Chapter 3- No More

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Sophie After beating the s**t out of Kyle, I was glad Sam still took me in and heard me out. I didn't know what had happened, but my anger was out of control. I was upset about what happened to Elisha. And meeting Kyle earlier made me see red. I didn’t care if I ended up in prison. I actually didn’t care if I killed Kyle. I felt like there was nothing to lose. I was hurt and angry indeed for what he did to Elisha. What I had done wasn't enough to avenge my best friend, who was still missing. I was relieved Sammy helped me. He somehow made me feel okay while traveling to Kyle’s office. We were strangers, but he treated me nicely even though I physically assaulted him. It was a mistaken identity that I still cringe at whenever it crosses my mind. “Sophie…take this, love…” Sam broke my train of thought. I looked at her and saw a bottle of water and a pain-relieving pill. “The nurse is coming here soon to treat that,” she added, glancing at my sore hands. I was slightly rubbing and massaging them. I really hit Kyle so severely. I think I got my fingers fractured. My bones were aching, and so were my muscles and whole body. I was physically and mentally exhausted, and I had no idea where I was getting my strength. “Thanks…” I sheepishly took the bottle and chugged the water with the pill. I hoped it would help me. My head was already throbbing from so much crying, plus I was starving. The adrenaline rush was slowly wearing down my body. “Take your time to rest, Sophie…” Sam sat beside me. I sadly smiled at her. It was my first time seeing her face closer. She was really a beauty. I now realized she and doctor Sammy resembled each other. The brain and gorgeousness really ran in their blood. I used to see her wearing long brunette hair, but her pixie blonde hair suited her. “I can’t….” “I hear you.” I sniffled and swallowed the lump in my throat. “Sam, where is Elisha? She asked for my help, but I got busy during grandma’s funeral. She said you found her, but Kyle sent her away,” I paused to breathe, finding words to say. “She’s homeless and pregnant.” Sam shook her head, her tears brimming in her eyes. “I’m sorry, Sophie. We did. We were so lucky we found her. We kept her safe, but there's always a curve ball. We tried our best to find her. I have already hired people to find her in Philly. I just came back here today and am waiting for news…” she stated, her voice cracking in sadness. I cried once more, feeling hopeless and broken. “I didn't know…I have no idea she’s dealing this s**t with Kyle…Her mom… Devin tried to kill her and her babies…and…and her brother Tom. He was upset with her…oh, God…” I sobbed completely. “Oh…Tom..” Sam muttered, “How did you know Tom was upset?” “Elisha left me voice messages. I just heard it this morning. It’s been days since, and she hasn't contacted me….” I answered. Sam’s eyes gaped wide. “Did she tell you where she was?” I nodded. “She was somewhere in Southern Philly, at the college grounds. She was getting her food from food stamps and relief centers. She slept under the bridge. Luckily, a nice policewoman helped her….” Sam heaved a deep breath. “We were there, but we didn't see her. She’s maybe still in the area. Let me send messages to my investigators,” she said, standing up to return to her table and dialing her office phone. A while later, a nurse came in and smiled at me. “Ms. Sam…” she took Sam’s attention, who was busy on her phone. “Hi, Cindy. Yes. Please help Sophie first. How’s Kyle?” Sam asked before glancing at me. I believed what I did wasn't enough to remove the anguish in my heart. “He’s downstairs with the other nurse….” Cindy answered before sheepishly nodding at me. “Hi, Ms. Sophie. I found this. It’s your phone…” she added, taking something from her scrub suit. My eyes gaped wide upon seeing my phone. I mustve dropped it earlier while beating Kyle. “Thank you!” I took it and checked it. Just then, I realized about my backpack. “Oh…no…” I huffed. I left it in Sammy’s car. “Let me wrap this up first, Ms. Sophie….” Cindy began to tend and aid my aching hand. “Thank you…” I puffed. I must ask Sam later. I had no contact with Sammy, and he’s maybe already in New York. I could go there later to visit Layla and Cedrick. I hadn't been in touch with them either. They needed to know what had happened to Elisha. She mentioned that she tried to ask for help from the two, but she couldn't reach them. When I checked my phone, I saw several missed calls from my brother and Trina. They asked for updates. I sent Sawyer a message telling him I was okay and safe. I vaguely told them about my meet-up with Kyle but assured them it went fine. Cindy left, and Sam sat back next to me. “Sophie. I want to hear what Elisha said. Maybe we could find a clue where she is now, plus I need to know everything had happened on her account,” she stated. I nodded and took my phone. I searched for Elisha’s name and pressed the play button. ‘Hey, girl…I know it's been a while. I really missed you, mom…I am glad you answered my call. Sophie…I need help. Mom found out…found out…Oh, God…How am I going to start this….’ Elisha’s croaky voice echoed inside Sam’s office, making me feel she was just around. ‘I wish I had listened to you. You were right. Kyle, he fooled me. I caught him between the sheets with Lisbeth. His ex-fiance. It killed me, Sophie. Them? In bedroom? Her on top of him? On our bed…Dang, girl…the bastard even thanked me…’ There was a long pause, and I could hear faint sniffles between her sarcastic chuckles. ‘I was his bed warmer, and he didn't need me anymore…I still don’t know what pushed him to do this…I loved him, girl…I gave him my all, Sophie… my body…my dreams… my soul… I even chose him over you…but what did he do in return? He sent me away…I went back to Nana, but Mom hurt me. She’s wicked…and Tom? He hated me…he was upset. Mom lied, and he believed it…I got it, but he didn't even hear me out…he just shut me away and didn’t want to talk to me. I failed him…I lost all my contacts—even Layla and Cedrick. I have no one, and you don't know how much hope I have in me just to hear your voice…I’m really sorry….’ My eyes formed hot tears again as I listened to Elisha’s hurtful words. I couldn't fathom how much strength she had to muster just to say those words clearly. I continued playing the voice messages even though my heart was too heavy to hear. Sam held my hand. She was crying too. “It’ll be okay, Sophie….” ‘Sophie… I’m pregnant…yes, stupid me, right? Well, I planned to surprise him on that same fateful day. I was just glad I didn’t drop the gift I wanted to give him. I have no idea if he already knows I am. Samatha, she found me. I don't think she knows me or knew I am carrying her brother’s babies…but just my luck. Kyle found me…and booted me out, calling me names and s**t…. Oh…lord…. Now, I’m homeless, girl. I have no place to go. I’m safe, though, but I don't know until when….my symptoms and morning sickness are really bad...’ “Oh, Sam…I can’t hear this anymore…please help me find Elisha….” I pleaded. My best friend had no one. I failed her. “She’s strong, but knowing how her mom hurt her was an understatement…she will kill Elisha in a heartbeat…. and my nightmare….” I stated as a matter of fact. “What nightmare?” Sam asked. I heaved a deep breath and briefly told her about my nightmare. It was alarming indeed. My gut told me something terrible had happened to Elisha. “We will find her, Sophie, just be strong…” Sam hugged me. “It's hard for me to hear this, but I needed to know her side….” she added, wiping her own tears. “Okay…” I could only say, pressing play once more. ‘Sophie, I’m running out of batteries. Oh, please no…hold on…’ Elisha’s frustration was evident in her voice. Then the following voice message was full of tears and cries between her words. ‘I gave him my all, Sophie. I lost everything because of him…then all I got is this? That’s how stupid I am. I wish Kyle could hear these words. I bet he would rejoice, knowing I am severely hurting now. What had I done to him to deserve this? I only loved him….I only wanted to be loved, girl. To feel special even at once. You know my story. You know my life….’ Our lives were almost the same. Our family’s history was terrible. We were abused and maltreated and barely had great things in life. We both endured so much in our short existence. I had no wonder we had been inseparable since we met. We were tough cookies, but we also had breaking points. And I was afraid of Elisha. ‘The sufferings I endured. I thought Kyle had already ended them. Yet the asshole planned something big. It was too perfect. I didn’t even discern since I was busy loving him….You’re my only hope, mom…I know you are still grieving, but if this voice message reaches you, please call or message me soon. I am currently living on benches and only getting my meals from food stubs. I’m broke…my cards aren’t working, and the only money I used was my savings for my college spending,’ “Oh… Elisha…” Sam huffed, shaking her head. I could sense the frustration in her eyes. I believed she was doing her best to find El. ‘Sophie…I am really sorry. I wish I could share my good news with you. My babies…You know what? I already imagined you holding my babies or like shopping for new clothes like they are your own! Till