Chapter 13- Best Girlfriend

2532 Words
“Elisha…” I cried, hugging her. I should be happy and celebrating, but I couldn't stop myself. For the first time in months, I was able to hug her. Plus, knowing she was alive was such a great relief. “I’m so happy you are alive…” I murmured, sniffling. Elisha’s body was warm and tender. Shortly, I felt her move. I must’ve woken her up. She turned her body and looked at me, grunting, “El…” “I’m sorry…” I embraced her tightly and sobbed on her chest. “Oh, God…mom….” Elisha croaked. We cried together as we hugged each other. “I’m sorry….really sorry….I should've stayed with you….” I said, my conscience was still eating me alive. I knew I was at fault for giving up and letting Elisha fall into Kyle’s trap. I hated the man more than anything. “No…no…please don’t feel bad for yourself. It was my choice.” “I am not yet done with him….” “So am I….” “Oh, Lord, El…” I broke the hug and faced Elisha. I looked intently at her as I touched her beautiful face and caressed her auburn hair. “You are indeed alive. I hope this isn't a dream….” I sniffled, memorizing her face. It was such a difficult journey for everyone who loved her. “No, it's not,” Elisha chuckled. “I thought you really did it. You scared me!” I sadly said, bringing me back to tears. “Almost…very close, but an angel came and saved me….” “Thank God!!” I looked up and clasped my hands. High heavens indeed sent Elisha an angel—her savior. “Let me hug you, El… I really thought we lost you…Cedrick, Layla…we mourned for you,” I hugged her again. “Cedrick and Layla, they hated me for what I did….I tried to ask for help from them, but I couldn’t reach them out…like you….” Elisha said. “Oh, God…I’m sorry…Cedrick is in Europe for bartending and training…and Layla…she temporarily shut her world after…after also losing her baby,” I vaguely told her what happened to the two. Elisha had no idea yet about it, but I would share her side of the story. “Losing her baby?!” Elisha gasped. I nodded. “Yes…she didn’t even talk to me. I didn’t know until I called Ced…he was too, coping, and they are…they are completing their divorce….” Elisha must know soon. “What?! Hold on a second, girl. Let’s sit…please…I am so shookt,” She said as we propped up and sat on the bed. I helped her move and sit then my eyes gaped at her protruding tummy. “Wait… wait…” It was already big and contouring on her white shirt. “What?” “Kyle said you lost them….” Elisha smirked. “No…I lied…” “Of course you did!” I chuckled. Sammy had already informed me about it. Elisha was indeed smart for telling Kyle. It was saddening, but he truly earned those heartbreak. “Oh, hello there…” I smiled, slouching to face El’s bump. “Hello, granny!” I faced Elisha and smiled. “Girl, you have the time in the world to tell me everything that happened. Let’s begin it from the start of this trouble, yes?” “Yes, Mom…But tell me first what happened to Ced and Lay….” Elisha replied. “I will,” I sadly nodded before telling Elisha the tale of the old lovers. I started with Ced’s story about Layla’s cheating shenanigan with a classmate. Then Layla’s version of how she caught Ced’s infidelity and how she lost their baby. Even Elisha couldn’t believe the circumstances. “No way Layla cheated….” Elisha shook her head, “It's Ced’s baby! I believe it!” “Same here.” “Damn…We were dealing with troubles at the same time…Oh, God…I felt so bad for hating them….” Elisha said, “I thought they ignored me and hated me as well….” “Please don’t, Elisha…Don’t say that…” “I can’t help…” I held Elisha’s hands, “We need to speak with Layla. I will contact her and share the good news.” “Oh, thank you, Sophie….” Elisha smiled. I beamed and was speechless for a while. “Now tell me. What happened, and who helped you.” I eagerly asked. Elisha smiled and inhaled a deep breath. “He’s a nice guy. His name is Maximus. My savior. We met at the convenience store. I was buying some papers and a pen to write my last letter for you, guys…” she stated, giving me the creeps. “Oh…you were ready then…” I uttered. Elisha nodded. “There was no way out for me. I lost my phone, which was my last resort to call you and tell you how bad my situation was. Luckily, Max was there, and he heard my thoughts. I