were in the same area we were in when we were going to take out that nest. I've never seen those demons here before and this isn't the first time I've taken out a nest. It made me wonder if they were here because of Kara. That after all this time, they have finally discovered her. This is my area, my territory and they will answer to me on why they are here and if they are here because of Kara, they won't get her. This is no different than any other supernatural. One species don't coincide with the other let alone share the same

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