Chapter 14- Nurse Sophie

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‘I just left. See you later, Sophie xx.’ I couldn't help but smile as I read Sammy’s message. He mentioned earlier that his shift and duty in the city would be a little longer. He would often come home and see me. ‘See you soon, doc! Take care! Xx’ ‘Update me about Elisha. She still has her symptoms, love,’ “I will! Don’t worry. I will be her nurse!” “Awesome, Nurse Sophie! Please hug Gideon for me. I was in a rush and I forgot to say goodbye. He’s going to cry…” “Oh… shoot! I will! Anyway, Tschuss! Xx’ I took a quick photo of mine and sent him a cute selfie. “Ooohhh…” I gaped as soon as I saw what I sent. I was on my stomach and saw a little revealing image of my chest cleavage that I quickly cringed and deleted. ‘Why though? ;)’ “Damn it…” Sammy had already seen and replied with a winking emoji. I palmed my warm face and cringed once more. I looked flirty, which I didn’t mean. I quickly typed my reply. ‘Wrong person…’ ‘For real?! :O For who?” “Freaking hell, Sophia!” I scolded myself, tugging my hair in dismay towards myself. I didn’t look flirty anymore. I sounded like a slut. ‘Just kidding! I didn’t mean to send that photo! Lol’ ‘Gotcha! xx’ Sammy replied with a cute photo of him in his white coat and a stethoscope around his neck. Dear lord, he was handsome and hot, especially the slick-back brown hair and his five o'clock shade. “Damn…Ooof…” I mumbled, zooming through the photo as I looked at his mesmerizing amber eyes and long dark lashes. “You look happy, eh?” Elisha butted. She was sitting on the couch, resting her back. “I am. Its Doc Sammy,” I admitted, lips still twitching from ear to ear. “What did he say?” I puffed and turned on my back, stretching and spreading my body on the bed. “Nothing. Just see you later.” I lied. “That’s sweet. Sammy won’t be here in the following weeks, right?” Elisha asked. “Yes. Sammy goes to each city every two weeks. He’s staying here until next week,” I answered, somehow dreading the day. I bet I wouldn’t be here either. I had to return to Florida to prepare for my big move here. Elisha snorted. “You two looked great together.” “Yes, we are friends. That was a quick and easily established friendship because of you, El..” I calmly stated. “I’m happy for you, Sophie,” Elisha said, “You found comfort and care in him. He and Sam truly are siblings.” “Yeah, and Kyle is the adopted one,” I scoffed, fuming in hate until now. “I hear you,” Elisha scoffed. A little while later, Sam and Gideon knocked and went inside the bedroom. “Look! They are here!” Sam declared, soothing her crying son. “Sammy forgot to say bye-bye to him,” she chuckled. “Oh, My Didion!” I stood up and took the boy, “It’s okay. My-my sent his hugs and kisses through me!” I kiddingly stated. “Phie-Phie…” Gideon hid his face in the crook of my neck. “It’ll be okay! Isha and Phie-phie will play with you today, right, Mommy?!” I looked at Sam. “Yes! My-my needs to go to work. You can stay all day here, my love,” Sam brushed Gideon’s lovely red hair. “Otay, Mommy…” Gideon mumbled, still hugging me. Sam shook her head, “I think that’s my cue, ladies! Elisha, call me anytime, okay? Also, Sammy. He said you needed to be rehydrated whenever you feel nauseous or after throwing up…” she added. “Yes, so far, I am okay, Sam. Thanks!” Elisha replied. “Sophie, let me know what you need, yes? Did you have enough clothes too? I already asked Yelena to shop for your clothes,” Sam said. My eyes gaped. “Oh! I have enough for the week, and please don’t bother! Just Elisha, yes?” I glance at Elisha. “Yes,” Elisha nodded. “Oh, don’t forget her granny panties,” I kiddingly snorted, earning me a glare from Elisha. Sam laughed. “Well noted, my love!” Sam left us, and I started playing with Gideon. Elisha remained on the couch, talking with Nana. “Phie-Phie…Didion sleepy…” The little boy yawned. “Sure, let’s take a nap…” I agreed, placing him properly on the bed. I hummed and patted his back, putting him to sleep. Yet, I fell asleep before the boy due to my own exhaustion. I jerked up upon realizing he wasn’t lying beside me. “Oh, God! Gideon! Where are you!?” I panicked and looked around the massive bedroom. “I’m here!” Gideon raised his hand. I sighed in relief upon seeing him with Elisha on the couch. “Bye-bye, Tom!” Gideon slid his way out of Elisha’s lap and walked towards me. I was somehow astonished upon hearing Gideon saying bye-bye to Tom. “You scared the shoot out of me, little boy!” I sighed, tickling the boy. I took a mental note to ask Elisha how it happened. Tom had no idea about Gideon, and now that he had seen the boy, I was pretty sure he would find a connection in his heart. “Top! Phie…top!” Gideon cheekily laughed. I stopped and took his bottle while pinning my ears at Elisha and Tom’s conversation. “Tom…Earth to Tom…” I overheard Elisha say. “Oh…hey….Was that Sophie?” “Yes…” I was patting Gideon’s