Chapter 4- Lovely Lady

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Sammy *ding-dong* “Sammy… ” I heard the familiar voice calling my name. I just got home from my ten-hour hospital shift and was resting on my couch after having a quick shower. My day went well, albeit my mind was about the earlier incident with Sophie and Kyle. I badly wanted to ask Sam for an update, but I was too busy in the hospital. “Sammy, open the door, please….” I quickly got up and headed outside my bedroom. The doorbell buzzed once more. “Samuel…” “Sam?” I scowled as soon as I unlocked and opened it. “Yes, please open wide,” Sam instructed. I looked at Sam, and she seemed so stressed and agitated. Just then, I noticed Venn, her driver carrying someone. I opened the door wide and let him walk inside my small apartment. “Sophie?” Sam went in. “Yes! We couldn’t wake her up. She passed out while on our way here. She asked us to send her to Layla and Cedrick’s place. She’s unconscious. She’s so exhausted…” she explained, taking off her muddy and wet coat. “Okay, bring her to my room. How did you know I was here?” I asked, walking towards my bedroom and assisting Venn. He laid Sophie on my bed before taking off her shoes. Sam followed us. “Yelena. And Sophie mentioned what happened with you earlier,” she answered, sitting down next to Sophie. “Thanks, Venn. You can now rest. I’ll take care of her. Just come here early morning tomorrow.” “Okay. I will. Just message me,” Venn nodded before looking at me. “See you, Sammy…Good night,” he patted my shoulder. Venn left us. I headed to my bathroom to get an extra shirt, towels, and a basin to help Sam clean Sophie. I got out and saw Sophie just wearing her bra and undies. Sam quickly covered her lower body with a blanket. “Here…Take this,” I gave Sam the basin with water and my white shirt. “Thanks. Oh, this young lady…” Sam murmured, wiping Sophie’s pale face with a clean wet cloth. The poor girl looked disarrayed and tired. I noticed the bandages wrapped around her hands and fingers. The dark circles under her eyes were evidence that she was indeed rooted. “I'll check on her," I remarked as I collected my trauma kit. I swiftly inspected Sophie's heartbeat with my stethoscope. Her heart rate was normal, but her respiration was ragged and shallow. Her lips were chapped, and even her cheeks were pale. I touched her forehead and neck. “She looks bad.” “Please help her, Sammy….” I nodded. Sophie was warm, so I took her temperature. I wasn’t wrong. She had a fever as well. “I need to put her on an IV. She’s got a fever, and I bet she hasn't eaten anything yet,” I told Sam. Luckily, I have my own stuff in my small flat. Sam nodded. “Do it, love. I want her to feel okay,” she calmly said as soon as she put my shirt on Sophie. I smiled at her. “Yes. And I want you to feel better too. You still got your stuff in my guest room. Go clean yourself. We needed to talk. I want to know everything, Sam.” I badly needed to know what was happening. A lot of things happened this day. Sam sadly smiled at me. “I will tell you. Every f*****g thing our brother did. Oh, Sammy. You just have no idea how terrible Kyle’s action was,” she huffed before staring back at Sophie. “I’ll listen. I’ll make us coffee after this.” “You’re the best, doc.” My sister left the room, and I continued with my duty. I prepared the IV cannulas and infusion set before sitting next to Sophie. “Oh, Sophie…” I shook my head, checking her left hand. I wouldn't be surprised if Kyle got bruises on his face. Sophie truly knocked the senses out of my brother. I held and examined it again. It was cold and tender. There was swelling and redness. I had to check Sophie’s right hand. It wasn't as bad as the other, so I removed the bandage to insert the needle into her skin. It didn’t take me much time to do everything. Ten minutes later, the drip and medicine were already running in her veins. I silently prayed she would feel alright, even if it was just temporary. I took her hand carefully to put the IV splint when I noticed some fine line scars on her lower arm around her wrist. I rubbed them softly with my thumb and somehow wondered how she got those. “Such a character and mystery young lady you are….” I murmured as I continued securing her hand. A minute later, Sophie was all set and resting with her much-needed IV infusion. I