Chapter 2- Same Dream

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Sammy “We killed her…It’s our fault….” “No! I didn’t….I didn’t give her the pills!” “No, Sammy… It’s you who told me what to take!” “I didn’t agree with you… Yes, I told you, but no! It wasn't my idea, babe….” “No…No…No… I can’t take all the blame, Sammy. We are equally responsible for what happened to my sister….” “Demi… Don’t guilt trip me…please… we didn’t talk about it…. “We did, Sammy! You also killed her!” “No….No…leave me f*****g alone! Stop!” I woke up screaming and panting. “f**k. Damn this nightmare….” I muttered in annoyance. As soon as I saw my surroundings, I knew it was only a f*****g dream. “Damn…” I palmed my sweaty face, heaving heavy breaths. “Sammy! Hey! What’s happening?! I heard you screaming!” I looked at my door and saw Kendra. I shook my head, raking my fingers through my sweat-damped hair. “Just a dream….” I uttered, trying to remember my nightmare’s details. Yet, for some reason, I couldn't recall all of them. Albeit, it was always the same dream. The same person. The unforgettable trauma. My haunting nightmare. Kendra snorted. “It's okay….” I felt my bed move as she sat beside me, rubbing my arm. “I just finished cooking our breakfast….shall we eat?” I nodded and looked at her. “I’m sorry. I must be tired.” “Have I tired you last night,” Kendra winked. I puffed and smiled, “Yeah. Not much, sweety…” arching my brow, ogling at what she was wearing. My white dress shirt looked oversized on her small petite body. I knew Kendra was wearing nothing underneath. “One more round, doc….” Kendra bit her lower lip. We both knew what she wanted. I rubbed her bare and spotless legs. Perhaps another round before she leaves my pent. I leaned forward and held her waist. “Sure, doc…” I whispered, grabbing and taking her back to my bed. Kendra was my classmate back in medical school. We used to hang out a lot back then. Since we both couldn't afford to be in a relationship during our pre-med years, we became friends with benefits. We used to have a lot of s*x to let off steam. Medical school wasn't easy-peasy, and that setup helped us to get through the pressure and stress of being a doctor. We parted ways when she matched her residency in Florida. I stayed in two cities for my double specialization residency in our own hospital. Every now and then, we met and caught up whenever she was in the city, like now. Kendra attended the medical conference here in New Jersey, and we spent the whole evening right after the meeting. “Oh…Doc Sammy… I really missed you….” Kendra moaned while under me. She was on all fours while I thrust and rocked her from behind. “Ohhh…shit…” she squirmed as my fingers rubbed her clit. “Yeah…me too…” I groaned, feeling euphoric. I don’t get laid that often since I had been very busy working in the hospital. And when I do, I make the most of it. “Damn…fuck me more….” Kendra extended her arm and held my head, kissing me on the cheek. “Sure…” I snorted, using my fingers and hand while rubbing the wetness of her warm and slippery core. I parted her labia and put one of my fingers inside. “Samuel!” Kendra screamed and moaned. I opened her legs wider and pulled her bum closer to me before brutally lunging in and out of her. I knew her arousal was at its peak. She was soaking wet. A minute or two later, her core clenched my manhood, sending me to my own one. I quivered and shook, slapping her bum as I released my c*m. “Oh…Kendra…” I groaned, resting my whole body on her back and kissing her soft skin. I caught my breath as our climax subsided. We stayed in that position for a while until Kendra moved and detached her body from me. “Let’s eat. I need to catch my flight soon…” she said, getting up from bed before walking inside the bathroom. “Fine…” I huffed and laid on my back on the bed, taking off the condom on my still-hard manhood. I tied it tightly and threw it in the bin. I was about to follow Kendra when my phone started ringing. It was Yelena. One of our housekeepers. “Hey…” “Samuel! Where are you?” Yelena asked. “Good morning to you, too, Yelena….” I snorted. Yelena scoffed. “Ugh. Good morning, Doc.” I slowly got up and sat on my bed. “I am here in my apartment in NJ. I