Chapter 11- Good News

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Sophie “C..Chase…” “It’s been a while, my little minx,” Chase smirked in his menacing demeanor. Of all places in the city or even this small town, I didn’t expect to see him here. “How is it going?” “I know. It's been a while,” I arched my brow, “Anyway, bye….” I brushed him off, but before I could go far, Chase yanked my arm. “Not too fast, Sophie…” He grittily said, tugging me back to where I stood a few seconds ago. “Maybe let’s have coffee like an old friend,” he added, still holding my arm. I snatched my arm back before poising myself back. “No! You are not my friend anymore!” I hissed, glaring at him. Chase smirked like a devil, pulling me again, two arms this time. “Oh, we used to, Sophie. Let me remind you. We used to hang out. Don’t you remember all your firsts? Your first pot or blow or meth? You had them with me…or should I say your first s*x, Sophia? I have them all documented, my little minx…” he whispered. My body shivered as I thought of everything I had done with him when I was younger. He was right. I did them all but a few times. I could count on my hand how many times I had tried them. Not my own will, of course. “Stop…” I muttered. Chase snorted, “I've waited for this day to face you, Sophia…You made my life a living hell,” his stinky breath reeked on my face. “But I ain’t going to make it easy for you, my little girl. I could kill you right now, but nay…” he shook his head, letting me go. I thought about getting people’s attention so he wouldn’t bother me with his insanity, but unfortunately, the street wasn’t busy. I heaved a deep breath as I looked at him. I wasn’t scared. At this moment, I felt I’d got nothing to lose. “Coward,” I hissed, shrugging from his tight grip. Yet, soon as I said it, Chase hit me with the back of his hand. I was taken aback, but I didn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing me crumbling. Gladly, his blow didn’t send me to the ground. I composed myself and held my stinging face. The metallic tang of blood burst inside my mouth. Chase took a step forward and hovered his bulky body on mine. He seemed not afraid if people would see us. “Your little lies ruined me, Sophie. Your granny b***h is now dead, and there’s nobody here to protect you. I’ll follow you everywhere, Sophia…I’ll be your nightmare, my little b***h,” he sternly stated. I wiped the blood on my side lips “Loser.” I murmured, death glaring at him. Chase moved the hem of his shirt and showed me the holster of his gun. “I am not anymore, b***h….” A sudden inward fear slowly engulfed my senses. I somehow realized my smart mouth could kill me. Still, I didn’t show any fear or dread. I was about to tell Chase to leave me alone when I suddenly heard someone call my name. “Sophie! Is everything okay?!” I looked at the person and saw my grandma’s lawyer, Attorney Robinhood. He was inside his car, pulling over next to us. “Yes. Mr. Robinhood!” I answered before looking back at Chase and then at the lawyer. “Can I take a ride with you?” I asked. The lawyer glared at Chase and nodded without removing his eyes from him. “Sure! Hop in!” “Thanks!” I took my chance and left the monster. “We are not yet done talking, Sophie,” Chase mumbled as I was about to hop inside the car. The hair at the back of my neck shivered as I heard him. I didn’t look back and quickly buckled inside the vehicle. “Are you okay? Do you know him?” Mr. Robinhood asked me. The car was still not moving. “Yes, but I shall tell you later. Let’s go and leave him,” I answered. I could still see Chase from my peripheral. “Okay. You seemed in danger,” The old man said, driving away. “He was my abuser. He got ten years but was released recently,” I winced in pain. My cheek felt swollen. “Of all places he. He was incarcerated in New Jersey, but he managed to find me here,” I added. “Damn it. Did he hurt you?” Mr. Robinhood slowed down and looked at me. “Did he follow you here? What’s his name?” he asked. Chase maybe did, but I knew his family roots were in Florida. I shook my head. “Uh, Yes, he did. I didn’t think he followed me here. Chase Donner is a monster, but I’m not afraid of him anymore,” I determinedly uttered, rubbing my sore jaw. “Oh, Sophia…” He clicked his tongue, “Your grandma wouldn’t let him go near you. Do you want me to help you to file a restraint order?” I waved my hand, “Let me think about it. I bet all Chase could do is intimidate me, and I won’t give my goddamn