bum while feeding him. I looked at Elisha and smiled. I listened to her whole conversation with Tom. My heart broke a little as I recalled my sadness weeks ago. I was pretty sure Tom had it hardest. Elisha was his favorite sister, though she was the only one he knew. Sawyer was my anchor too. He was the sweetest one, like Thomas. He badly wanted me to follow California and build my life again, but since Elisha was back, I didn’t think I would consider it. Sammy mentioned earlier that Sam had a proposal for me while waiting for the next school year. I wanted to know what would be on the table, and I shall see how I would benefit from it. Later that day, Sam arrived, minus her parents. The Owens wanted Elisha to be fully rested and well before facing her. They talked through video calls with Sam. The couple were indeed lovely, and they were glad to see Elisha alive. Maris was happy to speak with me again. They promised to clear their schedule and would come and visit sooner. “Hallo, ich bin zu Hause!” Elisha, Sam, and I looked at the door and saw Sammy smiling at us. We were chatting while waiting for dinner time. “My-My!” It was Gideon happily greeting the man at the door. “I mit you!” he added. I couldn’t help but smile after hearing Gideon missing his letter S again. Sammy crouched and faced the boy. “Aww…You mit me?” he chuckled, hugging the boy. “My-my mit you too!” he mimicked, making a puckering face. We couldn’t help but laugh as we watched the two. “I mit daddy Ky too….” Gideon added. Sammy looked at us with pursed lips. “I know, my boy. He will visit you soon….” he said, breaking the hug and looking at Gideon. “Otay,” Gideon seemed appeased and nodded. “Mommy, Isha, and Phie-phie!” he pointed and waved at us. I met Sammy’s eyes, and I couldn’t help but feel giddy for some reason. He looked dashing and fresh. “Hello, Mommy, Isha, and Phie-phie!” he kiddingly said, picking Gideon in his arms and walking towards the living room. “Come over here, love!” Sam waved her hand. We all stood up and greeted him. He hugged Sam first before giving Gideon to his mom. “How are you, Elisha?” he then hugged Elisha, “How are your symptoms?” Elisha smiled. “It's okay. I just puked once, but it’s great you got me a great nurse,” she winked at me. “Great to hear!” Sammy’s brow arched at me and nodded. “Wie geht es Ihnen, Schwester Sophie?” he asked me in a sweet Deutsch accent before hugging me too. “I heard you took care of our patient really well,” he added, giving quite a long and tight embrace. “I am fine, thank you for asking, doc Sammy!” I answered him. I somehow forgot my Deutsch soon as he squeezed me. “Yes, she vomited, but I asked her to drink fluids and eat healthy snacks,” breaking the hug. Elisha and I sat back on the couch after Sammy broke the hug. “Oh, speaking Deutsch?” Asked Sam. “Ja!” Sammy replied, sitting beside Gideon and Sam on the sofa. “I am practicing my Deutsch with her,” he said before playing peek-a-boo with him. “Oh, yes! That’s Sophie’s elective language!” Elisha gasped. “Ooof... I have already forgotten it!” Sam laughed. “I had French back in high school. I’ve been studying it for years, but I don’t think I am fluent enough,” she added. “Tom is!” I butted, “Right, Elisha? Remember one time this French girl b*tching us in her native tongue when Tom visited us?” I vividly remember the lady who insulted Elisha and me for unknown reasons. “Yes! Yes, you are right! Tom snapped back at her, and she was like, ‘Oh, s**t,’” Elisha replied. “Tom said the lady likes him and wants him in bed. If the ugly redhead and big boobie lady hadn't been with him, she could’ve asked his number!” “For real?!” Sammy chimed. “Ah-huh! She was just jealous that we were talking with him!” I answered, nodding. “Oh, come on!” Sammy snorted, “I love your red hair, Elisha, and I love your..your….” he ceased his words as he looked at me. Perhaps Sammy somehow realized his next words wouldn’t sound good. “What, Sammy? Proceed….” Sam sneered, arching her brow. Elisha cracked up before looking at my chest. “I love Sophie’s big boobies, too!” she gasped before holding and squeezing my right one. “They are real, dude!” “Stop! Elisha!?” I squirmed, laughing this time. Sammy’s face turned beet red. He was flushed. “Fine!” Sammy rolled his eyes and huffed like a girl, holding his chest and grabbing it as if adjusting his invisible bosom. “I wish I had a good one, too!” he seriously said, making us laugh. I laughed out loud again after seeing Sammy coolly mess around with us. He flipped his long invisible hair before crossing his legs over and puffed, acting almost exactly like the lady Tom called out. “Oh, Damn! That’s how she looked exactly!” Elisha snorted. “The blood drained from her face when Thomas spoke to her in straight French! It was exhilarating!” “It was embarrassing!” I seconded. “Oh, Thomas…of course,” Sam beamed with gleaming eyes. “I thought he was a native when I met him. His