went to McDonald's and wrote those letters for you, then I walked out and headed straight to the bridge,” she continued, sharing it with me without tears in her eyes. “Elisha…just let it out…” I mumbled, hugging her. Elisha sniffled, letting the tears fall. “It’s okay…so yeah…I did the dumbest thing…I jumped, yet Max yanked me back before I could do it. Just then, I realized that I had made the wrong choice. To say the least, he helped me, brought me back to his place, and gave me shelter and good talk….” she fiddled with her ring. “I’m glad he came and saved you…” I could only say. “Yes. I told him my story, minus the names of the people involved. The world is too small, and I feared Kyle would find me and boot me out.” “Oh, That f*cker….” Elisha scoffed, “Max offered me a safe place for me and the twins. For two weeks, I lived there to restart my life. Had I not needed to go to the doctor, I wouldn’t have left that place…” I smiled. “I’m glad you did.” “Yes, And I am happy that Sammy was there and helped me….” I was happy indeed that Sammy found and saved her. “Oh, Samuel…My savior too...” “Sophie… I am really sorry for worrying you. I’ve heard from Nana how devastated everyone, especially you….” “Nana?!” I scowled, wondering what she meant. Elisha nodded, “Nana knew I was alive. I called her and let her know about the letter, but I made her promise to keep my secret.” I puffed and shook my head. “Oh, Nana…” The sneaky lovely lady was great indeed. “Well, whatever you did and decided was forgiven. I’d probably wear my smart hat and do the same thing you did.” Elisha and I caught up for more. She told me what she did when she went radio silent and how she coped. Then I told her how I found out she was alive from Ryzen. I apologized for calling Kyle since it was my last resort since Sam and Sammy weren’t picking up my calls. “I was fortunate it was Sammy who found and helped me….” Elisha stated “That’s the cute brother, eh?” I giggled. Elisha would probably shock once she learned about the little shenanigans I had with Sammy during those sad days. “Yup, the hot doctor….” Elisha wiggled her brows. I smirked and winked. “I like him,” I bluntly told Elisha, albeit feeling ashamed. “Go, girl!” “Stop! Oh, God! I need to tell you something!” “Something what?” “Hear me!” I finally opened my mouth and told Elisha what had happened these past few weeks. Elisha wheezed and cried with happy tears as she laughed upon learning my big boo-boo against Sammy when I decided to confront Kyle. Elisha was aware of what I did to her ex-lover, and she even thanked me for kicking his ass and balls. I openly shared with Elisha the sweetness and care Sammy had shown and Sam’s help during those hard times. Even the funny and silly stories Sammy and I did together. “Oh… Sophia Kay! I believe Sammy is way different than his assh*le brother. He is indeed lovely and naughty….” Elisha snickered, shaking her head. I even shared with her the almost kiss earlier. “Such an event you had with the lovely doctor…But are you okay with that?” “Huh?” I scowled. “He’s older… not old, but you know. You told me about Kyle's age difference.” I puffed and flapped my hand, “He’s nice and smart. We have a big age gap, like you and Kyle, but Sammy seemed to be a good egg. More mature and responsible.” “I see…You are smarter than me, Sophie…” Elisha said, “We’ve been through a lot, but your troubles shaped you most. Had I listened to you and believed your words, I wouldn’t be in this situation, though I am happy I have my babies with me. This is the only good thing that came out of my foolish choice,” she added. “Oh, Elisha…Let’s move forward, yes?” I stated, “For the sake of your babies and your health….” My best friend was safe, and that matters most to me. She was maybe right that I braved my way out of bigger troubles, but I bet it wouldn’t last. A possible threat was lingering around me. “Thanks, Mom…” Elisha hugged me, “You are always my best friend…” I rubbed Elisha’s back. “Yes, my hardheaded daughter…but kidding aside, yes… We will always be best friends….” I promised Elisha. Aside from Sawyer, she was the only family I had. We continued talking and teasing until Gideon knocked on our door for breakfast with