next time, I will tell you more. I am running out of battery, but I will keep hanging on just to speak and hug you again. I love you, girl…we love you,’ That was her last voice message, and nothing followed again aside from my frantic messages and missed calls. “Hey…” I knew that voice very well. “I wish you had heard everything that she said. You are such a f*****g liar. Little misunderstanding? Screw you, Skylar…you destroyed her life,” I grittily said without looking at Kyle. I was beyond livid again. The audacity was uncanny, albeit it was good he had heard Elisha’s sorrow. “I am already paying for it. I’m sorry….” “Your sorry isn’t enough, you fool!” I glared at him. If my stares could only kill, Kyle would probably be dead on the floor. “Please pray that El is still alive…I know her well enough, Kyle… She maybe tells you or shows us how strong and tough she is, but inside her heart and mind. She isn’t!” I snarled. Tears and snot were all over my face. “Sophie…” “I know her babies are keeping her alive…I believe that’s where she gets her strength. Even with her situation living on the streets, still having her morning sickness and whatnot, I know soon she will reach her breaking point!” “She’s smart, Sophie….” “Yes, she is! You don’t know how much makeup she wears to hide those bruises and cuts on her face and skin so we wouldn’t worry about her or get our teacher’s attention.” “Sophie…” Sam held me back. My past was already horrible and painful. Perhaps that was one of the reasons why I was wary about Kyle’s intentions toward Elisha. Red flags were everywhere, but I guess it was different when you were in love, just like I was years ago. Young, immature, and exposed. I got easily got preyed on. I snorted and clicked my tongue. “As much as her Nana wanted to help her, she isn’t physically strong to fight back for El…her brothers? Yes, they cared for El, but they didn’t exactly know what was happening to her. I hope you have heard the part where she said even Tom failed her. Yes, her brother didn’t like the idea of her being pregnant!” “I will do my best to find her, Sophie.” “You should! Because you will feel every wrath of the people who love Elisha….” I threatened him. “You are the cruelest person I have ever met!” My words were pure acid and hatred. I couldn't care less. “I wished El didn’t meet you….” “I wished it too… but….” Kyle kept refuting my words, but this time he stopped as soon as Sam’s phone rang. She quickly picked it up. “What? Yes…her name is Elisha Houston…Yes.. yes… that’s it…I know that bag…oh…yes… we will be there soon…Thank you…” she bade goodbye before hanging up the call. She then looked at us. “Sam…” I uttered, full of hope it was a piece of good news. Sam inhaled deeply, “We need to go to Philly to confirm the belongings they found in the river.” My eyes gape. River. “No… she didn’t do it….” I sobbed in panic. My worst fear came true. I didn’t know what had happened next. Everything was in a blur though I could remember being with Sam and Kyle in a helicopter to Philly. The harrowing details at the police station truly made me mad and sad. I could recall myself waiting in tears before identifying the belongings they found in the river. It was all Elisha’s stuff. The things were all muddy and dirty. Even her favorite notepad, like mine, was there. The police lined them up on a massive table. I was sure all the belongings were hers except the plastic envelope with our names handwritten on each piece of paper. For Nana, Tom, and Justin. Sophie. Then it hit me. Reality got me. “No! it’s not a suicide note!” I cried hysterically, losing my cool as I thought of the worst. “Sophie…” Sam hugged me to calm my shits, but I couldn’t. I blamed Kyle over and over. Especially when the police said there were emergency calls about a lady standing at the edge of a bridge. “Those are just letters for us! Not a suicide note….” I uttered. I inwardly prayed they were just letters. And I was wrong. Those were indeed Elisha’s suȉcide notes. My sanity left me as soon as I was permitted to get and read what was written there. I was lost and devastated. Elisha’s last words indeed killed my hope. I wallowed and mourned for hours, letting Sam handle everything in the police station. I lost all of my energy from so much heartbreak and misery. I cried about what had happened to Elisha. My best friend is dead. No more. She was gone. She lost her dear life and her babies' lives. And as soon as I felt numb and drained, I asked Sam to send me to New York, to my friends’ flat. Sam did. Only to wake up in a different flat. Specifically, in doctor Sammy’s bedroom. xx
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