Chapter 5 - Same Shoes

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Sophie “Chase….stop…it hurts…” “No, my little minx… You’ve promised me this….” “I can’t…you…you’re too big…” “No…Sophie…Take it!” “f**k…fuck…ouch!...No….no…. no….I can’t!” “Yes, you can!” “No! Stop! Stop! Please don’t hurt me….You’re a monster!” “You’re mine now, Sophie….” “Chase, stop!” I jolted up from bed, waking up from my sleep. “Damn…” That nightmare was terrifying, and I could feel the soreness in my body. I palmed my face before heaving another deep breath. My hands and arms shook, and a little sting at the back of my right hand caught my attention. “f**k…where am I?” I uttered, tracing a tiny tube line attached to my skin. I looked up and saw an IV bag hanging above me. My eyes gazed around at my surroundings. It was an unfamiliar room bathed in white and gray. The couch, table, and even the bed’s linen were in patterned shades. I didn’t think I was in the hospital as I scanned my eyes. The sun's rays slipping through the white curtain gap told me it was already morning. “Damn…this is not Layla’s place….” I murmured. I asked Sam to send me to New York after my harrowing ordeal back in Philly, but I had no recollection of the day before or how I ended up here. “Oh..fuck…” My eyes watered in sadness as thoughts began to flood my head. “Elisha…” A tight knot formed in my stomach, recollecting Elisha’s fate. “Oh, God… please help me…” I uttered in prayer. My heart was heavy and sad once more. I took some time to grieve. I needed to know where I was and had to see Sam. I silently wiped my tears and took wet tissues from the bedside table to blow my nose and clean my face. I was about to get up when I felt the other side of the bed move. “s**t….” My eyes gaped, then my brows knitted as I realized an entity had shifted under the white bedsheet. “Sam?” I mumbled. Yet, the mattress moved again, and the person underneath the blanket turned to my side and faced me. “Sammy?!” “Sophie…” Sammy murmured in his sleep. “Damn…why am I in Sammy’s bed?!” I asked in disbelief. Yet, just like my thoughts, I quickly realized why I was here. Perhaps, Sam took me here instead of Layla’s place. I wasn’t sure if I had given her the correct address or if she had decided to bring me here. I was exhausted yesterday. Mentally and physically. I just hoped Sammy didn’t take advantage of me. “Oh..fine..” I muttered as I looked at my upper body. I was wearing a white shirt. I was pretty sure not mine or Sam's. From afar, I noticed my backpack on the couch and my clothes from yesterday. I looked at the back of my hand once more. The IV fluid dripping into my system was almost finished. I needed to remove it, but I didn't want to wake Sammy. “Ouch…” Carefully, I detached the needle from my aching skin and took wet wipes from the bedside to wipe the blood. I had no idea where I got the guts to take care of it myself. I stayed for a while until my hand felt much better. My gaze went to Sammy and looked at how peacefully he was sleeping. The little bruise I made was visible on his temple. “Oopsie…” A minute later, I gently stood up and got out of bed. I tiptoed to my bag and took it silently to the bathroom. I had my essentials there and even extra undies to wear. “Damn…” I snorted in annoyance while looking at my appearance in the mirror. I looked hideous. The dark circles under my eyes were horrible. I was pale, and my cheeks were dried and hollow. “Oh…Sophia…” I freely used Sammy’s bathroom to clean my tired body. I badly needed it. I just hoped I wouldn’t wake Sammy up and see me naked in his bath. While cleaning myself, I couldn't help but remember my nightmare earlier. For some reason, Chase came into my head again—the horrible monster of my past. Chase was hurting me in my dreams and reliving the unforgettable night he took my innocence. I wouldn’t say he sexually assaulted me because I willingly joined and went with him inside his bedroom, but I could recall how he forced himself into me. I begged him to stop, but he didn’t. He refused to stop what he was doing until he felt satisfied, ruining my first experience in bed. It was traumatic when it was supposed to be romantic since he was my first love. I was young back then, barely sixteen. It never happened again, but that fateful night sealed his life. His mistake was he laid his hands on me that same day for not