have an afternoon shift. Yes, you can come here soon,” I said. I knew Yelena well enough. I grew up in her care, and she was scheduled here to clean my tiny apartment after my brother Kyle's humongous pent. “Silly. I know where you are now. I just want to ask about Kyle. Is he with you?” Yelena asked. “I’m not my brother's keeper,” I scoffed, “Ask Samantha….” It wasn’t me who always knew about my brother’s affair. It was Sam, his twin. “Samuel Alistair!” Yelena exclaimed, “You know your brother is in trouble. Tell me at least where he is! I can’t contact him! I am here in New York, prepping his new place. Could you check him for me?” she then calmly asked. I clicked my tongue and inhaled a deep breath. “I’m pretty sure he’s safe. He must be at work now, but I will check him for you,” I yielded. I was aware my brother was in trouble, but I had no idea what it was all about. I knew he had broken up with his latest girlfriend, and Sam was livid. But aside from that, I was still clueless why everyone seemed worried about Kyle. I trusted my brother didn't do anything stupid, but according to Sam, it was serious. I didn't have any chance to find out, since I was busy in the hospital. “Hey! You joining me?” Kendra broke my train of thought. I looked at her and smiled. “Yes,” I got up and walked towards her. Two hours later, I was almost ready for my shift. I was doing a double residency in New Jersey and New York. It was a tough choice, but I chose it. I have always wanted to become a doctor. I was studious and an achiever from middle school through high school though I wasn’t a saint. I have had my fair share of experiences in life. Mom was my biggest inspiration. She was one of the best surgeons in the country. She was also a cardiologist. I was doing an internship in emergency medicine and pediatric surgery. Being the youngest in the family, I was always treated as a baby, albeit my older twin brother and sister were only a year older than me. I took a sip of my coffee before selecting which necktie to wear. Kendra left my apartment a few minutes ago to catch her flight to Florida. We spent another hot sesh in the shower, overlooking the time. “Great…” I almost patted my back as I checked my attire in front of the mirror. My blue dress shirt and colorful necktie complimented. I picked up my body cologne and sprayed some on me before picking up my prescription glasses. It was still early, but since I needed to check on my brother in his place, I had to leave my cave. Kendra and I had already shared a quick breakfast, and it was up now to Mama Melba to clean my place, since Yelena wasn't available. I took my car key and left my humble apartment. It was quite near the hospital I was working, but since I had a duty in New York, I had to take my car with me. I got inside the SUV and fished out my phone to see if I could call Kyle instead of checking him on his pent. He lived closer to the city, whereas my place was a few minute drive away from his. “Ugh…Kyle…answer it…” I frustratingly uttered. I decided to drive to his place and check on him this time. Even Sam couldn't get hold of him. Half an hour later, I finally arrived at his pent. I pulled up my car in front of his building and got out to check the front desk first. Precious, the front desk lady, greeted me right away. “Doc Sammy!” “Hey, Precious! Is Kyle still home?” I asked. Precious smiled and shook her head. “Oh, he left early today, Doc. Like about…” I didnt hear what Precious say next. I felt a sudden whack on my back and continued thump all over my body. I was taken aback by the sudden attack. I lost my footing, and it sent me to the ground. ‘Boink!’ I heard something hard hit my head. “Ouch…Hey…hey…Stop! Why are you hurting me?” I calmly asked the lady who violently attacked me with her bag. “I hate you, Kyle! I f*****g hate you! Where’s Elisha?!... Where the…” “I’m not Kyle….” The lady seemed petrified as she faced me. Kyle. She perhaps thought I was Kyle. Her eyes were wide as saucers, and her jaw almost reached the floor. “Damn…” I slowly composed myself. The security guys were about to take her when I waved my hand and asked them to stop. I bet she quickly recognized I wasn’t Kyle, indeed. “It’s okay….Hey, Miss…I’m Samuel, not Kyle… He’s my brother….” I coolly said, although my right temple was throbbing in pain. “Your water bottle got me….” It was a metal water flask. “Ooppsss…I’m sorry…I’m sorry….” The lady seemed remorseful. Regret was etched on her pale and sad face. “I’m on my way to New York now. I can drive you to my brother Kyle’s office.” I offered. It seemed she really needed to see Kyle. I heard her asking for Elisha, and she was indeed upset with my brother. I was somehow curious about what was happening now. Maybe Miss Violent could enlighten me. “Please…do…” She accepted right away. I inhaled a deep breath and looked at Precious. “He’s in his New Jersey office, right?” I checked. “Yes, doc…” Precious nodded. “Sweet…thanks,” I smiled, still rubbing my bump. “Let’s go,” my face was stern as I looked at Miss Violent. We silently walked out and got inside my car. “Buckle up, miss? What’s your name again….” I asked, easing the tension she must've felt earlier. I offered her my hand, but she just looked at my face with an unflappable expression on her face. “Miss Violent, right?” “Huh?” “Just kidding…” “I’m really sorry. I’m Sophie. Elisha’s friend.” ‘Sophie…’ I smirked. “It’s okay…just buckle up…” I reminded her. “Sure…” Sophie buckled up and sat up straight. I puffed under my breath. “Sweet…” I mumbled, but a thought came into my head. It would only be a short ride, but I needed to know everything from Sophie. I took a glimpse at her and noticed how pretty she was. Her long wavy hair was a half-up-and-down mess, and her whole demeanor was glimmering with sadness. She had a soft-featured face with a pointed chin and a small nose. Her eyes were big and brown, with dark eyelashes. She had light skin. I bet she had a fair tone under the tan lines on her arms. Sophie seemed to notice I wasn’t moving and just ogling her, so she looked at me. Her soft arched brows knitted, “Aren’t we going, doc?” she asked. I ignited the ignition, but I didn't drive right away. I shook my head, “Tell me….” I glanced at her. Sophie looked at me. Her lips quivered, and her eyes watered with tears once more. She seemed to hurt and I started to wonder about the extent of my brother’s trouble with Elisha. “It...It's hard to listen to what she said to me. Please give me some time,” she sniffled, pausing to breathe.“All I can say is your brother did the most despicable thing to Elisha. I have no idea where she is. She’s not answering her phone. Sammy, she’s pregnant….” Sophie sobbed. Her body trembled, covering her face with her hands. “Damn…” I muttered in dismay to my brother. This was something I was kept oblivious to. Kyle must've done terribly to Elisha, and It was evident in Sophie’s tears. I unbuckled my seatbelt and offered her a hug. Sophie was hesitant at first, but she calmly received my embrace. We might be strangers to each other, but this was the only way I knew that could give her comfort. “I’m sorry to hear that….” I whispered, rubbing her arm. I had seen this kind of suffering and tears from my sister Sam a few years back. We had no idea about the troubles she had been going through until everything bolts out of the blue. “I need to see Kyle. He knows the answer….” Sophie croaked. “Of course…” I nodded, sitting back in the driver's seat and buckling my seatbelt. I started the car and drove away. Sophie remained in her seat, sobbing silently. I gave her my handkerchief to wipe her tears and snot. “Thanks…” she said, blowing her nose without care. “I’ll wash it…” she added, clutching it tight. “You can keep it, Sophie….” “Of course...” Sophie’s face grimace. “Doc, I’m really sorry about what happened earlier.” “Don’t mind it. It’s fine. I hear you.” “Yeah…” I didn't want to ask more questions. The wound was still fresh for her. As much as I wanted to know more, I had kept it for a while. A few minutes went by, and we finally arrived at Kyle’s office building. I somehow knew what would happen next once Sophie met my brother. And boy, I wasn’t wrong. Sophie and I stepped out of my car and walked toward the lobby. I saw my brother right away inside the hall. I was about to tell Sophie to calm down, but it was too late. “You, mother fucker Skylar Owens! What did you do to Elisha?!” Sophie dashed