Chapter 16- Drama King

2820 Words
‘I love your ideas! Gideon will love it!’ I typed my message and quickly replied to Sophie. The lovely young lady had sent me photos and her plan for Gideon’s third birthday in the next few days. ‘Right?! Safari will be great!’ ‘I couldn’t agree more with you!’ “Yay!’ ‘How’s Elisha, by the way?’ ‘She’s okay. She still couldn’t eat but drinks a lot of juice and water. Poor girl…’ I heaved a deep breath before puffing them slowly. Elisha seemed not to be well yet. It had been just days since we found her, and her symptoms were worsening. Gladly, Sophie was with her every day, checking and ensuring she was okay. ‘I see…’ I replied. ‘I'll be home soon. Mom and Dad are coming over for dinner to meet Elisha….’ ‘Okay. See you soon! Elisha is taking her nap. Gideon and I are going to play hide-and-seek! Tschuss!’ I couldn't help but smile as soon as an image appeared on our message thread. It was Gideon sitting on Sophie’s lap. She was smilingly kissing the boy’s cheek while Gideon giggled. “Oh, Gideon…” I murmured. The little boy looked happier and healthier. It had only been days, but Elisha indeed did a miracle for our little angel. Sophie was a great help too. Sam had been dealing with legal cases in and out of the States. I knew she wanted to prepare for her son’s birthday party but had no time to do so. Fortunately, Sophie was there, and she volunteered to help Sam even though she had only a few days to prepare it. Though Sam had already hired people to deal with it, Sophie still wanted to make it extra special after hearing Gideon’s survival stories since day one. Sophie and I had been meeting and chatting at night inside the library. It was just the usual one where we talked about everything that had happened on the day, or we studied and practiced our Dutch. Sophie was indeed a great company. She had many stories about her childhood with her grandma and her brother, Sawyer. According to her, her parents left the neighborhood when she was a baby and never returned. She opened up to me and said that her grandma once said that they might not return. They once involved themselves in street-crime activities. Sophie only knew a few vague details about their disappearance, but she couldn't care less now. She said she had lived her life without them. I rested my phone on the table before removing my eyeglasses to massage the bridge of my nose. I was waiting for my shift to end before going home. One last round, and I’d be out. I worked for almost sixteen hours, but gladly, I had my time off tomorrow, and I would use it to study and review for my exam. “Doctor Sammy?” I opened my eyes and looked at the door. “Oh, yes….” I smiled at the nurse. “It’s time,” The nurse smiled back. “Sure.” I nodded before standing up to do my job. ~ “Samuel, my son!” Dad greeted me at the door. I just got home and knew it would be dinner time soon. “Hey, Dad!” I hugged him and asked, "Where’s mom?” “Elisha’s room. You can freshen up and be here in thirty.” “Oh, okay. Sophie?” I asked him again as we walked into the living room. “With Gideon! Those two are balls of fire!” Dad laughed. “They’ve been playing since the afternoon!” I chuckled. “Oh, yes, Dad. Well, I’ll be back in a while,” I said, leaving him as I went to my room to shower. I wondered if Sophie was in Sam’s room, which was also Gideon's. After a few minutes of rest in the bedroom, I joined my family at the dinner table. Everybody was there except for Kyle. I felt terrible for my brother for missing our family time together, but it was his fault he wasn’t invited to be with us. “Hey, guys!” I smiled at everyone. My eyes were trained to find Sophie. I saw her beaming at me. She looked flushed and fresh as well. “My-my!” Gideon yelled. “Hello, Dion!” I kissed Gideon’s hair. “Hi, son! How are you?” Mom greeted me, standing up. I hugged her and kissed her cheek before sitting next to her. “I’m doing great. Just finished my sixteen-hour shift,” I answered before smiling at Sophie, who was sitting opposite. “Rest time tomorrow?” Sam asked as we all started serving our dishes. “Sort-off. I needed to catch up with my studies,” I answered. “That’s my son,” Mom winked at me. Dad cleared his throat. “Well, do you have any time for love, Samuel? All work and play make Jack…” he sneered. “Oh, dad…” I