Chapter 9- Your side

2021 Words
We both stared at Doctor Sandy, then I nodded at the lovely woman. She smiled at me before looking at Elisha. My heart somehow felt happy after confirming she was Elisha. Sophie would be glad. I couldn’t wait to break the news. The nurse came back. “Here’s your water, Miss Houston…And your bag. You dropped it outside,” bringing what Elisha asked and her stuff. “Thanks,” Elisha mumbled as she took a sip of water. “Are you feeling better now?” Doctor Sandy asked. I remained at their side as they talked. “Yes, doc…I almost passed out after leaving your office.” Elisha was fidgeting and still anxious, avoiding eye contact. “Do you feel any discomfort or pain? Tell us, sweety,” Doctor Sandy asked. Elisha shook her head and answered the same question I had asked earlier. “No…no… I’m okay now…thank you.” Doctor Sandy sighed. “Okay, stay and rest here for a while. I will call my son Ryzen to pick you up and send you home. Is that okay?” she offered. Ryzen. A thought came into my head when doc Sandy mentioned her son’s name. Sophie once told the tale to the young man. “Sophie…” I uttered under my breath. I was about to fish out my phone but remembered leaving it in my locker. ‘Oops, damn…’ “Oh…no… I’m fine,” Elisha quickly declined the offer. I had to do something, and they should know that Elisha was alive and she was back. She could escape and hide again. I wouldn’t let that happen. “You are not, Elisha,” I butted, smiling at Doc Sandy. “I’ll send her home,” I offered sternly, “Right, Elisha.” I noticed how she swallowed and her face slightly grimaced. “Okay, cool,” Doctor Sandy nodded. I was relieved. “Please take a rest, Elisha. And see you at your next appointment.” “Thanks, Doc,” Elisha said. “Thanks, doc Sandy,” I looked at Doctor Sandy. The lovely lady seemed to have no idea about the incident these past few weeks. “No worries, see you around, Sammy, and say hello to your mom for me,” Doctor Sandy bade, leaving me with Elisha. “I will fill up your paperwork, Ms. Houston,” The nurse butted in, taking her chart. “Excuse me, doc Sammy.” I nodded. “Thanks, nurse Aly. Please waive any charges, just a report,” I told the nurse. They already knew what to do with it. Elisha didn’t need to pay a single cent. It was all mine. “Sure, doc.” Nurse Aly walked out together with the other nurses. As soon as the nurse left, Elisha’s heart fluttered on the screen, seemingly uneased once more. She wasn’t looking at me, but my eyes fixedly stared at her. “So, Elisha…you are alive…” I sat on the medical stool inside the treatment room. “I am. Someone saved me,” She vaguely answered, finally looking at me. “Everyone who loves you was devastated, especially Kyle….” “Are you f*****g kidding me?!” Elisha snapped. I could see the anger in her eyes as she peered at me. “Your brother wants me dead. It wasn't enough for him to destroy my life. And if there's anyone who would like to watch me suffer, it's him!” I suddenly felt bad. “Elisha…I’m sorry….” She was fuming in anger. I couldn't blame her if she thought my brother wanted to harm her. He already did, and we all knew he was guilty. “No, don’t say that. It's not your fault,” Elisha uttered. I shook my head, glancing at her tummy. “No, I’m sorry for not knowing what my brother had planned for you. He shouldn’t have done that. It was stupid. Yeah, we all suffered from Sam’s trouble, but what Kyle did to you didn’t justify it.” I truly sympathized with her. I still haven’t forgiven Kyle for what he had done to Elisha. “I am trying to live in peace now. I am trying to forget what he did to me. I was at a loss that I decided to end my life, but heaven didn’t allow me.” Elisha calmly said, albeit her eyes were glimmering with tears. “I hate him!” “He hated himself for what he did to you.” “He should be! He should feel guilty for what he has done to my life. He should be suffering now, thinking I died with our babies. I died because of him!” “Elisha…” I stood up and held her arm. She was sobbing, and I truly felt sorry for her. “Let me help you build your life again. Like Sam, I will be on your side,” I offered, just like I promised Sophie. “I will help you. Sam, Mom, and Dad. We will take care of you.” “No, I can take care of myself.” “No…please…” I insisted.“We hated Kyle for what he did to you. Helping and protecting you is the least we can do to mend what he did. I know it’s not much, but please consider it.” “No…” “Please. For your babies….” I had to play that card. They were my brother’s children, and I would love to help her not just because they were my blood too, but because Elisha was already part of her family, like Sophie. Elisha remained speechless. She seemed to contemplate what I offered. I would ensure that Kyle wouldn’t be able to touch or go near her if that would be the best condition I could extend. “Sir, you are not allowed to go inside!” Elisha and I looked at where the voice came from. “Elisha!” It was Kyle. The two stared at each other. Both eyes glimmered in tears. My brother was panting and catching his breath. He