giving in again. Chase wasn’t always physically abusive, but Grandma found out what happened to us and what he did, so she filed a case for abusing a minor and used her influence to send Chase to prison. Chase got years, but he was released too early. Part of it was Grandma wanted me to leave Chase and forget him. Chancewise, I wouldn’t if he wasn’t sent to prison. As I always knew, I was weak and easily believed in his words. Chase was manipulative, and I was just a fool, young lady. I didn’t have a chance to help him and explain to grandma about us. However, I was glad I didn’t because he threatened to kill my family and me once he got out. “Well…I am not afraid anymore….” I determinedly said, thinking about the revenge Chase might do to me. A while later, I was back in the room, fresh and ready to face the battle of sadness. Fortunately, I didn't wake Sammy up. “Thanks…” I mumbled before leaving the bedroom and looking for Sam. The silence greeted me outside the room. I didn’t see Sam. My gaze wandered around the well-arranged living room. The kitchen and dining table were spotless. Clean and looked humble, just like Sammy. I looked around and found another door adjacent to the massive entertainment area. It was slightly ajar, so I walked toward it to check. The murmuring and sobbing sound caught my attention, so I pushed the door a bit to see who it was. There I saw who I was looking for. Sam was sitting at the bed’s foot end, crying on the floor.“Sam…” I mumbled. Sam looked up at me and sniffled. “Sophie…You’re awake….” I nodded and got in to join her on the floor. “Are you okay?” I asked, hugging her. Like me, Sam looked pale and sick. She silently took the pain her twin had inflicted on our lives. “I am… Are you okay?” Sam asked me back. “Not much…” “Is Sammy awake?” “No…” Sam held my hand and rubbed my bruised skin. “I’m sorry, I took you here. You passed out last night, and I believed Sammy could help us here instead of bringing you to the hospital,” she said. I shook my head and smiled. “Don’t worry about it…Thank you for helping me.” Sam heaved a deep breath before rubbing my arms. “You’re such a strong lady, Sophie… I wished El had been stronger like you…Tom is coming here soon….” I nodded. “I see…he knows it…” I can recall Sam quickly spoke with Tom yesterday. “Yes, but I haven’t told him about the letter….” “Did he know it was Kyle? And his reason why he did it to El?” I asked. I already knew the exact reason Kyle did dirty to Elisha. His revenge. It was awful indeed, and I didn’t know how Tom would take it. Sam snorted. “I am not sure, but I will tell him everything that happened. Why Kyle did it and how…but….” “Tell me, Sam…” I said. I knew Sam was worried as well about her and Tom’s connection. She left him while still pregnant and had hidden his child. Tom had no idea they shared a son. “Sophie, if ever you and Tom talked about what happened, please don’t mention Gideon to Tom… He still doesn't know about him…It will break his heart…Please give us time…” Sam pleaded. I smiled genuinely at Sam. “Trust me. Though we are not sure what was written in the letter to Tom, I won’t tell a soul about your secret,” I promised Sam. I believed it wasn't the right time for the two to deal with their own mess. Sam embraced me once more, “Thank you, Sophie…thank you…” she sobbed. Sam and I remained in her room, crying and discussing our plans. We were both worried about Nana Delia. The lady was sick and old. Telling Elisha had taken her own life and gone was the most dreadful feeling I have had in my existence. Sam said that Kyle went back to New Jersey and planned to come to New York to speak with his family. Their parents found out what had happened and were disappointed. “Sophie…” “Yes…” Sam looked at her phone again. “I just received new information from the police this morning….” My heart hammered inside my chest, thinking the worst. “Did…did… they find her body?” I asked, swallowing the hard lump in my throat. The rescue mission was still on though police mentioned it could be a recovery mission by now. Sam shook her head. “No, but it looks promising. Another call said they saw a car stopped at where the bridge Elisha last seen that night…” she answered, croaking in tears. “I hope…I am still hoping someone saved her….” My eyes watered once more. A tiny hope sparked in my heart like Sam. “She could be