Chapter 15- Maybe Not

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Sammy “Damn, why do I need to do this?” I mumbled to myself, holding the little shot glass. I knew Sophie would be here soon in the library. “Whatever.” I took the shot. My face grimaced as soon as it tasted its nutty flavor. I drink occasionally, but not this lone bitter whiskey stash I found in the cabinet. “Sophie…” I muttered once more. My thoughts were already being thrown off by the lovely lady. I shouldn't be, but I couldn't stop myself. I had just recently met and gotten to know her. She was the same age as Elisha, but she behaved more responsibly and seemed older than her years. The surprised peck she gave me earlier truly stunned me. I bet she understood the tension building between us. I started to like her even more, and her quirky attitude somehow enticed me. If I could say it right, I felt like being a teenager again. I had an extraordinary teenage life, but it wasn't until a tragedy struck that I still couldn’t forget. Demi and Jessica. These ladies were close to my heart back then. Unfortunate circumstances happened between us, and I haven’t found peace since then. For some reason, I haven't had any nightmares since Sophie came into my life. The harrowing thoughts were no more. I hope. Call it weird, but the dreams were all about Sophie. I knew I had to nip this in the bud, but I couldn't stop myself from thinking about her every single day. This attraction was still young, but I might enjoy it while it last. It would be better if we remained friends, which I didn’t think would be good for us. Sophie was still young and had a promising future ahead of her. The train of thought suddenly ceased as soon as I heard my phone beep. I quickly checked it and saw Sophie’s name. ‘Where are you at? Xx’ My lips twitched as I typed my reply. ‘Downstairs, library. Bis bald. Xx’ As soon as I sent it, I took another shot of whiskey and stood up to hide behind the door. I felt silly, so I would surprise her and see how she would react. A little while later, I heard a soft knock, and then the door opened. Sophie walked in and looked around except behind her. I took my chance to scare her. “Boo! Nurse Sophie!” I held her waist. “Sammy!” Sophie exclaimed before shoving me away, but I was too robust and sturdy. I tightened my grip on her body, drawing her closer to me. Yet, I didn't know what happened next. As soon as my eyes rested on Sophie, I couldn't control myself from cupping her cheek and kissing her. Her dried-open lips locked with mine. I was no virgin, but it felt different with Sophie. I expected Sophie would push and slap me, but it was the opposite. She tiptoed and held my nape to deepen our contact. Our kiss became ardent until Sophie ceased it. We caught our breaths and grinned. “Did you just take a tequila shot?” Sophie snorted. “Yes, just a shot to help me fall asleep…” I admitted, smirking. Sophie nodded and heaved a deep breath. She seemed undisturbed, and I wondered why. “I see. Not bad,” she arched her brow. Her face was flushed and red. I held her waist tighter. “Who’s better?” I asked, looking straight into her eyes. I noticed how Sophie’s eyelids blinked, and she seemed to turn from red to white. Her throat moved as she gulped. “You…I…I have nothing to compare with except you.” Sophie answered, taking a step back and getting away from my hold. “Anyway, let’s talk…” she smiled. The dense atmosphere vanished as if nothing had happened between us. I tried to observe Sophie’s face, but she seemed nonchalant about it. “That’s why we are here. Let’s go,” I said, taking her hand as we sat on a massive, soft couch. I took my phone and sent Yelena a message to send us some tea while Sophie and I chatted. For some reason, there was no awkwardness building between us. Sophie shared what happened earlier when Elisha and Tom talked over the video call. Gideon managed to sneak out of bed and climb next to Elisha. I somehow expected Sam’s secret would be revealed soon. It wouldn’t take long, and my sister would face the truth and her fear. “Sam had nothing to fear if Tom ever found out Gideon was his. She already knew the truth. Tom didn’t cheat on her, and what happened between them was a terrible misunderstanding,” Sophie commented, voicing my exact thoughts. I nodded, smiling. “Yes. You just took the words out of my mouth. I hope everything will be alright.” I honestly wished for the sake of my nephew. “Sam mentioned he’s turning three soon! She actually overlooked the dates, but we still have time to prepare for it!” “He is! I just hope I will be here on that day.” “It might happen in New York!” “For real!? I'll be there then!” Sophie beamed. “Sweet! I'll be back in Florida, though…” “Huh?! You’re leaving again?” I scowled. Sophie flinched. “Yes, as I said, I needed to take my stuff and fix everything before moving here.” I sighed in relief. “Oh, okay. As long as you come back soon, everything will be fine,” I added, winking at her. Sophie snorted. “Whatever! I will be here for Elisha, not for you, doc!” I narrowed my eyes at Sophie and slowly moved to where she was sitting. “Really..” “Yup,” Sophie said, popping the p before looking at how close we were while on the couch. “Just kidding! I know a nerdy man like you doesn’t have that many friends! So yeah, I’ll be here as a friend,” she said. “Just a friend?” “Yes. There's nothing more I can offer, doc.” I looked at Sophie’s bright eyes, and she seemed to be telling the truth. She didn’t strike me as someone who would play fire with someone. She was a typical teen who still enjoyed life and her young years. I knew what I did earlier was too much, but Sophie handled it