Chapter 12- Sneaky Girl

2953 Words
“Sammy! I was trying to call you! Even Sam! Ryzen found out from his Mom that Elisha was there! Oh, God! How is she? Kyle said she lost them…Did she? Please answer me, Sammy!” I cryingly asked in desperation to know everything. “Sophie…sweety…calm down. Elisha is safe. She’s resting here in the hospital and didn’t lose the babies. Elisha was so angry she had to lie and tell Kyle she lost them, but no…they are safe and healthy….” Sammy calmly replied. I was speechless, taking my time to absorb what he had just said. Elisha was safe, and so were her babies. “Oh...God…” I sobbed when everything dawned on me. It relieved me. Big freaking time! “Sophie, are you okay?” “Yeah…Yeah…I am happy to know El is alive and her babies are okay. Kyle deserved to be lied to.” I answered. It was indeed Elisha. She outsmarted Kyle with her deceitful remarks. The truth would be revealed eventually but the assh*ole well-earned it. “I see. But don’t worry. I offered Elisha to stay with us. We are heading back to Philly to get her things. I didn’t know exactly how she did it, but I would update you, love,” Sammy reassured me. I was glad to know he was there to guide Elisha. “Oh, Sammy…How can I repay your goodness?” I asked. He had been really good to me from day one. I couldn’t imagine myself without him and his care. “Just come back here soon. Elisha is waiting for you.” Sammy sweetly said. That was the next plan. I really needed to book a flight soon.“I will! I’m going to check the flights now. And yes, Sammy…please update me. Let her know that I would be waiting for her call….” I said, wiping my tears and snot. I looked at Jose and nodded. He smiled at me and seemed to understand the good news. “I will. And please take care of yourself too. I will be waiting for you as well….” Sammy added. My heart did a double somersault after hearing him. He got a way with his words, easing my sadness. “See you, Doc Sammy…You’re the best!” All I could say in return. He was always the best. “See you soon, my sweet Sophie….” Sammy hung up the call, then I bawled my eyes out again, not with sorrow but with happiness. Elisha and her babies were alive, and Sammy cared for her. “Oh, Sophia…” Jose hugged me. “Joseee!” I embraced him back, sobbing. “Elisha is back! She’s safe and sound with Sammy!” “How about her babies?” “They are all well! Sammy is with her, and she’s taking her to their New Jersey mansion.” “What?!” Jose broke the hug. “She’s going to live with Kyle’s family?!” I was taken aback, but I somehow thought it would be for the best now. Elisha could hide again. “Yes, but I didn't think they would let Kyle see her. His whole family was angry at him.” I answered, “He will protect her.” Jose nodded and squeezed my hand. “I believe and trust Sammy will do that just like what he had done to you.” I smiled at Jose. “Thanks, Jo…” The day went by smoothly. I calmed my thoughts and set aside my troubles. Luckily, a lot of customers walked by and bought coffee. I immersed myself in my job and trusted Sammy’s words. I sent him a short message when I wasn't busy and asked for an update. “Sophie! Thanks a lot for helping me!” Jose said, hugging me. “Take your time, and please let me know your flight details!” “I will! See you soon!” I beamed before stepping out of the car. It was already late. Jose and I went to eat dinner after our whole day's work, and he dropped me off at our house. I was taking my key from my bag when I felt something odd. It was as if someone was looking at me. I turned my back and checked the street. The streetlight was pretty bright, and neighborhood houses were well-lit. “Damn it…” I muttered, slightly vigilant of my surroundings. I got into my grandma’s house and ensured the door was secured. I went straight to my bedroom, dropping all my stuff on the floor. I was exhausted but happy. I took my phone and saw a few messages and updates from Sammy, but I decided to check everything as soon as I freshened up. Sam called me earlier, and she said that Sammy and Elisha were on their way back to their mansion. She explained that she was busy at the courthouse, and that’s why she couldn't answer my phone. I called them earlier while we were having dinner. Elisha and I talked briefly, but I quickly hung it up since she was eating and spending time with Gideon. I promised to call her soon as I got home. “Damn…” I slightly rubbed the tiny bruise on the side of my lips. The swelling was gone, but the mark remained on my face. “F*ck you, Chase….” I grittily said, concealing the discolored part on my lips. It was reddish purple and obvious, yet I needed to hide it. Nobody needed to know it was from Chase. As soon as I was done showering, I settled myself and sat in front of my laptop. I couldn’t help but tear up as I watched the video Sammy had taken when Sam, Almira, and Gideon welcomed Elisha. My best friend was happy and seemed perfectly fine. Her auburn hair was back. Shinier and better. I