Chapter 6- Vitamin Me

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Sammy “Sam…are you okay?” I quickly asked as soon as I entered the room. After the commotion between Tom and Kyle, I knew I had to tend to each of my siblings. Tom was seething with anger. He badly beat Kyle, but I couldn't care less now. Call me cruel, but my brother has already made his own bed. I had no intention of breaking the fight yet. However, Sam’s fall was quite bad earlier, and I saw how she hit her face on the edge of the coffee table. “You need to check it, Sammy,” Yelena still pressed the cold pack on her chin. “How’s Kyle?!” Sam replied. She was about to get out of bed, yet Yelena stopped her. “Samantha…” “Stay there, please. He’s with Sophie, but let me check that first,” I answered before looking around. “Where is Tom?” Sammy sniffled. “He left. He’s angry and didn’t want to talk with me…” she cried again. I nodded as I sat beside her. Yelena moved away and let me check Sam’s face. I gently held my sister’s chin and saw a tiny cut above her lower lip. “It’s small. We didn’t need to stitch this….” I said before taking my med kit and started tending her wound. “How is Kyle?” Yelena chimed, “He looks bad. I need to see him too,” she added and was about to walk away when I stopped her. “Let him stay there, Yelena. I’ll go and check him out after Sam.” “I just want to make sure he’s fine….” “Sophie is there to watch him.” “Okay, I’ll just prepare the table so you kids can eat and think straight,” Yelena replied before leaving the room. “Ouch! Sammy,” Sam flinched. “Sorry…it’s going to hurt, just let me put this,” I said, dabbing a little cream on her chin before sealing it with a band-aid. She also cut her lower lip, but it would heal on its own in no time. “Thanks…” Sam murmured, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. I took disinfectant towelettes from the kit. “It’s okay….” I smiled at her, taking her hands and wiping the dry blood and tears with them. “Please let me know if you have any pain in your body. I saw how badly you fell on the floor.” “I’m okay. Just my back and bum. I only need a painkiller, and I’ll be fine,” Sam replied, “Oh…Sammy…” her voice croaked again. I stopped what I was doing and looked at Sam. “Big sis…” I held her cheek and kissed her forehead. “It’ll be alright… Tom was angry, but that didn't mean he hated you. He’s upset about what happened….” “He is…but I felt powerless…I wanted to help him…” “You can’t… there’s no cure for his heartache right now. Let him grieve on his own….” Sam hugged me. “Thanks, Lil bro…Oh, thank you for always being my go-to sibling! I love you!” she uttered. I chuckled as I broke the hug. “It's a pleasure even if I was the second choice!” I kidded. Sam and I had a great relationship when she was at the lowest point of her life. I remembered the time she had post-partum depression. I was with her when she lost her mind after seeing her son inside the NICU. Samantha blamed herself and was miserable for months. Sam poked my side, shutting my train of thought. “Shut up! You always know how to make me feel comfortable without judging my poor choices. You listen without making me feel guilty…You’re the best brother!” “Not Kyle?” “Yes, not Kyle at the moment!” There was silence. I puckered my lips as I looked at Samantha, her lips twitching. “For real?” my brow arched. Sam laughed, pinching my nose. “Of course not! You know I love you so much! Kyle is the best twin, right? You’re the best brother!” I playfully rolled my eyes. “Fine!” Sam chuckled. “Oh, Sammy….my lovely young bro…” she brushed my arm. I heaved a deep breath and beamed. “That’s enough buttering me, my favorite sister. I’ll check on Kyle now. Sophie must be waiting too….” I smirked, cleaning up the waste. “Sure. But Sammy…I haven’t told you this….” “Spill.” “I mentioned to Sophie this morning, but let me tell you this too. Just keep it between the three of us, yes?” “Okay…that’s fine.” I listened to Sam’s news about Elisha’s disappearance for the next five minutes. There was a good story that she might still be alive, according to the police report. I had to speak with Sophie regarding this. I bet it would make her feel better