Chapter 10- Doctor Strange

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I headed back to the Emergency room to pick up Elisha. As soon as she was done signing the papers, I wheeled her outside towards my car. She was quiet and just simply smiled at me whenever I checked on her. After closing her door, I walked towards the driver's side and got in. “Let’s go,” I mumbled, buckling my seat. I was about to start when Elisha’s seatbelt sign alarm. I looked at her and saw her spacing out, staring outside. “Elisha…” I called her attention. Elisha slightly jolted and looked at me. “Oh, sorry…” she panicky said, pulling the seatbelt. I watched her slightly adjust them and had a hard time locking them. “Let me help,” I offered, locking it for her. “Thanks,” Elisha mumbled, rubbing her protruding tummy. I smiled at the sight. She was indeed carrying twins as I noticed how round her bump was. “How are they?” I asked. Elisha glanced at me before looking down. “They are okay, healthy, but…” she paused, pursing her lower lip. “What do you mean, Elisha?” I asked. Elisha inhaled deeply, looking hesitant to share her babies’ development. “Doctor…doctor Sandy said my baby boy’s placenta was a bit lower and partially covering my uterus….” “Placenta Previa…” I said right away. Placenta previa is a problem during pregnancy when the placenta completely or partially covers the opening of the uterus. It was risky and life-threatening but could be resolved with proper care. Kyle must know what Elisha had been going through, but not now, as it would cause more stress for both Elisha and him. Elisha nodded. “She said I shouldn’t stress myself. I just needed to be careful,” she added. “I see. There’s nothing to worry about, Elisha. How far along are you?” “End of my first trimester.” “You still have time. It does resolve on its own. Just like what your doctor said, avoid stress and any strenuous workout plus eat healthily,” I calmly stated, “Have you had your lunch yet?” Elisha shook her head. “No…I’m not hungry.” “Likewise, but I understand,” I snorted before looking at the backseat and taking a small bag. I usually stock up on some snacks inside the bag. I took two packs of crackers and gave them to Elisha. “Have some of these,” I offered, “It’s better than nothing.” “Thanks…” “No worries! Anything for my little crackers. So it's a boy and a girl, I guess?” I said, munching the food before drinking my water. “Samantha and Skylar version two. Awesome!” “Yes, girl and boy,” Elisha nodded, opening the packet. “Such a great feeling to be born and grow up with your best friend.” “I guess so.” “We were Irish twins, as they said,” I chuckled. “Mom got pregnant soon after they had them. I am only a year younger than them, yet they treat me like I’m still the baby of the family,” I added, eating my snack. Elisha beamed. “I see. That’s cool.” “Not really. But I remember Kyle used to tease me when we were little. Telling me I ate my twin when I was still in mom’s tummy. Sam loves and cares about me most,” I shared the old tale. Elisha didn’t budge or show interest in what I said. “Sweet…” she mumbled and quietly ate the snack before taking her drink. I finished my snacks, started the car, and drove away. The trip to Philly wouldn’t take much time. Though I was tired, my mind was so active. I checked Elisha from time to time, and I noticed how exhausted she was. She kept yawning and huffing as we drove down the highway. However, the stillness between us somehow made me drowsy. “I usually stay in New York, but I have been doing an extra residency for another field here in New Jersey,” I broke the silence, “Mom and Dad are in New York,” “Where would I stay then?” “Since Kyle will be permanently moving to New York in a week or two, I suggest you live here in New Jersey,” I answered. “Sam is always here, and Gideon hasn't been in Philly since you left. He and Almira are with us here.” “Oh, God…. How is he?!” Elisha gasped. “He’s fine, but he’s been sick lately. One of the reasons why I am here is so I could closely monitor him,” I smiled at her, albeit still sad, knowing the boy wasn’t unwell. He truly missed Isha. “Oh, no…Poor boy….” “Yes. It would be great if Gideon would see you again. He was in the same hospital yesterday.” I informed her. “Gideon…” “I heard about the changes he had when you were with him. I saw the videos, and you just made a miracle for him,” I chuckled to lighten the mood. “Let me see what I can do….” “Thank you. Sam will be happy to see you again.” Elisha smiled at me. “She’s the best. I felt bad leaving her and Gideon, but your brother gave me no choice. He wanted me to suffer like what happened to Sam.” “I heard about it. Kyle is indeed stupid, but he regrets it. His conscience ate him after learning what happened to you and reading all those letters,” I agreed with her. “I don’t f*cking care what he felt because that was nothing compared to the life he ruined. I’m sure you were aware of the things I did for love. I trusted that jerk, yet he punished me for the things I had no control over,” Elisha croaked and seemed to cry again. I worriedly looked at her and pulled over on the side of the road to check on her. “Elisha…I’m sorry…Stop