alive….” “Yes…Sophie…” Sam embraced me once more, then told me about what the police shared with her. We then spent more silent moments until I remembered the letters Elisha had left for us. “Will you give all the letters to Tom?” I asked Sam. Sam nodded. “Yes. That’s what Elisha wanted. He’ll be here soon. Venn picked him up at the airport…” she checked her phone. “They’re almost here. We should go outside.” “Okay…” Sam and I went outside. Luckily, Yelena was already there and preparing our breakfast. Sammy wasn't awake yet, and I bet he got tired of taking care of me last night. Yelena offered us a warm chocolate drink. Sam and I silently sat on the couch and waited for Tom while drinking our hot glasses. A little while later, we heard the doorbell ring. Yelena opened the door, and soon two tall guys walked in. “Tom…” Sam and I said in unison. We both stood up, but Tom’s eyes were trained to look at Sam. “Dea…Sam….” Tom drew his arms wide. Sam, like she must’ve always done before, greeted Tom with a warm embrace. She trembled in his arms while I sobbed in silence, watching them. Tom looked so stressed. His eyes were as red as his hair. “Thomas…I’m sorry….” Sam held him as they found comfort in each other. Their past must be sad, but I was happy to see they were okay. However, it was a teary reunion. Sam mentioned there was no bad blood with them anymore, albeit there was still awkwardness because of their past. “No, please tell me it's not true…Where is Elisha?” Tom broke the hug and held Sam before looking at me. “Sophie…tell me what happened… please….” I averted my eyes from Sam. I needed to figure out where to start and how to explain everything to Tom. “Sam…” Sam nodded and sniffled, “Let’s sit…” she said. We all sat down on the couch. Sam took a deep breath before narrating what had happened to Elisha. I was impressed at how she handled herself while telling Tom about the sad events that had happened to Elisha and Kyle. It was heartbreaking once more as I listened to the tale. So much had occurred, but I knew it wasn’t the whole story yet. The other half was on Elisha’s account, and I still prayed I had heard it fully. “Fucker….Where is he?!” Tom grittily mumbled, holding the envelope where Elisha’s suicide letter was encased. His knuckles turned white as he gripped them tightly in rage. “Thomas…” Sam held Tom’s arm. “I am not going to read this…this is not true…. My sister is not dead….” Tom sobbed, palms on his face. “My heart says so. She’s not….” I chimed in. I had no idea why I said it, but a voice seemed to whisper those words. “They haven’t found the body yet…No….” Tom uttered, wiping his tears as he cried. Sam inhaled deeply. “Police and my private investigators are still searching and investigating. I just received new information earlier that someone might've talked through Elisha that night…we aren’t sure, but the chances are big. They are still trying to ask some car owners who passed that bridge that night…” she stated. Tom looked at me. “Sophie…” “I can feel it….” I mumbled, with tiny hope in my heart. A sports car was seen following and trailing Elisha that night, but no one could confirm if the person behind Elisha could convince or help her. Tom nodded and held Sam’s hand. “I need to see your brother…I need to speak to him, man to man, Samantha…please…I…have to face Kyle…I ” “Sam…Tom…” Tom ceased his words when we heard a voice and felt a presence walking in the room. Speaking of the devil, Kyle came in with sadness written throughout his whole entity. My anger hit the roof so quickly that I wanted to smack him again, yet I was too slow. Tom stood, and without words, he dashed towards Kyle and punched him square in the face. Kyle was thrown and fell on the floor. Then, to my expectation, Tom pounced on him and hit his already battered face and body. “Tom! Stop!” Sam hysterically cried, pulling him off. Yet Tom didnt care. Sam lost her balance and fell on her back, hitting her body on the coffee table. “Sam!” I swiftly got next to her. My eyes gaped as soon as I saw her lips and chin bleeding. She must've hit herself badly. “Stop them, please…” Sam pleaded, wiping her lips. “You motherfucker….you killed my sister! I f*****g hate you, and I am going to kill you!” Tom angrily yelled, throwing punches all over Kyle. The commotion was intense, and I wondered where Venn or Sammy was. I suddenly felt