didn’t know the whole tale yet. I had no idea how she survived, though I believed it was because of the same man they said who possibly talked through her that night. I checked Sammy’s updates and messages. Then a little while later, I decided to call him. It was smooth and sweet talk. A little silly and naughty since I called him at the wrong time. He was putting his clothes on, and we continued chatting while he was topless and seemingly fresh from the bath. I told Sammy that I was already checking the flights to New Jersey. Gladly, I still have enough money with me. Sammy even asked about what had happened to my lips. Sadly, I had to lie and tell him that I had dropped my phone on my face. I silently prayed he would believe it. He was a doctor, and I bet he would recognize it. Fortunately, it was shrugged off, and we continued talking. Sammy insisted on picking me up from the airport, but Sam had already told me that her driver, Venn, would go and drive me back to their mansion. “Sammy…” I said after we finally settled for tomorrow. “Yes…” “Thank you for helping Elisha. I am relieved. Thank you.” I couldn’t help but feel gratitude for being by my side. “Don't say it. It's okay, and I am happy I found her. Your words and stories about her truly help me identify her.” I smiled at him. “I see...Just take your time to rest. Gute Nacht!” I still wanted to talk to him, but I had to finalize my trip tomorrow. I hoped to catch the earliest or, better, the midnight flight. It was only eight in the evening, and perhaps I could go as soon as I secured a flight time. “Okay…but still send me your flight details, please.” “Fine, Doctor Strange,” I snorted. For some reason, he was still shirtless. “What?!” “Just kidding you. Anyway, Tschüss” “Bis später, meine liebe Sophie.” “Whatever you say, Doctor Jones,” I scoffed, though I knew what he said. I was just teasing him in Deutsch because he once mentioned that he loved reading his German medical textbooks before resting. Once we were done chatting, I continued looking for flights. “Awesome!” I smiled, looking at the two am flight. My arrival time would be in the morning, and my flight schedule would give me enough time to sleep throughout the night. I sent my flight details to Elisha, Sam, Sammy, and Jose before having a quick talk with my brother Sawyer while packing my things. Like earlier, I didnt tell him the truth about my bruise. I didn’t want to worry Sawyer. I also updated him about Elisha, and he was happy indeed to know the latest news. After packing my clothes, I decided to leave early and head straight to the airport. It was still early, but it was much better to go there and wait for my flight to check in than stay at home and be alone. I messaged my uncles and aunts about the house. They had extra keys and were aware of me leaving the city again. I had no car, so I booked an Uber to reach my destination. Gladly, I knew the guy who got my ride. Otto used to work at Jose’s coffee trailer. Soon as he arrived, I hopped inside his car with my luggage and backpack. It wouldn’t take time to reach the airport. It wasn't far from where I lived. “Sophie…” Otto called my attention about twenty minutes into our trip. “Yes?” Otto looked at me in his rear-view mirror. “I think someone is trailing behind us,” he said, adjusting the mirror. I scowled and looked behind. The headlights were in high beams, and I didn’t think it was the police. “Oh…how you say so?” I asked Otto. Otto cleared his throat, “I’ve already seen the car parking around the corner of your street. Soon as you got in and we left, the car moved as well, and he’s been on the same road with us,” he added. “Oh…” I mumbled. Then a thought came into my head. Chase. We were already in the central city, and the road wasn’t as wide and busy. “Could you make a detour? Let’s see if he will still follow us,” I suggested. Otto nodded. “Sure.” I turned my back again to check who might be the person behind the wheels, yet, the headlights were still too high and bright. Otto turned left and began going to another route. He drove around for five minutes, turning and detouring before the car behind us took another turn as soon as we passed the same street for the third time. Otto was right. The person seemed to follow us and realized that we were aware of it. “He’s gone….” Otto said, glancing back at me. “Yeah, that assh*le….” I muttered. “Do you know the person?” Otto asked. I nodded, shrugging my shoulders. “Maybe, but I don’t care. He must be high and tripping,” I commented. Otto snorted, chuckling. “Yeah. Assh*le indeed. But glad that you left the house…” he thoughtfully added. I was staggered after hearing Otto. If that was Chase, he could be planting something horrible for me, or maybe not. “Ah..yeah…” I mumbled. Somehow, my guts were telling me something wasn’t right. Otto and I chatted until we arrived at the airport. I thanked him after paying for my ride. It was only eleven in the evening, and I still