crying, please. It's not good for you and your babies.” “It hurts...I am still hurting,” She cried. “I know… I know… you can't be alone, Elisha….” “I’ll go with you. Just promise me Kyle won’t get closer to me. I am doing this for my babies and Gideon,” “I promise you,” I embraced her tightly. “Thanks.” Soon, we arrived at the hotel where Elisha had stayed for weeks. It was one of the most prominent hotels in the city. I didn’t expect it since, as far as I knew, she was homeless and had no money. I was about to ask her when she quickly told me the tale of the fateful night she was about to take her life. A lovely man saved her and let her stay in the hotel. She didn’t tell me exactly his name and what he did but inwardly thanked the person upon hearing her story. I let Elisha take her stuff from the bedroom while I waited in the living room. I took my time to call Sam. After the second ring, she answered it right away. “Samuel! How is it going?! Where is Elisha?” “Hey, Sam… I’m with Elisha now. She’s taking her stuff, and we will leave soon and be back in New Jersey right after.” I answered. “Great! Oh, thank God! I want to speak with you, but I am at the courthouse now. I'll be home in an hour or two!” Sam replied. “Sweet. No worries! I’ll talk to you soon,” I bade before hanging up the phone. I checked my screen and called Sophie this time, but she wasn’t answering. A little while later, Elisha returned with a bag and dropped it on the couch. I smiled at her before looking around the pent. “Uncle John owns this hotel,” I remarked. I had been in this familiar hotel suite before. “Who?” “Uncle John Ricci,” “John Ricci…” “Yes. Uncle John is my dad’s friend. Actually, Kyle’s god dad,” I stated, though unsure if it was the same unit. “I’m glad he gave you a place to stay….” I added, smiling at Elisha, who seemed to lose her color again. “Okay…” “Yes. His son Max is Kyle’s buddy and Sam’s best friend.” “Sh*t…” Elisha said before rushing back into her bedroom and heading to the bathroom. I saw her hurling and vomiting her guts out in the toilet bowl. “Elisha…” I worriedly followed her, rubbing her back. I felt so bad for her as I saw her trying to hurl out everything. I knew she hadn’t eaten much yet, which must be a terrible feeling. “F*ck...” Elisha started crying in distress. All I could do was hold her tight and soothe her back. “Wait for me,” I whispered. I left her for a while to take a cold bottle of water from the fridge outside. I opened it and gave it to her. “Take a sip, don’t drink it all,” “Thanks…” Elisha did what I said and seemed relieved after. “How long has it been happening? You’re past your first trimester, right?” I checked once more. “It's never-ending,” Elisha nodded before taking a sip again. “It's getting worse every day,” “I see…How’s your appetite and cravings?” “Some good, most bad….I eat when I feel hungry, and most of the time, I only eat to nourish them even if I don’t want it….” “That’s awful, but I admire it. You're nourishing your babies even if your body resists it,” I remarked. I have studied, seen, and worked with some lady friends who had the same issues during their pregnancy. “I know…” “Can you stand up?” “I’ll try….” I helped Elisha to stand up and let her wash her face in the sink. I remained behind her so I could attend to her needs quickly. I silently observed Elisha as she did her business. I felt awful seeing her condition. Elisha looked healthier in the previous photos Sophie showed me. The two looked awesome and younger months before, yet, troubles and problems seemed to catch their health. I helped Elisha fix her remaining things and carried them all downstairs. I gave her time to speak with the receptionist. While waiting for her, my phone suddenly buzzed. I checked the screen, and it was Sophie’s message. ‘Hey, doc…I’m currently at work. I am just sneaking out to check on you and Elisha. How are you? Where is she? Please let her know that I will see her soon. And you as well. xx’ I couldn't help but smile as I read her message. I typed my reply shortly, telling her Elisha and I were heading back to New Jersey. “Let’s go?” I asked Elisha as she looked back at me. “Yes,” Elisha smiled, rubbing her protruding bump. “You look pale.” “I’m okay….” “Sweet,” I hoped she really is. I smiled back at her, holding her hand as we walked out of the hotel. “Elisha. You can stay and rest in the backseat. There’s more room for your legs. ” I offered her. She indeed looked tired and badly needed a rest. “Okay…” “I've got pillows and blankets here. Hold on a second,” I said, taking the neatly folded stuff from the back of my SUV. Elisha got in, and we left when she felt comfortable in the backseat. The ride was quicker. Elisha managed to find a good spot to rest and sleep. She was curling like a ball behind me, snoring and smiling as she hugged the pillow. “Elisha… wake up….We are here,” I slightly tapped her arm. We had just arrived at our mansion, and Elisha was still asleep. Elisha slightly jolted up after opening her eyes. She scowled at me, seemingly in her half-asleep state. I gave her time to recover until she noticed the people waiting for us outside. Sam, Almira, and Gideon were in the foyer smiling at