day to him,” I snorted, “Thanks for the offer, though.” “Tough lady, Sophie. Just let me know if you need help.” “I will, Mr. Robinhood. Thank you so much,” I smiled at the man. Chase might’ve changed, and he looked scarier but was all mouth and no trousers. I knew him well enough to say it. Maybe we were young then, but I bet he didn’t change. He was still this coward, sore loser monster. A few minutes later, I finally arrived at my workplace. I thanked the old man and dashed towards my work area. It was a coffee trailer owned by one of my cousins, Jose. I didn’t regularly work there, but I helped him if I had free time. “Hey! I’m sorry, I’m late!” I waved at Jose. He was folding table napkins. “Oh, come on. You should be resting,” Jose replied as I put my apron on. There were no customers, so I took the ice pack and put them on my lower jaw and the side of my lips. “What happened?” Jose asked, scowling. “Oh, I accidentally hit my face on the door,” I lied, wincing. Jose snorted. “Such a stupid door!” “Yes! Stupid indeed,” I laughed, sitting at the counter. “Take your time to rest, young lady,” Jose said, “The bell just alarmed.” I smiled at him. “Thanks.” “Any news about Elisha?” Jose then asked. My eyes gaped as I remembered Sammy’s call. “Oh, s**t! Hold on,” I said, picking up my phone from my bag. I checked the message and sighed in relief. It was Sammy just checking on me. He was about to start his day and would message me again. “How is it going?” Jose pried again. “Oh, no news. It’s only Sammy,” I smilingly answered. I dropped my phone in my pocket. I began cleaning the coffee machines and counters. The shop was near the university campus, and since classes had already started, no students were buying coffee and drinks. “The cute doctor?” Jose smirked. His dark brows moved up and down before winking at me. “Yeah,” I pursed my lips before wincing again. “Ouch…” I pressed the cold pack again. Jose laughed. “He’s not cute! Handsome, Sophie! That’s the right word, though I’m not into nerdy ones….” “I know he’s not your type.” I scoffed. Jose was an openly gay guy. He’s bisexual, as he always expressed. “I love muscular men.” “Yes, He’s lean….” “Not buff, so no!” “And he’s smart!” I proudly added. Sammy spoke many languages. He was fluent in French, German, and Spanish. For some reason, Sammy preferred German and was trying to improve his Deutsch. He had read a few books and articles, particularly in the field of medicine. Given that their family business was based in Switzerland and all around Europe, he sought to increase his knowledge of European languages. Fortunately, the German language was my elective world language course in high school. I did a little conversational Deutsch, which Sammy and I found remarkable. “Like you, Sophie! You’re a smart girl!” “No, I am not!” “You used to be nerdy like him!” “I agree!” Jose scoffed. “But be careful, my love. You are a streetwise young lady. He was born with a silver spoon. You know what I am saying,” he seemed to remind me. “Yup! I know where to stand, Jo….” I puffed. Sammy was the most intelligent, good-looking, and lovely man I had ever met, and I knew he was out of my league. “But yeah! Pray that I get to marry a billionaire, and I will gift you five coffee trailers, or much better, I’ll open you a coffee shop!” I kiddingly told Jose. “Oh, Sophie! Rezaré a Dios para que te dé una vida y un futuro mejores con el hombre que amas de verdad!” I smiled at Jose. “Yes, I hope high heavens will give me a man who will shower me with love!” “And s*x! Lots of s*x!” Jose butted. “Ohhh...Shut up!” I laughed, “Just someone who will treat me better and will never ever make me cry. That will be enough,” I said, inwardly praying for the best. “Now go and send nudes to Doctor Sammy!” Jose unexpectedly suggested, cracking me up. “Oh, you silly b*tch!” I giggled. It somehow lightened up my day after my short encounter with Chase. ~ “Thank you, Jace! See you soon!” Handing the hot coffee to one of our frequent customers. This shop indeed occupied my time and thoughts. “Thanks, Sophie!” Jace smiled at me, then winked at Jose. All I could do was shake my head and scoff while looking at the two. I was about to clean the coffee dip tray when my phone started ringing. I fished it out of my apron’s pocket to check who it was. I scowled, “Ryzen….” I quickly answered the call. “Sophia! Damn! Thank God for answering it! I just called Mom, and she told me Elisha was there like ten minutes ago!” Ryzen seemed