if another person believed her best friend was still alive. The tiny spark of hope in her heart would harbor. “How’s Sophie?” Sam asked. I nodded. “She’s okay. She will be okay.” “Thank you for taking care of her,” Sam smiled, “I hope you’re okay, though,” she added, rubbing my temple as she ran her fingers through my hair. “I’m okay. This is nothing,” I replied, slightly touching my little bump. “You two looked good….” “Sam?!” Sam chuckled and winked. “Just kidding!....but it's true!” I glared at Sam. “Whatever! I’ll check on Kyle,” I said, throwing the medical waste in the bin. Sam’s phone then rang. I looked at her, and she mouthed, ‘Mom.’ I nodded and left the room after hearing Sam’s words. She was talking to our parents when I decided to check on my other sibling and Sophie. I quietly entered my bedroom. Inside, Sophie remained standing where I had left her. She silently watched over my brother as he murmured and cried on my bed. I genuinely felt terrible for this young woman. She lost two special people in her life within days—her grandma and Elisha. I knew how it felt since I lost someone close to me years ago. I still bear the pain, sadness, and guilt in my heart. “Sophie…” I held her arms. Sophie seemed taken aback. I wrapped my arms around her to soothe her. “I’m sorry for what happened….It’s hard…I’ve been in the same shoes…it wasn’t easy, but you’ll be okay… not now…not very soon…but this nightmare will be over…believe me….” I silently hoped those simple words would reassure her that these nightmares would end. It wouldn’t be easy. And it wouldn’t take overnight healing. I truly sympathized with her. And somehow, in my heart, I wanted to get her back on her feet. Sophie needed it. We both needed each other. Sophie then turned and hugged me. “Sammy…help me cure this trouble in my heart and mind…please….” “I will try my best….” I promised. I might be a doctor, but I could still try to mend the pain and heal what wasn't physically broken. A little while later, Sophie helped me tend to Kyle’s wounds and bruises. She took the basin and cleaned the blood on Kyle’s face and arms. She silently assisted me, although I knew she wanted to hit Kyle again. Kyle was obviously drunk as he kept murmuring and crying like a baby while we looked after him. I decided to put Kyle on an IV drip so he would recover quickly. He hadn't eaten yet, either. He needed a lot of energy to face our parents later. I was about to call Sophie when I noticed she seemed irritated as she looked at her phone. It looked like the number she was trying to reach wasn’t answering her. “Ugh! Layla and Ced,” Sophie muttered as she rolled her eyes. “Sophie…” I called Sophie’s attention as she continued packing and fixing her stuff inside her backpack. “Yes, what?!” Sophie snarled. “Oh…I’m sorry….” I startled her, I guess. Sophie seemed taken aback. She palmed her face, “I’m sorry…I…I was just….” I chuckled. “It’s okay.” Sophie bit her lower lip and shook her head. “I can’t get hold of my friend’s number. Ced and Layla needed to know what had happened. They worry me too.” “Don’t worry about it. We will find ways to contact them. You can join Sam outside. The breakfast is ready. I just need to call the hospital, and I’ll follow you soon,” I assured her, fixing the blanker before looking at Kyle. My brother had fallen asleep this time. Sophie nodded. “Thanks, but I am not hungry.” I snorted before walking towards her and crouching in front of her.“Your brain says so, but your body needs it. Listen to me, please, sweety. You need to take care of yourself. Yes?” I stated, eye-leveling with her. Sophie seemed to space out as she looked at me. “Sophia Kay…” Sophie flickered her lids and nodded. “Oh..okay…I will. Thanks, doc,” she smilingly uttered, somehow appeasing me. She then stood and walked out of the room with her backpack. I checked Kyle once more before taking my phone and calling the hospital. I had afternoon duty but told them I would be on-call if needed. My flat was close to where I work. A little while later, I joined the ladies outside. I was relieved to see them eating and somehow okay. They were quiet, but Sam half-smiled at me as soon as they saw me. “Sit