had time to rest while waiting for my flight. ~ “Damn…” I mumbled, yawning as I disembarked the plane. I had a great sleep, but it was too short. The flight was fine, and gladly it was smooth and quick. “Oh, I’m hungry….” I rubbed my tummy. I sluggishly marched out until I reached the arrival area. I fished out my phone to message Venn to tell him which bay I was in. The smell of brewing coffee from the coffee stands and frying noodles made me drool. I was starving, and I hoped Venn would be here soon. I stopped walking and thought about getting a sandwich before leaving the area. I was about to get inside the restaurant when I heard my name. “Sophie!” I looked in that direction and scowled. “Sammy?” I mumbled, scratching my eyes to check if I wasn’t dreaming. He was smiling at waving at me, looking great in his simple black shorts and white shirt. “Hey! It's me!” My eyes gaped as I realized it was indeed Sammy waving at me. “What the hell?!” I uttered as I walked closer to the massive door. “Where is Venn?!” I asked as I faced him. “Good morning to you, too,” Sammy snorted as he hugged me. I was taken by surprise by his sweet gesture, and I froze when I sensed his warm body getting closer to me. I felt him kiss and sniff my hair twice. Gladly, I washed my hair last night. “Oh…damn..why are you here?” I could only ask. Sammy broke the hug and held my arms. He smiled instead of answering me. “Hey…” I nudged him. His eyes were glowing, and it looked like he was well-rested. “I told you I might pick you up!” Sammy replied, “Why? You didn’t want me here?” he puckered his lips. “Silly! Well, I told you it's okay. You should rest, doc,” I puffed, arching my brow. “I already did. I woke up early to work out, but I saw Venn preparing the car. He’s outside waiting for us,” Sammy smiled. “Oh,” I nodded, beaming at him. “Thank you, though you didn’t have to! Let’s go! I’m starving! I badly needed energy before seeing Elisha. Let’s go to McDonald's. It’s my treat this time!” Sammy chuckled. “Of course. But Sam had already asked the kitchen to prepare our breakfast. Elisha is still asleep and resting,” he said, tugging my luggage. “Oh..that’s great! I hope she’s doing alright.” “She seems okay and healthy. She’ll be in my care.” I looked at Sammy as we headed outside and smiled. “Thanks, doc…” Venn approached us right away. I greeted him as he took my bags and put them inside the trunk. Sammy and I settled in the backseat. While on their way to the mansion, Sammy filled me up on what had happened yesterday. How he saw Elisha and what happened inside the Emergency room with Kyle. I was genuinely relieved upon hearing his story about how he met Elisha on the road and Elisha’s reaction when she found out it was him. I couldn’t help but laugh when he said that Elisha had pretended she was unconscious. “You always save the day, doc….” I held Sammy’s sizeable hand, “Thank you….” Sammy smiled and turned to face me. He squeezed my hand while tucking my loose hair behind my ear. “I always honor my words, Sophie. I promised to take care of you and help you and Elisha. She’s already safe, sweety,” he sincerely said. I inhaled deeply while looking at his amber-colored eyes. His handsome face and sweet smile warmed my heart. He now fulfilled his promises to help me with Elisha and how I always wished him to remain by my side. “She is, thanks to you and Sam….” “A pleasure.” Sammy winked. Sammy and I continued talking until we reached the mansion. For some reason, I didn’t feel any hunger. The ride was slow, but I was happy to get to the place safe and sound. Sammy walked me to the door where Elisha was sleeping. “She’s still asleep. Maybe you can rest next to her,” he suggested as he carefully opened the door. I couldn’t answer him since I was busy staring at my best friend soundly sleeping in bed. She was indeed alive and breathing. My eyes felt warm, and soon the tears began to fall. “Thank you!” I emotionally said, hugging Sammy. “Oh, Sophie…You didn’t have to….” Sammy rubbed circles on my back before kissing my hair and my forehead. “Now go inside.” I sniffled. “O..okay….” I looked at him and smirked while wiping my tears. Then I tiptoed and gave him a peck on the side of his lips. Sammy seemed petrified, but he just smiled at me. “Sneaky girl,” Sammy winked, wiping my tears with his thumb. “But I like it….” I was dumbfounded and felt ashamed of what I did. “Tschüss!” I said before heading inside the room and closing the door quietly. I rested my back on it and cringed. “Dang…did I just kiss him?” I muttered, rolling my eyes. I was glad that it was okay with him. I inhaled and exhaled before looking at the bed where Elisha was sleeping. And just like that, my waterfalls began again as I walked and lay beside my best friend. “Oh… Elisha…so many things happened to me when you were away….I'm glad you are now here to knock my senses,” I mumbled, sobbing while hugging her. xx
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