to pant. “What?! Where!?” “Hospital!” “Hospital?! Is she okay?!” “Yes! Mom has no idea what happened to Elisha! It's just I called her, and she mentioned Elisha had visited her for a check-up!” “Sh*t! Are you in New Jersey?!” “Sadly, no, that's why I called you!” “I’m in Florida, Ry…” My bullet sweat formed on my forehead. “I need to call Sam or Sammy!” “Yes! Sammy! Mom said he was on duty, but not sure if he was still there!” Ryzen replied. “Will do! Thanks for calling me. I will update you….” I hung up the phone. My hands and fingers were shaking. “F*ck…f*ck…f*ck…” “Sophie, you okay?” It was Jose. “Yeah…yeah…Ryzen called me, and he said his mom saw Elisha in the hospital….” I answered, trying to find Sammy’s name on my phone. “What?!” “Yes!” My eyes gaped, “Yes, let me call Sammy….” I pressed the call button. “Sh*t..” Sammy wasn't answering. I tried for the next few minutes, but it was futile, so I dialed Sam, but like Sammy, she wasn't answering the call, and it went straight to her voice mail. “Damn…they are not answering,” “Call Kyle…” Jose suggested. I looked at him and was speechless. “No…” “You must. Elisha might hide again….” “Yes, you are f*cking right!” I agreed, finding Kyle’s number. Jose was right. Elisha could escape again. “Assh*le…where’s your f*cking number here. I don’t think I blocked them….” I muttered, scrolling. “Relax, Sophie…” I finally found Kyle’s number. I quickly pressed the call button. It kept ringing and ringing, and I was getting more frustrated. “F*cker! Answer the call!” I grittily said, wiping my sweat. “Sophia…Keep your horses...” Jose reminded me. “I’m sorry….” I continued calling Sam, Sammy, and Skylar’s phones, but they weren't answering. “Answer it, Kyle….” My last attempt to contact him. He could be the closest. Then to my relief, Kyle picked it up. “You fu*king assh*le! Thank God you answered!” I greeted him right away. “Hey, I'm sorry….” I heaved a deep breath and didn’t waste any moment. “I am currently in Florida, and I received a call from Ryzen. He said that Elisha was in the hospital right now! I couldn’t reach Sam or Sammy, so I had to call you to confirm it for me!” “What?!” “Yes! His mom is Elisha’s doctor, and he said she visited her! I am not sure if it's true, but I want you to go and check her out!” “Okay… okay…” “Don’t you f*cking hurt her. I don’t trust you anymore, but I have no option.” I blatantly warned him. If only I had been there, or Sam and Sammy had answered my call, I wouldn’t have called Kyle. “I know. I’ll call you later.” Kyle dropped the call. “F*ck…” I murmured, sitting down on the stool. My adrenaline dropped, and I felt tired and sore. My bruised cheek and lips also added to my pain. I wiped my bullet sweats and puffed in and out. “Dang…Elisha…I really hope it's you… I pray you and your babies are alright,” I whispered, looking at my phone’s screen cover. It was our graduation photo. “Everything alright? How was it?” Jose broke my train of thought. I looked at him. “Kyle is on his way to the hospital….” Jose nodded, “It will be alright…” holding my shoulders. The next few minutes were agonizing for me. I was anticipating Kyle’s call. Jose took over the counter, and I sat on the chairs outside, trying to call Sam and Sammy. I was checking my phone when Kyle’s number appeared on my screen. I quickly answered it. “You’re right, she’s alive…she’s here… and she lost them.” Kyle's words stunned me. He shortly hung up the call, and I was left dumbfounded. Elisha was alive, but then she lost their babies. “Oh, lord….” My body shook in sadness as I sobbed. My emotion was all over the place. “Elisha. I hope I can hug you right now...” Jose approached and comforted me. I wailed for some time and took strength from his sweet words. Then when a customer came, I asked him to go, and he gave me a space to wallow and mourn for my best friend’s loss. A profound relief engulfed me upon knowing Elisha was alive, yet, it was short-lived. It must be grievous and awful, especially for Elisha. “Oh...Lord…Please…I need a piece of good news….” I uttered in prayer while looking at my phone. I hoped Sammy would call me. His words and sweet voice could comfort me. “You okay there?” Jose checked. I nodded, looking at the used cups on the table. “I’ll clean those. Just give me a minute.” “No biggies.” Minutes had passed. I was about to go back to work when my phone rang. I checked the screen, and my heart rate skyrocketed. “Sammy!” xx
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