down, love…” she said, patting the empty chair next to her before serving my plate with eggs. “Hey, let me do it,” I smiled at Sam. “Eat and nourish yourselves, ladies. I know what we are going through isn’t easy, but please listen to your doctor. ” I coolly said, glancing at Sophie. I noticed how her lips twitched as she was about to eat her sausage. “Especially you, Sophie. You don’t look so good. I need to prescribe you some vitamins…a lot of vitamins….” “Vitamin what?” Sam arched her brow, picking up her coffee mug. “Vitamin Me…Sam-me,” I winked at Sophie. I wasn’t flirting but just to lighten up our mood. Sam chortled, almost spitting out the coffee on the table. “Samuel Alistair! Damn it!” she added, wiping her lips as she coughed. I chuckled before looking at Sophie and Yelena. The latter laughed, yet Sophie narrowed her eyes at me, keeping her smiles at bay. “Damn, Samuel! Such a pick-up line on your sleeves!” Yelena snickered. “Ha-ha!” Sophie scoffed, rolling her eyes. “Just kidding you,” I playfully replied before sipping my water, side-glancing at her as I smirked. “And If I don't take my pills on time, will you spank me, doc?” I spat the water off my mouth and coughed as soon as I heard those words. I caught my breath as I laughed with Sam and Yelena. I didn’t expect the smart clap-back from Sophie much more in a flirty pick-up line. I glanced at Sophie and saw a smirk on her rosy face before wiggling her brows up and down. The silliness amused me, making me happy. “Oh, Sophia!” Sam laughed, holding her tummy as she cracked up. “Burn, bro. Earn it,” she added, wiping her happy tears. “Sophie. You just made my day with your silly pick-up line,” Yelena wheezed. I laughingly took the table napkin and wiped off the water on my face and shirt. “Well, you got me there, Sophie. But I will definitely spank you...” I remarked as I looked at the ladies around me. The genuine beam on Sam’s face, Yelena’s wrinkled forehead as she laughed, and Sophie’s flushed face somehow relieved me even for a while. We masked the sadness in our hearts by smiling and avoiding conversing about what had occurred earlier. Sam updated me about Gideon. He looked fine and happy so far. His nanny, Almira, took him to a playdate with Emilia, Liam, and Dylan—our cousins’ little kids. Almira sent us photos of them, and I couldn't be happier enough to see those smiles on my nephew’s face. I was pretty sure he would find his ‘Isha’ again. “Sophie?” It was Sam. We were drinking our tea in the living room. Kyle was still asleep. “Yes…” Sophie looked at Sam. I noticed her still looking and seemed to be waiting for a call on her phone. “Do you want me to send you to Layla and Cedrick’s place now?” Sam asked. Sophie inhaled a deep breath, glancing at me before shaking her head. “They are not answering my phone call, but Cedrick replied he would call me later. He’s not home, and he said that they already moved out and are not together anymore,” she vaguely answered. “Oh, how about Layla?” Sam asked again. I was somehow curious who the two were, though I had a hint that they were Sophie and Elisha’s circle of friends. “Still no answer, but Ced will explain it to me…Layla is on a trip….” Sophie replied. “I see…” Sam nodded. “You can stay here….” I chimed in, looking at Sophie. “I mean. If you plan to stay in New York, you can live here as long as you want….” I offered. “Or in our New York mansion. I also have a flat here, Sophie. Please don’t hesitate to ask…” Sam smiled. Sophie’s eyes gaped, “Oh, thank you for your offer. I am just waiting for Ced’s call. I’ll meet him, and then I’ll probably head back to Florida.” “Are you sure?” I asked. My heart sank for some reason. Sophie nodded. “Yes, I am, but thank you for the offer. I will see Ced either tonight or tomorrow. He said he’s busy fixing something.” “Okay. Just let me know, love.” “Thank you so much.” A few hours went by. Kyle was finally up and eating in my room. Yelena brought him the food while Sam, Sophie, and I waited patiently for my parents' call. Sophie decided to join us to go to our mansion to meet Gideon. As soon as we were ready, we all left my flat and headed to our family house. Sam and Kyle went straight to the