her. “Oh, God!” Elisha gasped. Venn then opened the door for her. I silently watched my family welcome Elisha. My heart was ecstatic to see how Sam and Gideon excitedly greeted her at the door. Almira was there too, smiling and crying. A thought crossed my mind. I fished my phone out and started recording the lovely scene. I would love to send it to Sophie so she wouldn’t miss the sweet reunion. “Isha,” My nephew Gideon hugged Elisha’s head. “Didion! I miss you, Dion!” Elisha hugged and kissed the boy. “Dion miss Isha!” Gideon giggled. “See! I told you, Isha will be back soon,” Sam told her son. “I love you. Are you ready to eat again?” Elisha asked. “Dion hungry!” Gideon replied, making us laugh. I stopped recording and quickly sent the video to Sophie. She hadn’t read my previous message, and I wondered why. I dialed her number, but like it was earlier, she didn’t answer it. She must be swamped at the moment. ‘Hey, Sophie! Please call me soon! Xx’ I sent my voice mail before walking towards the ladies. Almira was talking to Elisha. It was already late, and I knew she had to eat soon. We appeased our hunger by eating crackers and drinking water on our way back to the city. “Let’s go inside. You need to eat and rest, Elisha….” I chimed in. “Yes.. yes…” Elisha smiled at me. We all headed inside and marched to the kitchen. I almost drooled as soon as I saw the food on the table. Luckily, Sam asked the helpers to prepare food for us. We all sat down at the table and started devouring the delicious food. Sam put Gideon beside Elisha, and the two started eating. I was amazed to see how Gideon’s appetite changed now that Elisha was here. “That’s awesome, Elisha!” I said in awe. The only time I can remember him hankering over food was when Elisha made an egg sandwich spread for him. “Yeah, I can't believe it, either,” Elisha chuckled. We all had a great dinner together. We didn’t talk about what happened but ate and happily watched Gideon devour his food. Once we were done, I walked Elisha to the guest room to rest. I faced her and held her arms. “That’s my door. Don’t hesitate to knock or call me if you need help, yes?” I said, pointing to my door. Elisha smiled at me before she drew her arms wide and hugged me tightly. I was surprised but returned her embrace. “Thanks, Sammy…I hope you keep your promise…I don’t want Kyle here,” she mumbled. I inhaled a deep breath. “I will, Elisha,” I mumbled, kissing her hair. I let Elisha rest inside her room. I went to my own and checked my phone. I was dismayed to see no replies from Sophie. “Oh, Sophie…” I dropped my phone on the bed. I decided to freshen up to soothe my tired body. Gladly, my shift will be on call tomorrow. I could stay around home and chill with Elisha and, hopefully, Sophie if she ever came here. I would love to hang out with her again though I knew she would be here for Elisha. I was putting my clothes on when my phone started ringing. I quickly took it from my bed to check it. “Sophie!” my eyes gaped. “Hey! How is it going?!” I asked, taking the video call. “Hey, Sammy! Sorry! I…I just saw all of your messages right now….” Sophie smiled back at me. “No worries. I figured it out.” I cooly replied. “Did I disturb you? Are you in the toilet?” Sophie asked. I looked down and saw myself still wearing my boxers. “Oh, no. I just left the shower area. I’m not naked, just excited to answer the call,” I sheepishly answered. My hair was still wet and dripping. “I see…” Sophie beamed, yet I noticed her lips were a bit swollen and red with dried blood. “What happened to your lips?” I curiously asked. Sophie winced and touched the side of her lips. “Oh…this…I…I…dropped my phone on my face while lying flat on…on my bed…” “Ooopss…That happens, girl,” I chuckled. “Yeah…Anyways, I found a midnight flight, and I'll leave for the airport in a few hours. I have already talked to Elisha and will send her a message later as soon as I confirm my flight details.” “OH! Sweet! See you soon then!” I beamed wide. “See you, Sammy. I can’t wait to see Elisha as well….” “I know. Everyone is happy. By the way, send me a message, too, please. I would love to pick you up from the airport,” I offered. “Sammy… it's okay. I can manage.” “Are you sure?” “Yes." "Okay then," There was silence. I looked at Sophie, and her eyes seemed red and puffy like before. "Sammy..." "Yes..." "Thank you for helping Elisha. I am relieved. Thank you." "Don't say it. It's okay, and I am happy I found her. Your words and stories about her truly help me identify her." Sophie smiled. "I see...Just take your time to rest. Gute Nacht!” “Okay…but still send me your flight details, please,” I said, walking towards my mini office table, picking up and wearing my eyeglasses. “Fine, Doctor Strange,” Sophie snorted. “What?!” I chuckled. “Just kidding you. Anyway, Tschüss” “Bis später, meine liebe Sophie,” I smirked. “Whatever you say, Doctor Jones,” Sophie rolled her eyes before ending the call. A few minutes later, Sophie messaged me her flight details plus reminded me not to bother to pick her up. Venn would come and drive her. 'Let me see...' I mumbled before reading my medical textbooks. 3/3
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