in and was already in front of my brother. Kyle slowly dropped to the floor, and Sophie started snuffing the living daylights out of him. “Sophia…” I could only whisper as she harshly pounded and hit Kyle. “You f*****g liar! Fool and cheater! I will f*****g kill you!” Sophie yelled aggressively, straddling my brother, hitting, punching, and tugging his hair repeatedly. I couldn't help but wince in pain. I almost got the same beatings had Sophie not realized I wasn’t Kyle. I decided to intervene as soon as it was getting out of hand, but I saw my sister Sam on the other side waving her hand to stop me. Her arms were spread as if stopping anyone from meddling in the situation. “Ouch…fuck…” Kyle groaned in agony as Sophie yanked his hair like an angry banshee before smacking his face on the floor. Then she stood up and kicked Kyle all over his body. My brother was holding back and not doing anything, but just received the painful whacks. Then, out of a sudden, a few men working in the office stopped Sophie. “You! My best friend chose you over me,” Sophie yelled, panting while the guards held her. “She loved you! She trusted you! and looked at what you did. Where is Elisha!? Where is she?!” she was red. “Let go of me! I need to kill that bastard!” she wriggled from their hold. “Sophie… stop… let’s talk.” “No! I will not stop and talk to you! I can’t contact her phone anymore. I am so freaking worried about her. Why Kyle? Why?” “I know… I’m sorry… I’m trying my best to find where El is….” My heart dropped into my stomach after hearing Sophie’s cries and pleadings. It was horrifying. Elisha was missing, and she was pregnant. Those small details were enough for me to imagine the worst. Just like the nightmares I had been trying to forget. “Oh, Elisha…” I mumbled. I didn’t know or hadn’t met her yet, but for sure, she was a precious lady. I was about to walk in when Sophie got freed from the men’s hold and began beating Kyle again. Kyle was a bloody mess on the floor, whimpering and panting, albeit just taking all the punishing thumps from Sophie. I couldn't blame her, but it seemed enough. Eventually, Sophie’s whacks lessened as she also cried in pain while looking at my curling brother on the floor. “Poor Elisha…I wished I didn’t leave her side. I should’ve brought her with me….” Then I noticed Sam shook her head and walked towards to stop Sophie. “It’s okay, love….” she comforted Sophie. “Sophie,” Sam crouched and held Sophie’s back and arms, “That’s enough, love. You already got him bad,” she added, death glaring at Kyle. I knew Sam enough. I bet she wanted her twin to feel the worry Sophie was having. And from the looks she gave to my brother, I already knew the extent of the mess he had made. I must find it out. Sam looked at me as she helped Sophie get up. “She’ll be okay. Thanks…” she mouthed at me. “Are you sure?” I asked her. Sam sadly smiled and nodded. “I’ll talk to you later. You can go….” “See you, thanks….” I answered. Sam walked away with Sophie. My eyes went back to Kyle, and I saw how bad he was. His shirt was ripped and stained red from blood, and his face was beaten terribly. I thought about aiding him, but the in-house nurse got in and helped the men to bring Kyle to their clinic. I heaved a deep breath. “Oh, Kyle. What have you done, big bro….” I clicked my tongue before turning my back and heading to my car. I still had a duty to attend. I will find out later, but for now, I must go on with my day. I was in the middle of my drive when I noticed Sophie’s bag on my passenger seat. As soon as I stopped at a red light, I took it and checked it. She must’ve left something important like her phone. There was a book, a pen, a clutch, a couple of girly stuff and, of course, a metal water bottle flask. ‘Sophia Kay Taylor Santos’ It looked like a diary, judging by how it was scribbled. Her last name seemed to be of Hispanic origin. The fierce Sophie looked like she was, though her Latina beauty and body were more mixed and European. “Poor girl…” I mumbled, putting her things back on the seat. I would message Sam later about Sophie’s stuff. I continued driving. My thoughts were all about Sophie and her predicament.
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