pity to see Kyle being beaten like a pulp. Tom didnt stop and only Kyle could defend himself. “Thomas! Skylar!” Yelena yelled but couldn't do anything as she seemed shocked at the uproar. “Thomas! Stop! Enough!” I heard a familiar voice yell, followed by a sudden thump on the floor. It was Sammy. For some great action, he was able to shuck Tom off just like that. Tom was enraged and ready to attack Kyle again, but Sam was quick enough to hug and embrace Tom while crying. “Bunny…Enough…please…” Sam pleaded. “Dearie…” Tom seemed to regain his senses, seeing Sam’s bloody face. He scowled, and his face turned white. “s**t…Are you okay?” he worriedly asked, kissing her hair and forehead. “I’m sorry….I’m sorry…” he repeatedly murmured, wiping the blood on Sam’s lips and chin. “Please…stop…” Sam pleaded as she wailed, “Hear me….” Tom nodded but glared at Kyle and Sammy. “I still need to talk to him…” he calmly stated, slowly standing up with Sam. The two left the living room and headed inside the guest room with Yelena. I was glad that Sammy came and controlled Kyle and Tom’s fierce face-off. I stared at Kyle and saw him panting and silently crying on the floor. “Sophie…” Sammy held my back, “Are you okay?” he asked. I sadly smiled at Sammy and hugged him. “Thank you for always helping and saving me….” I cried in his chest. It was true. His presence seemed all I needed now. “That’s okay…Please feel better….” Sammy sweetly held before looking down at his brother. Kyle was a bloody mess for the second time around. He was grunting in pain, rolling back and forth on the floor. “That didn't mean I was done with you….” he said before crouching and picking up his brother on the floor. Yet, I was left shell-shocked when Sammy threw a punch at his brother’s gut. “This is mine…” he declared before holding him again. Kyle gasped and chuckled. “Of course…of course…” he murmured in his raspy voice. “Stop…Sammy…please…” I glared at them. A little pity for Kyle crept into my heart. Kyle was tall and heavy, so I had to help Sammy. We walked him towards his bedroom and took Kyle onto the bed. His gorgeous face was bloody, swollen, and battered indeed. The black and blue bruises were all over his body. Kyle winced in pain as he moved in bed. “Thanks…” his breath got the stench of mint and alcohol. “Oh, Kyle…” Sammy muttered, “I can’t find any words to say to you, but you deserve this…” his eyes bore into his brother’s soul. The disappointment and hatred could be seen in his eyes. “Elisha’s suffering may be over, but this is the start of yours. I can’t blame her. She was afraid of losing her babies, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she did. The pain you put in her life was too much…poor girl…” he added before walking away to get his medical kit. “Sammy…” Kyle sniffled, “P…Please check Samantha first…she was bleeding….” he said before coughing with blood. “That goes without saying….” Sammy replied, taking his kit and leaving me with Kyle. “I’ll be back, Sophie….” he mouthed before closing the door. I remained standing for a while and looked at Kyle. He curled like a ball in bed, coughing and silently weeping. He probably didn’t notice I was there. “Baby…I’m so sorry….” Kyle sobbed, clutching the pillow and blanket. “I love you…I didn’t mean it…I’m sorry…” his body trembled as he cried. “Baby…please come back….please....” The never-ending heartbreak enveloped my whole entity once more. Kyle was remorseful, but that wasn’t enough to take all the pain from our hearts. He was the reason Elisha took her own life. He made her miserable, and she did the unthinkable. My best friend was gone. I silently watched Kyle moan and wallow. I didn’t know how long I stood there and heard his guilt and regrets. “Sophie…” I jolted as I felt two warm hands holding my arms from behind. It was Sammy. I didn't turn around right away. Then the hold became a hug. Sammy wrapped his arms around me and kissed my hair. “I’m sorry for what happened….It’s hard…I’ve been in the same shoes…it wasn’t easy, but you’ll be okay… not now…not very soon…but this nightmare will be over…believe me….” Those soothing words almost melted my heart. I could only wish everything was just a dream. However, it wasn’t. This is the reality of our lives. I was somehow glad that someone wanted to share my nightmare with me. xx
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