well. “Hey…Doc Sammy to Earth!” Sophie nudged me. I smiled at her, shaking my head. “Yes, I don’t mind it. I badly needed a friend.” “Great to know! Me too! I miss my other friends’ company. Especially Cedric. He’s the best guy!” “Sweet!” I beamed, “Anyway. We need to plan Gideon’s birthday. It will be after the gala.” “Yup. I haven’t talked to Elisha, but I’d probably speak with her tomorrow about it.” “Sweet!” I puffed in relief. A little while later, our tea came in. I was busy pouring the cup when I saw Sophie looking at her phone, scowling. Her face seemed upset as I noticed how her brows knitted together. “Assh*le.” I heard her huff. “Everything okay?” I nosily asked. Sophie looked at me with startling eyes before rolling them. “Yes. Yes. Just a nonsense message. Whatever!” she added, tossing her phone on the couch. “Anyway. Yes. Now that I accepted Sam’s offer. I needed to get my personal stuff, like documents and papers from Grandma’s place to start my college application.” “Awesome. I bet Elisha is happy to know your decision.” I commented. Sophie shrugged her shoulders. “She is, but I don’t think she’s staying here that long,” she mumbled. “What do you mean?” I curiously asked. Sophie inhaled deeply. “She might go to another state and continue her studies. Maybe with Tom in France or other cities, but not here.” “Seriously?” I asked in disbelief. Elisha was pregnant, and even if she had given birth, taking care of twins while studying would be difficult. “Yes, with Nana’s help... Sophie answered before sharing Elisha’s planned set-up for her life. I truly understood her reason, but it was far-fetched, knowing it wouldn’t be easy for her and her babies. “Well, we needed to do something for her to stay,” I replied, “Not that I don’t trust Elisha, but her hatred for Kyle seemed to be why she didn’t want to stay closer to where he is. She’s smart.” “She is. I wanted her away from Kyle, but I didn’t want her to risk her life and future.” Sophie mumbled. “Same here. I will keep my promise, but I can’t be by her side twenty-four-seven. And you said you needed to leave for a while. I knew Kyle would be stubborn enough to insist,” I stated. Kyle had his own way and would persistently see Elisha, even from afar or especially when needed. I could see the scenario he would create to see Elisha. “I trusted Elisha wouldn’t give her goddamn day to Kyle. She hated him to the bone.” “I couldn't agree more with you,” I nodded, “He has already moved to New York, and it's great that you'll be staying in New Jersey. Maybe tell Elisha to consider that….” I suggested. I wished Elisha would try to think about it. Leaving the city meant Sophie moving away from me too. Sophie and I continued chatting until I noticed how she frequently yawned. “You should rest. It’s already two in the morning.” Sophie’s eyes gaped and looked at the wall clock. “Oh, shoot! Yes, let’s go!” she stood up. Sophie and I walked upstairs, and soon as she opened the door, we heard a loud barfing sound inside the bathroom. Our eyes gaped as we realized who and what it was. “Elisha!” I said, getting in with Sophie. Elisha was crouching in the toilet bowl, retching continuously. “Elisha…” Sophie kneeled next to her friend and rubbed comforting circles on her back. “Oh, lord…Are you okay?” Elisha just nodded. I turned around and ran inside my bedroom to get a cold water bottle from my mini fridge. I gave it to Elisha as soon as I came back. “Drink this…” Sophie took the bottle and gave it to Elisha. She drank half of it and used the other half to wash her face. I couldn’t help but feel pity. Elisha passed her first trimester, and she still had these bad symptoms. “Thanks...” she croaked in a raspy voice before trying to stand with Sophie’s help. “I’m sorry…” Sophie mumbled, helping Elisha as she faced the bathroom sink. Elisha washed her face and gargled with mouthwash before facing me and Sophie. “You guys can continue with your naughty business. I’m okay,” she winked at us while wiping the water off her face. “El?!” Sophie laughingly grumbled. I smirked. “We’re done…” “Sammy!?” Sophie annoyingly groaned, glaring at me. “I am just kidding. Anyway, sorry. These two didn't want to give me a break…” Elisha snorted, rubbing her tummy. “If the symptoms persist, I will put you on IV, El.” I sincerely said, “You need to rehydrate and drink more water.” “And I hate it!” Elisha puffed. “I kept waking up and going to the toilet just to wee….” “I’m sorry,” Sophie rubbed Elisha’s arm. “Wake me up anytime you need help, Elisha,” she offered. Elisha looked at Sophie. “I will! Thanks, girl,” she said before looking at me. “Thank you too, doc Sammy. Yes, I will need your help, but so far, I am okay…” I inhaled a deep breath and stepped forward to face Elisha. “You’re such a brave young woman. Again, I am really sorry this is happening. Let me know if you need help. Anytime,” I rubbed her arms before glancing at Sophie. “Nurse Sophie and I will always be here for you,” I added, kissing her forehead. “I will. Again, thank you, Nurse Sophie and Doc Sammy,” Elisha beamed and hugged me. We called it a night a little while later. As soon as the two ladies were settled and ready for bed, I left their room and headed to my own. After doing my bathroom business, I lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling while thinking about the highlights of my day. It was happy indeed. It started when I picked Sophie to kiss her tonight. Such a day, certainly. My connection with her was great and awesome. This could blossom into something we both would enjoy, but I didn’t think we were both ready yet. Maybe yes. Maybe not. xx
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