Yelena. “Ishaa!” Gideon greeted Elisha, “Mowning…hello…Phie…” I smiled at Gideon. He was charming like her uncle Sammy. “Hello, Didion!” I stood up and carried the boy in my arms. “God! You’re so light! It's nice to see you!” I peppered him kisses. For some reason, he smelt like his uncle Sammy’s cologne. “Dion like Phie…” “I like Gideon, too! You are so sweet!” I kissed and sniffled him again. “How are you feeling, El?” Yelena asked before smiling at me and Gideon. “I’m good! We needed to catch up!” Elisha answered Yelena. “Yes! And your stuff. I will bring them later.” Yelena said. “Sure! Thanks! Oh... Bluey and Pinky! Please bring them!" I scowled at Elisha after hearing the plushy names. I knew very well where they came from. “Oh...yeah... let me...try…” Yelena wiggled her brows. “Sweet..." “By the way, Sam and Sammy are already waiting for you downstairs. Do you want me to bring your food here?” Yelena asked. My tummy suddenly felt ravenous after hearing the word food. “No! It's okay. We will head down soon. Let’s go?” Elisha asked me and the little boy in my arms. “Let’s go!” I gigglingly answered, putting Gideon on a piggy ride. Elisha, Yelena, and Gideon left the room together and headed downstairs to eat. I couldn’t help but smile when I saw Sammy and Sam beaming at us. Sammy looked fresh and seemed ready to go to work. “Elisha! Sophie!” Sam stood up and hugged me and Elisha. “How was your flight?” “Awesome. It was short and safe,” I answered before looking at Sammy. “Hey, sweethearts!” Sammy welcomed us, patting the seat next to him. “Sophie, here…” “Sure,” I nodded before putting Gideon on his high chair beside his mom and Elisha. “Here you go, lovely boy…” I secured him before walking back and sitting next to Sammy. His smiles went from ear to ear. “How's your talk?” Sammy asked me before winking at Elisha, “How are you, love?” he said, serving my plate like a normal thing for him. “It was great! Thanks, Sammy! Thank you for keeping my friend busy and caring for her,” Elisha said to Sammy, warming my heart. “Oh, Elisha..” Sammy beamed, “Sophie is the best girlfriend anyone could ever ask for. She will follow and drag back your enemy from hell to punish and feel her wrath. I had my fair share, you know,” he added, making everyone laugh. “Yes, Sammy! I’ve heard the tale and seen the video, actually,” Elisha chuckled, “It went viral!” Sam laughed. “Oh, yeah. I pitied Kyle when I saw the video. I had seen the replay of the real action, but I was like, yeah, bro…You freaking deserve it!” she winked at me. “Sophie became Ronda Rousey!” Sammy chuckled. I side-glared at him and showed my fist. “Yup! I am up for another round!” “Oh, Sophie…” Sam shook her head and smiled. I shrugged my shoulders and smirked, “Anything for El, guys. She’s my daughter-dearest,” I kidded. Our breakfast went smoothly in between talks and conversations. I was happy to see Gideon showing off and eating his food with Elisha. Glancing at Sammy, I couldn’t help but feel proud and thankful for meeting him in very strange circumstances. “El…Sophie…do you have any plans next week?” Sam spoke. “Why? What’s happening?” Elisha asked back before glancing at me. “Oh, just a business gala in Florida,” Sam answered, “I was invited to go, but I am having second thoughts about it.” “Why?” I curiously asked. I had heard about the yearly events of people in business and billionaire moguls from Sawyer and Trina. Jose also mentioned it, and he would be working on that day. “Nothing. I am not into those boring events,” Sam answered. “Will Kyle go?” Elisha asked. Sam flinched. “Oh, I forgot…yes. He will be there.” “I see…I’ll take a rain check,” Elisha quickly said. “Me too…” I seconded, albeit I was curious about that said event. Sam smiled, looking at quiet Sammy. “You?” “I have a shift in New York,” Sammy shrugged his shoulders, glancing at me. “Fine… maybe I’ll bring Gideon as my plus one,” Sam smiled at the boy beside her, who was messily gobbling his food. “Yes?” Gideon nodded, “Otay….” “Yes, otay!” I laughed at the boy. We all continued our breakfast until Elisha felt sleepy again. We went back to her room and decided to rest. I badly needed some sleep too. 1/2
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