cleaned the medical waste and turned the lights off, leaving the side table lamp on so Sophie could still see if she woke up. I left my bedroom and went to the kitchen to prepare coffee and snacks. It was already midnight when Sam came out wearing her pajamas. She had papers in her hand and was busy on her phone. “How’s Gideon?” I asked, serving her coffee cup. Sam heaved a deep breath and shook her head. “He’s not feeling well. He missed his Isha…” she sadly answered. I chuckled. “So she’s Elisha….” I remembered and even saw the evidence on my phone of how Elisha made my nephew Gideon well. Sam’s son had always been sick since birth and a picky eater. Miraculously, Elisha had helped Gideon’s appetite during her short stay with them. Sam nodded. “Elisha Houston, Tom’s sister….” As soon as I heard Sam’s words, my guts seemed to know the connection. I had a hunch it had something to do with the past. Our family suffered years ago. Kyle was the most affected one after what happened to Sam. We almost lost our sister and her only son, Gideon. Sam fell in love with Thomas Houston when she went to France to further her studies. Unfortunately, the two fell out, and Sam returned to the states without telling Tom she was pregnant. She hid her pregnancy from us, and we only learned about it when she had an accident. Everything went downhill after that. I was so stressed and worried I almost failed my studies. Mom got sick and hospitalized, and dad had to withdraw legal cases from his law firm to help mom and Sam. Kyle became the strongest link in the family. He kept us united and secure despite him having his problems too. He became Gideon’s parent although out Samantha’s trouble. Kyle understood what had happened to his twin, but he was furious. He was beyond livid at the person who abandoned and hurt Samantha. He was vocal about avenging our sister. And I bet this was it. Kyle finally fulfilled his promise to make Thomas suffer, just like how he did. For hours, Sam filled me with tales of how Kyle got into mischief and designed something wicked. Samantha investigated and discovered everything that had transpired in Kyle and Elisha’s lives. Our brother acted viciously for nearly half a year, and we were oblivious. Nobody suspected that he was up to something unimaginable. It was out of his character. I was appalled, to say the least. Kyle used Elisha to hurt the young lady, expecting Tom to suffer like him. But Elisha didn’t give Kyle the satisfaction of hurting her brother. Tom had no idea what had indeed happened to his sister. “Elisha was a smart lady…we need to see her body…” Sam sobbed. “Was? Body? Wait, what?!” I cut Sam’s words, scowling at her. Sam looked at me with tears in her eyes. “I haven’t reached that part, but the police believed she took her own life,” she answered. My eyes gaped in disbelief. “Oh, Sam…” I palmed my face. I couldn't believe Elisha was gone. I didn’t realize it would end in something tragic. “Sophie…” I murmured, thinking how shattered she must be now. “Let me continue,” Sam said before telling me the rest of the story. I continued listening and didn't ask any more questions. Sam was very good with her words and the tale she was sharing. My heart broke when she mentioned the suicide letter Elisha left for Nana Delia, Sophie, and her two brothers, Tom and Justin. It was disturbing and heartwrenching. “Oh, Samantha….” All I could offer to her were a warm embrace and comforting words. The pain she had years ago was brought up again. The tears, trembling body, and harrowing sobs suddenly became fresh. My heart and soul bled in grief. “Poor Elisha…and Kyle…such an asshole…” I grittily muttered. Elisha was gone. She and her babies were dead. I mourned for the people I hadn’t met. I could say Elisha was a rare soul. People learned to love and cherish her—the opposite of what my stupid brother did. I could only blame Kyle for this. I hated my brother. I didnt need to hear his side to know why he had done it. He had just made his bed, and I had no doubt his conscience was already killing him. Sam proceeded to tell me everything. The stories she hadn’t shared with us were now slowly being revealed. The truth about her and Tom’s tragic love affair was unbelievable. The misunderstandings and troubles they had were not their own fault. Someone had done terrible things towards them, and they