accent was strong, and he spoke like he had lived there his entire life. I didn’t know he was only there for a couple of years,” she continued. “Daddy Tom-tom?” All of our heads turned and looked at Gideon. The innocent question was surprising, especially with Sam. Elisha had already mentioned what happened earlier during my watch. I fell asleep, and Gideon sneakily went to Elisha and butted in during her video chat with Thomas. The boy thought it was his daddy Ky. I wasn’t sure if Elisha had mentioned it to Sam. I hoped it wouldn’t make a big deal. We all knew the story. Sam smiled and nodded. “Yes, Daddy Tom-Tom,” she calmly agreed, kissing her son’s hair. Sammy looked at me with his questioning eyes. I arched my brow to let him know that I would spill the tea later. “Dinner is ready!” Almira suddenly announced, breaking the thickening atmosphere. “Yes!” Gideon excitedly yelled before walking towards me and Elisha, grabbing our hands. “Eat! Eat!” I couldn’t help but laugh as I helped Elisha stand up.“Sure, let’s eat our dinner!” I sing-sang. We all went to the dining hall and settled ourselves down. Honestly, I was happy to see Sammy at home and join us for dinner. That night as well, Sam offered me a job in her team. Ever since I met Sam, I have been fascinated by her job and profession. I once wanted to build a marketing and business career but suddenly felt the urge to know more about laws and whatnot. The job was temporary while preparing myself for university, though it would still be my choice. I could work and study at the same time, but I had to choose which state I would stay and focus on. For now, I would be jumping and working in three cities in different states. Mainly in New York, Philly, and New Jersey. After dinner, Elisha and I returned to our room to freshen up. Like we used to, we took a shower together and chatted like there was no tomorrow. “Sophie….” Elisha was scrubbing my back, “I am glad you are considering the job. I would love to go to school after giving birth. I will push through next year. That’s my goal….” “That’s awesome! Yes, me too! We will go to school together!” I happily said, “Turn around,” I added, scrubbing Elisha’s back this time. “Yeah…but…” “But what?” “I don’t think I’d take them here….” “What?!” I scowled. “Yeah, I’m trying to see if I could go to Paris like Tom or somewhere, maybe in Austin, Texas…or California!” she answered. “Oh…really?” Elisha didn’t answer me. She inhaled a deep breath before facing me. “Maybe consider Sawyer’s offer to study there..” she smirked, wiggling her brows. I narrowed my eyes and nodded. “We shall see…” I said albeit I felt a slight tug in my heart. It wasn’t soon, but I somehow started to dread it. “I might ask Nana to help me with them while I study. I will try to work part-time to earn money. My school fees are already covered and secured. Two more years and I will turn twenty-one,” Elisha elaborately shared her plans. “I see. I hear you,” I fully understood Elisha’s decision to go somewhere to live and study. I do think she will change her mind. She would have two kids to take care of. And to juggle between her studies, work, and them would be challenging. “You’ll stay closer, yes?” Elisha asked. I snorted and smiled. “I’ll stay with you, my daughter!” I laughingly said before turning the shower on. “Sophie!” Elisha shrieked, gasping. “Let’s go and rinse!” “Okay,” We rinse our bodies and brush our teeth together. We even took a selfie inside the bathroom wearing our new yellow and pink bathrobe Sam bought for us. We looked cute and lovely, reliving our high school days sleepovers. After slipping on our clothes and doing our night essentials, Elisha lay on the bed and quickly fell asleep. I took that as an opportunity to speak with Sammy. I messaged him, and he said he was downstairs in the library. I made sure Elisha was safe and had water near her bedside table before getting up from bed. I quietly left the room and headed to the mansion’s library. I knocked on the door before opening it wide. I didn’t find Sammy at the main office table, so I walked in, thinking he was in the washroom. As soon as I got inside, my body jerked up in shock. “Boo! Nurse Sophie!” It was Sammy, grabbing my waist before laughing loudly. “Samuel!” I yelled, turning my back before pushing him. But it went fruitless as Sammy’s hold was tight on my waist. I was dumbfounded as I looked up at him and saw his smugly smirking face staring down at me. I noticed how his gleaming eyes moved from my face down to my lips, then from my chin towards my chest. I still wear my bra, but my new pajamas had a revealing low-cut collar. “Sophie…” Sammy cupped my cheek with his sizeable warm hand. I was still staring back at him, speechless. I was mesmerized by his amber-colored eyes and quivering red plump, and before I could utter a word, Sammy locked his lips on mine. 2/2 xx
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