Episode 5

773 Words
DRAVEN POV "I moved closer to her, she take a step backward and I continue moving until her back hit the wall and I tug a strand of her hair behind her ear,I cubbed her cheek with my palm and look into her eyes and i move my eyes down to her pink lips."don't move" i told her "what what? are you doing, please don't I have never kiss before" she said and i ignored her, well something about me,if my mind is made up not even a ghost can change it."Neither have I" with that said I clashed my lips with hers savouring the sweetness of first kiss, giving her no room to breath,seconds passed and finally she broke the kiss, fuming..."how dare you" she lunged at me but i block her hand and stop her and I smirk. "you are feisty,I like that Little Lioness" just then the door flew open "Jasmine meet me outside your training starts now" Damon slammed the door shut. THE TRAINING GROUND Jasmine POV "Kunfu was practiced in order to defend oneself in the Chinese culture but people use it as a form of violence, brutality and killing" as he go on with the lecture I listened with rapt attention. "So for your first assignment you are going to run around this estate 8 width, that is eight times now begin "I started running but when I got to the 5th time I couldn't continue again, I sat down on the ground catching my breath." "Did I tell you to stop?"Damon said driving a horse he got down"stand up" he commanded."Damon please I will continue I just" I trailed off, that is when I felt his hands on my neck and a shiver run down my spine he drag me off my feet "if you repeat this mistake again I will throw you out on the streets now continue". After the exercise I was left outside as my punishment and the rain poured down heavily on me, during the night Draven came out and took me to the Varendah "Word of advice, next time even when you are tired don't stop Damon hates it " he said I look up at him "leave me alone " am used to this, don't pity me" he stood up and left. morning came and I was taken to the gym and asked to punch a bag and so my training continues day and night without rest .my second training was to survive in the jungle for a week.with a bottle of water and a loaf of bread,as expected on the last day i came out tattered and dirty."Welcome back tomorrow is your free day and your 3rd training is to learn the real fighting skills"Damon said and turn to the maid "Maria please prepare some food for Jasmine and please" he turns to me "Have your bath, you stinks" he wrinkles his nose and I glared at him, unable to say anything due to hunger inside the jungle.After taking my bath, I dig into my meat devouring it as the only thing left in this world.unaware of the 3 guys across the table staring at me with their mouth agape."Damon what on earth did you do to her, she looks like a skeleton don't you think the training is too much for her,look at her devouring those meals" Derek complained."Stop it Derek, we both know if you were the one to do the training, she wouldn't survive either so shut up " Damon retorted.After eating i stood up shakily "can i go to my room now please i almost collapsed due to lack of sleep in....in the forest." "you can go,I will check up on you later, your free days is shifted to one week "Draven answered... and i rushed to my room lock the door and as soon as my head touch the bed I slept off. I awake feeling lively and rejuvenated. JASMINE POV No one can cheat nature i guess,I stood up and felt pains all over my body. I couldn't move " help" I shouted and the door flew open and Draven walked in and carried me to his bathroom and put me into a bathtub with warm water inside and I felt warm and the pains start to ease up slowly. "Are you okay now"? he asked looking into my eyes "how long have i been asleep?" i asked "2 days"he answered "2....days?"I shouted shook and he only nod at me and said "you will stand a chance of fighting me when your training is complete" "well I look forward to that" I answered.
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