Episode 6

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He smirked and hand over a book to me I took it with my wet hands and look,I saw the words "Secret weapon" written on it and I hear him say "that will be your name when you succeed in this training. "why would I bear that name "? I asked him " Because that is who you will become " he answered. "My mission will be to avenged our parents death right?" I asked "yes together " he added "What if we succeed what will be my gain" I asked him. "I will give you my virginity " he said and left. "what a pervert " I thought "wait I forgot to ask him what will happen if I lose". "if you lose I will take yours instead " Draven said coming inside with a towel.immediately I heard that I become shock "that won't happen cos I will beat you and how did you hear what I was thinking huh"? "Well Lioness maybe you didn't realize that you were thinking aloud, here clean yourself up". INDEPENDENT STATE UNKNOWN POV "Father you old thing you shouldn't have spared that i***t life,they will retaliate against you ". "What do you know son, you are just learning in this game of elimination, you keep the younger generation to be your lackeys" he answered."and what you don't know old man is that no one bosses me around ". with that he took a gun and shot his father."dispose his body in the ocean and clean this up" he gave the instruction and left. "Boss the girl is waiting for you in the room " "Okay he got to his room and saw the naked blonde girl with her legs wide open,he moved closer to her sliding his hands into her and she moans out,he slide two fingers into her and turn her around inserting his c**k into her,he bang her repeatedly with full speed until she screamed.he bang her tying her hands to the wall, he continued until he came "oh darling please i need you again" the girl pleaded "I don't f**k a girl twice b***h" With that said he took his gun and blast her brains "clean this mess" he said to the guard standing outside. A little introduction"My name is Luo Chen, a tyrant,rich and the leader of Exterminate.My father committed so many crimes in the past to build a bright future for me that's why I had to kill him so that he won't blow my cover " Killing is my hobby and f*****g too,I love to have them screamed my name, I heard the Fearless Alliance are brewing a weapon against my group, well they are yet to meet death itself". he entered his car and drove out to meet Sentinel. Meanwhile at Mu's Garden after the bath Jasmine wore a blue trouser and a white turtle neck top with white sneakers and she went out to take a little stroll around the Estate. "Hey Jasmine wait up" Damon called walking towards her and the butterfly's run mad on her stomach "hmm, captain Damon an sure, you said i should take the day off" "oh don't be afraid I am not here for your training, Draven said i should show you around, so come on follow me " he said walking past her. "Hmm, Damon there is no single trainee here,does that mean you guys only form the fearless Alliance?, who trained you guys then?" she asked " well our master died a few years ago, he was old. "oh okay what was his name?" "General Mu, a retired army commander, he owned this estate, and took us as his children, when he died he handover this estate to us because he never had children." Damon replied " okay, so no friends, crush or girlfriends?" Jasmine asked again "No Jasmine I have never been too conversant with the outside world, maybe when this fight is over,I will give myself a chance, as for girlfriends, Love is a weakness so don't you ever fall in love, that is our code." he answered "What if you break the code what happens?" she enquired "Nothing, you leave this place that's all" he concluded. "You know Damon, love isn't a weakness, but rather tears is, if you love someone, you will do anything just to see that person happy, love gives you strength, okay imagine I hold a sword to Derek throat and I ask you to eliminate someone or i slit his throat what will you do?"she asked him.
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