library, where our parents were waiting, while Sophie and I went to Sam’s room to meet Gideon. “My-my! My-my!” Gideon gigglingly greeted me. “Didion! How are you, my Didion!?” I scooped Gideon up and held him in my arms. “Oh, God! You’re getting bigger and bigger!” I said, peppering him with kisses. “Top! Top!” “No top!” “My-my…” “Fine, here, let me introduce you to Sophie.” I turned and smiled at Sophie. “Sophie…this is Gideon….Gideon, she is Sophie….” “Hello, Phie-Phie…” Gideon waved his hand and beamed at Sophie. I noticed how Sophie’s eyes glimmered as she gasped. “Oh…you…you are your dad’s son…your hair…” she croaked, extending her arms to get Gideon from me. “Go with Sophie…” I whispered to my nephew. “Otay…” Gideon grabbed Sophie and hugged her. “Oh…oh…” Sophie cried, “You are such a lovely kid…You looked like Thom…” she then ceased her words, “You remind me of El too…” she murmured, seeming wary with her words. I actually didn’t mind if she said Thomas’ name. “Isha…” I heard Gideon utter before looking at Sophie’s face. His lips puckered, then his eyes began to glimmer with tears. “Isha….” he sobbed on her shoulder. “Ohhh…no…Isha is busy….” Sophie quickly hugged and soothed Gideon, “We can play, though….” “Pway?” “Yes, play! We will have fun while waiting for mommy, otay?” Gideon then looked at Sophie again. “Pway? Mommy here?” “Yes! Mommy is here, my love! And we can play with My-my too!” Sophie excitedly said, smiling at me. “Otay!” “But you need to take a shower and eat dinner first, Gideon!” Almira butted. “We just arrived like ten minutes ago. Oh, by the way, Almira…Hello, Sophie!” she then looked at Sophie and beamed at her before winking at me. “Hi, Almira!” Sophie greeted back. “If you don’t mind, love. You can play, but after the night bath and dinner,” Almira added, looking at Sophie and me. “Of course. I can wait,” Sophie chuckled, “Go and take a bath, Dion, otay?” she said, handing the little boy to Almira. “Otay, see you later!” Gideon happily agreed, waving his hand as they headed to the bathroom. I smiled at Sophie and wiped her tear-stained cheeks. The sadness was etched on her face. “Could you show me photos of you and Elisha?” I asked. “I wanted to know her…tell me who Elisha is and everyone who loved her.” A sudden light of happiness shimmered in Sophie’s eyes. “Sure…” Sophie nodded. Sophie and I went to my dad’s office, and there she showed me pictures and photos of her with Elisha on her phone. I couldn't believe that they had only met a few years ago. She even told me who Cedrick and Ladla were. “Elisha is a good swimmer….” Sophie said as she showed me a photo of them in one of the competitions they attended in their senior years. “We won four gold medals together here,” she added. “Sweet…” I remarked, feeling happy seeing them holding their medals. “She loves animals! Especially dogs,” Sophie then tapped the photos with Elisha as they held two cute dogs. “And you too!” I commented, “Do you have a pet?” Sophie looked at me with a hint of sadness in her eyes. “I used to have a cat…but he killed him…” she murmured the last words. “Huh? Killed who?” I was confused. Sophie snorted, flapping her hand. “Nevermind. It's a sad story. Anyway, here! Look at us!” she then merrily said, leaving the topic. “Here, I colored my hair red like El, but I ended up getting ginger!” she giggled. “Oh, you’re cute! But that’s not ginger! That’s almost orange! Like bright copper!” “Yes! That’s funny! I tried to dye them like her because I loved El’s hair here. It’s beautiful!” Elisha got beautiful and long auburn hair, just like her brother and even Gideon. The two got more distinguishable, but overall, I would say she was a beauty. “Oh, Elisha…” Sophie mumbled. “I hope you’ve met her….She’s a beauty. Inside and out.” “I know…” I side-glanced at Sophie. Her eyes brimmed with tears once more. “She must be lovely….” I added, Elisha was so young and pretty too. I truly somehow wished I had been given a chance to meet her. Well, who would have thought there was indeed a chance to meet her? I knew right then and there. It was Elisha I saw walking out of the hospital in New Jersey. xx
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