looked hideous and untidy, far from what he looked like before. He had the same reaction as mine earlier. I looked at the nurse and nodded. She left us right away. “Kyle…” “Elisha!” Kyle ignored me and marched straight to Elisha. The next thing I heard was a loud slap. “Don’t touch me!” she yelled. Kyle froze and was shaken by the whack Elisha gave. “El….” He said, holding his cheek. “Don’t you dare go near me! You have no right to hold me, a*shole!” “Elisha…calm down,” I said. Her heart was racing fast on the screen, truly showing how angry she was. “Kyle, leave her now, please,” I told my brother, trying to de-escalate the uproar. “No…” Kyle glared at me. “Go away…Kyle. She needs to rest. Please leave….” I glared back at him. I wouldn't take a second thought to hit him again if he pushed himself on Elisha. I felt terrible for both of them, but Kyle needed to understand the situation. “El… come home,” Kyle murmured. “Leave me f*****g alone!” Elisha hissed. “El…” Kyle stared down and looked at Elisha’s body. Like earlier, her bump wasn’t noticeable. “I lost them! So go f**k yourself!” I was taken aback when Elisha suddenly told Kyle she had lost their babies. My eyes didn’t miss Kyle’s reaction. He looked more guilty and broken than he was. I knew it was a lie, but somehow my brother deserved to feel and know what’s worst could’ve happened to El and her babies. Kyle glanced at me, his eyes asking for confirmation. “Go away…listen to me,” I didn’t give the answer but simply ordered him. “O…okay..” Kyle agreed. His shoulders slumped in defeat as he turned around, leaving the room. The news of Elisha’s return quickly spread like a fire. I hoped Sophie would know it soon. I was pretty sure she would fly immediately to see her best friend. “Elisha…please…accept my offer,” I offered again. Sophie would probably feel happy too. “I don’t want to be near him.” “We won’t let him. I will not. Trust me,” I firmly asserted. I would ensure Kyle wouldn’t go near Elisha. If she wished it, so be it. Elisha looked and stared back at me. “Yes. But give me some time.” “Of course.” I smiled in relief. “Thanks, doc Sammy….” Elisha smiled at me. “I need to go back to Philly to get my things…” she said. The lady was indeed clever. Like Sophie’s hunch, Elisha stayed in the city and hid. “No worries. I would leave you to rest for a while. I’ll just take my stuff and be back here soon,” I said, checking my wristwatch. I had to call Sophie and tell her the good news. “Okay,” Elisha nodded, resting her back on the bed. I dimmed the lights before closing the curtain. I instructed the nurses not to let her leave if she wanted to go. It wasn’t that I had no trust in Elisha, but I just needed to make sure she wouldn’t leave again. I returned to the doctor's room, told my colleagues I would leave, and had other important things to do. Glady, another resident, took over my duties for the surgery. As soon as I got my phone, I saw many missed calls logged on the screen. Sam and Sophie, and even Kyle called me. I checked Sam first. I tried to call her, but it went straight to voice mail. I left my message and told her that I knew Elisha was alive and she was safe in the hospital with me. I even said Kyle was here, and Elisha lied about losing their babies. I didn’t give more information since I had to check on Elisha again, although I promised to update her about our whereabouts. After leaving a message for Sam, I dialed Sophie’s number. She answered them right away. “Sammy! I was trying to call you! Even Sam! Ryzen found out from his Mom that Elisha was there! Oh, God! How is she? Kyle said she lost them…Did she? Please answer me, Sammy!” Sophie bombarded me with questions. She sounded crying and desperate. I heaved a deep breath. “Sophie…sweety…calm down. Elisha is safe. She’s resting here in the hospital and didn’t lose the babies. Elisha was so angry she had to lie and tell Kyle she lost them, but no…they are safe and healthy….” There was silence between sniffles and huffs, and then she suddenly bawled and cried on the other side. “Oh...God…” “Sophie, are you okay?” “Yeah…Yeah…I am happy to know El is alive and her babies are okay. Kyle deserved to be lied to.” “I see. But don’t worry. I offered Elisha to stay with us. We are heading back to Philly to get her things. I didn’t know exactly how she did it, but I would update you, love,” I comforted Sophie. “Oh, Sammy…How can I repay your goodness?” I smiled and sighed. “Just come back here soon. Elisha is waiting for you.” “I will! I’m going to check the flights now. And yes, Sammy…please update me. Let her know that I would be waiting for her call….” Sophie sniffled. “I will. And please take care of yourself too. I will be waiting for you as well….” I smiled. Somehow I couldn't wait to see her. I was glad she already knew the great news, albeit it worried her. “See you, doc Sammy…You’re the best!” Sophie’s voice seemed lively this time. “See you soon, my sweet Sophie….” I bade, beaming in excitement to see her once more. 2/3
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