equally suffered from that person’s evil doings. Yet, far more damage was taken by an innocent person. Elisha. She got the short end of the stick. And the pain didn't stop. Everyone was affected—Sam and mostly Sophie. I bet more people who loved Elisha were shattered and broken by her passing. The awful feeling and heartbreak were genuinely immense. “How’s Kyle? Where is he?” I asked Sam, holding her hand. “He’s heartbroken…in his pent…” “Bullshit!” “Yes, he may have just realized he loves Elisha. That’s the worst kind of punishment he will endure in his existence. As much as I wanted to hate him, I couldn’t…I’m upset about what he did, but I will not leave his side….” I nodded, understanding what Sam meant. Kyle never failed her when she hit rock bottom. “I got you, but not for me. I need some words with him,” I eagerly stated. “Give him some time to grieve….” I shook my head. “No, Sam. He took three lives. Maybe not in his own hands, but he’s the reason why El did it…Fuck!” Random horrifying thoughts quickly formed in my head. The appalling images of Elisha’s condition and her actions truly scared me. The nightmare I had been trying to forget suddenly became fresh and dreading again. ‘Jessica’ “Sammy…we need to rest,” I heard Sam say, breaking my train of thought. “Thomas. He’s arriving tomorrow…” she added, looking at her phone. “Sam…” I mumbled, staring at her. The sadness was etched on her face. “Will you guys talk about Gideon?” I curiously asked. Sam shook her head. “This isn't the perfect time for that. He needed to see and read Elisha’s last letter to him. I know it will kill him. I know Tom…” she sniffled and was about to cry again. I stayed beside Sam and hugged her. “Don’t worry. I will be with you and Sophie,” I promised. I would arrange my schedule tomorrow and see what I could do to lessen the troubles they carried in their heart. Sam and I called it a night. It was already three in the morning when we decided to head back to our rooms. She would stay in my guest room, and I would rest on my couch. I had a comfortable one. It would be easier to tend to Sophie once she woke up. I hugged Sam goodnight, and right before I broke it, Sam’s phone rang. It was Kyle. “Answer it,” I said. Sam heaved a deep breath and nodded. “Yes?” she clicked the button. “Samantha…Where are you?” Kyle asked in his croaky voice. “New York. Sammy’s apartment. Please be home tomorrow. We needed to talk, Skylar. We need to fix the mess you made. Tom is flying tonight….” “Okay…see you…I will talk to him.” “Sure you will…” Sam quickly ended the call and looked at me. “Go take a rest. Please check Sophie for me….” “I will,” I nodded, kissing her forehead. I got inside my bedroom and found Sophie still sleeping on my bed. Her IV fluid was almost over, so I took another bag and changed it. Her fever was gone, and her cheeks seemed to regain their pinkish color. I sat on the bed and silently looked at Sophie. The pain was etched on her lovely face. I felt awful for her. She just lost her best friend. I lost mine a few years back, and I still had guilt in my heart. “Monster! You are a monster! Stop touching me! I hate you! I f*****g hate you! I hate you! Monster! No! Don’t… It hurts…. Stop! …No!….please… no… you’re a monster no! Please….no… let me go…. Monster!” Those harrowing screams and cries took my attention. I looked at Sophie and saw her cowering, arms crossed, defending herself. “Sophie…” I quickly embraced her to calm her. “Shhh…It’s okay….” “No…no…it hurts…no…please…monster…” “Sophia…it’s only a dream….” I mumbled, hugging her tightly. She was whimpering and upset. “It’s okay…you’re safe…shhh…” A few moments later, she stopped crying and seemed at ease. I comforted her until she stopped moving and fell back asleep. I stayed for a while and made sure she was soothed. I was about to return to my couch when I noticed a neatly folded piece of paper on the floor beside Sophie’s jacket. Curiosity got me, so I took it. ‘Sophie’ I opened the letter and took the liberty to read it. ‘Dear Sophie…I am really sorry, mom. I didn’t listen to you. I didn’t trust you. You were right. Kyle has something up in his sleeves. Like I told you in my voice messages, he ruined me, Sophie. Beyond repair. He made my life miserable. I wish I had believed in your words and advice, but my regrets are too late to take back anymore. Part