Episode 7

1016 Words
"Well if killing that person will save my brother then why not, but I will make sure you pay for holding him hostage." he answered. "See I told you, that is Love sacrificing just to see your love ones happy and safe." she said placing her hands on his shoulder." I underestimated you Jasmine thank you for the insight" he hold her cheek and the butterfly's ran mad again " you are welcome" she smiled at him.Few minutes later after the tour around the house she entered inside the house and went straight to her room to watch some movies, as she opened the door,she came face to face with Draven and he motion for her to sit down, "What is it?" she asked "it seems that you and Damon are starting to get along" he look out the window. "yes captain and I were just having a talk about love" Jasmine answered. "Wow, love? does that mean you have feelings for him Lioness?" he moves closer to her until their nose were inches apart. "Do you know our code?, if you ....she completed the word before he could finish "fall in love, you will leave the estate,yes I know that " and he hold her cheek "i do hope you choose your love wisely Lioness " and she gently remove his hands from her cheek and asked him the question she was dreading all day "you kissed me Draven, are you just going to pretend it did not happen and why did you kiss me?" she finished and waited for a response but got none and she got annoyed to the point that tears got in her eyes and she shouted at him "Why did you kiss me Draven!!!" "No don't do that Lioness, remember tears is your weakness" he smirked "and how do you know that?" she asked "Well when you were speaking to Damon,I actually studied your lips and caught wind of what you were saying at that moment" she move to her bed sat down and stare at him , "No one has ever made me cry since you got a tear out of me, i will also make your weakness come true,you will fall in love" "No need for that Lioness "am already in love with you" "I don't know what to say Draven, the code doesn't make any sense,we are humans and we have feelings" "For you I will make an exception Lioness" with that he clash his lips on hers, but she felt nothing not even a single butterfly, he deepened the kiss holding her tight until he heard a knock.... and the door flew open "Hmm sorry to disturb,i searched everywhere for you Draven...so i figured you will be here, you need to see this" Derek said, so they all went downstairs to the living room and listened to the news regarding the death of Exterminate Lord who had rule the gang for years."Well, well, well, i think luck is on our side" Draven said. "This is far from over, his son has taken over and he is among the group and as I could gather he is worse than his father and a complete bastard " Damon told them."As for me I don't care, those bastards, killed my parents so they must go down, anyway that's all Draven, I needed to show you the news, i am out of here"Derek added angrily and left. "There is a tone in his voice I do not like, I hope everything is fine Draven?" Damon questioned."Yes" He answered. "Alright, Jasmine do well to inform me when you are ready for the next training because the clock is ticking" Damon demonstrate with his hands, and she nodded and changed the topic "But Captain the son is the only one alive right,I bet you guys can handle him,I am sorry to say this but it's 4 against one, it doesn't make sense". "Oh no darling, it's not 4 against one it's 4 against 4, you don't quite understand the gang, well let me enlighten you.why do you think we can't kill them up until now? huh, that is because they are the most deadly assassins in the world and we have fought with them countless times.. the guy you just saw on the TV is the tip of the iceberg, wait till you meet the other 3 luckily for us the leader is dear, so I advise you get some rest i will see you later and Draven " Damon turn to Draven,"We need to talk" he added. "if it's about the L word, it can still be change" Draven spoke"Wow I am surprised, but think again brother,if I agree to this,it will mean that I am allowed to love too..are you sure you want this, let's not forget there is only one lady in this mansion, anyway let's focus on our mission case closed". Damon replied and left. "Draven,I want to tell you that I don't feel the same way towards you, am sorry "Jasmine added and also step out of the living room. DEREK POV I strolled along the training grounds "Derek" I turned and saw Damon calling me "what's up?" i answered "What happen back there?'' he enquired "Is it Draven or Jas?" he added. "Both" I answered "I figured " he said "so tell me what happened " he asked again. "I don't think you will like my answer Damon" "Well what can be worse than him trying to change my rule because of her, I mean I should be the one to change it not him". "What?, no he can't... love is his weakness we both know that... and I just saw him kissing her, but i don't think she reciprocated it" I sigh "Why? do you love her?" Damon asked "For all we know she could have been the one who kissed him " he added. "I like her as a sister and I saw it in her eyes, she doesn't love him back Damon and you know Draven he won't stop " I told him.
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