of me is ashamed to face you. I was stupid, and I don’t think I can redeem myself again. Sophie. I’m pregnant, and I can't do this anymore. Not that I wanted to kill my babies, but I wanted them to go with me. I tried to be strong. To be brave for them, but this is too much. I am homeless now. I am broke, and I just wanted a quick escape. The misery sunk me in, hitting rock bottom. I wish I had been stronger. Braver. But it was hard, Sophie. I tried. I tried to live for the people I love. For the people who care for me, but I couldn’t do it. That’s why I am writing this to you. I am not sure if this will reach you and let you know the last moments of my life. I am desperate. So desperate to be okay. I love you, Sophie, and Goodbye. Maybe I am selfish, but I know you will understand me, mom. The babies inside me are the reason keeping me alive, but if my stressful condition takes them away from me, I’d rather go now and be with them. Nobody wants me in this world. I thought Kyle wanted me, but sadly, not at all. I guess that is fair enough for me to go. To leave everything behind. The sorrows, the pain, worries, all of them, I will take them with me. Please don’t forget me. Again, I’m sorry. Elisha,’ A lone tear fell from my eye. I was torn and mad at what I had read. It was devastating that I couldn't fathom how Kyle destroyed the young lady’s life. Not just one, but two other lives. Elisha was pregnant with twins. And this was the only escape that she knew. I wished I had met or known her. I could’ve told her that taking her own life wasn't a solution to a temporary problem. I could've saved her from heartache and pain. Not just only her, but Sophie's. I knew exactly what she was feeling right now. I had been in those shoes before and could only blame myself until now. I wiped my tears and sniffled, putting my sad thoughts back in my head. What happened flooded back the harrowing feeling of losing someone you care about. I folded the paper back and put it inside her backpack. I glanced at Sophie, and something was pulling me back to her side. My bed was big enough for us. I scooted over and lay beside Sophie. It took me a while to fall asleep. Not that I had a stranger sleeping next to me, but the thoughts of what had happened to me and everyone around me. One day, I was just dealing with my own world and mind, and the next thing happened, I was nursing and comforting a broken young lady. I took a glance at the sleeping Sophie. She looked calm again, far from our first encounter earlier. I felt terrible for her. It would be a temporary relief for now, but as soon as she woke up, I knew pain and sadness would engulf her again. I smiled and slowly touched her hand. “You’ll be fine, my lovely lady...You will be okay….” I murmured before closing my eyes. Hours passed, and the sunlight slipping through my curtain gaps woke me up. I rubbed my face with my hands and looked around me. There was an empty space I was pretty sure was filled before I closed my eyes. “Sophie…” I whispered, checking the IV pole. The bag was empty, and so was the IV tube. It was hung neatly, and the drip was almost empty. I looked at my bathroom door, and it was open and quiet. “Ohhh…” I uttered. It was already seven in the morning. Way past my morning call when I didn't have any rotation duty. I took a mental note to call the hospital about my sudden change of schedule for today. I’d still be available and on-call. After wallowing for some time, I decided to get up and do my business. I was all up and ready for the day when I left my bedroom. I was sure Sophie was outside with Sam, perhaps having breakfast. And I wasn’t wrong. Yet, I saw another man sitting on the couch with them, holding a familiar notepad and envelopes. His thick ginger hair gave it right away. Thomas. I was about to greet them and acknowledge his presence when my main door opened, and Kyle stepped inside. His gloomy, bruised face and slumped shoulders told me the weight of the baggage inside his heart. “Sam….Tom…” My brother uttered. His dark eyes were glimmering with tears. All heads turned at the door. The piercing stares that welcomed Kyle didnt feel great. Something was about to happen. And boy, I wasn’t wrong again. Like Sophie did yesterday, Thomas bolted up and charged Kyle like an angry bull. xx
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