snorted, smirking. “I am okay…I can manage….” “That’s my son, too…” Dad winked at Mom. Everyone chuckled. I glanced at Sophie and saw a smirk on her face. “How are you, Elisha?” I asked to change the topic. She was pale and weaker than a few days ago. The dark circle under her eyes matched Sophie’s. “I feel better. Thanks for the food list and sending nurse Sophie,” Elisha answered. “I am happy to hear that,” I said, looking at Mom. “I think she’s having hyperemesis gravidarium.” Mom nodded. “I checked on her earlier, and you’re right. I said we needed to put her on an IV if it worsened, " she replied. “Please don’t worry, El. I’ll be here all day tomorrow,” I assured her. “Thank you, Sammy…Thank you, Maris,” Elisha replied, smiling at us. “And how about you, Sophie?” Dad asked. Sophie looked at us, wiping her lips with the table napkin. “Oh, my flight will be tomorrow….” she answered, “I'll be back in a few days, though. I just needed to sort out my grandma’s things plus my stuff,” she added, glancing at Elisha and me. I felt dismayed after hearing what she said. I knew she would leave for a while, but five days seemed long enough for me. I glanced at Elisha and saw how sad she became after hearing Sophie. “I hear you, sweety,” Mom smiled, “Though I am glad you are considering Sam’s offer. We love to see you here,” she added, “Right, Samuel Alistair?” She arched her brow at me. I pursed my lips before taking a sip of water. “Yes, mom. I love to see Sophie here,” I agreed with her. Sophie chuckled. “For Elisha and our little munchkins,” she said, touching Elisha’s bump. “I am happy to know you found out their gender quite easily, Elisha,” Dad chimed, “When Samantha and Skylar were in their mom’s tummy, it took us a while to find out their gender.” “I heard…” Elisha smiled and shrugged her shoulders. I could feel she wasn’t comfortable talking about it over dinner, so I sliced the sad atmosphere and put our attention on Gideon, who was eating like a king next to Elisha. “Hey, buddy! Wow! "What a great eater you are now!” I cheered and happily talked to the lovely boy. “Yes! Dion love to eat!” Gideon giggled with smudges of soup and spaghetti sauce on his face. “Look, Isha!” “That’s my Didion!” Elisha smiled, wiping Gideon’s messy cheek. “Oh, Elisha. I am so happy to see Gideon eating now!” Mom agreed, “You truly changed our grandson!” Elisha chuckled. “Well, not only me but Sophie! They’d been playing a lot, which made him go hungry too!” She added, nudging Sophie. “I agree with you!” Dad said, “I saw them playing this afternoon, and I am amazed how you kept up this little boy’s energy," he added. “Oh, I love Gideon’s so much. He really helps me!” Sophie answered. “He occupies me so much!” “I am so happy to hear, Sophie,” Sam smiled, “I’ve heard your plans from his birthday organizers. I can’t thank you enough, love,” she added. “Anything for Gideon,” Sophie smiled at the boy. Elisha looked at me before Sam. “And Doctor Sammy helped her too, Sam. They make a great team!” she chimed, earning a slight nudge and glare from Sophie. Sam beamed at me. “I know you are busy, bro, but thank you for helping our Sophie. Sophie, thank you for making my dearest brother’s life busier! He badly needs it!” she stated, making everyone laugh. My smile went from ear to ear as I looked at Sophie. “She’s the best planner, and I only share my input whenever she asks me…right, sweety?” Sophie nodded. “He’s indeed a genius, and I badly needed his smarty-pants because mine sometimes don’t work,” she answered, cracking us up. “Oh, Sophia! Of course…” Mom laughed, shaking her head. “I am glad you can keep up with my son’s monotonous life.” She winked at me. “Mom…” I puckered and kiddingly cried. Mom cupped my cheek. “Just kidding. I am just happy to see you here with us tonight. It’s been a while, Sammy. You are too busy with your job,” she said. I smiled at Mom. “Yes, because I’ve always looked up to you, and that’s why I follow your profession, Mom,” I genuinely replied. “Aww…so sweet…” Sam chimed. “Yes, mine is Dad,” she added, wiggling her brows. “And Kyle?” Sophie then added, followed by silence. “He’s adopted….” I jested, chuckling. Everyone giggled and smiled. We all continued eating while chatting. We didn’t talk about the troubles that had happened weeks and days ago, but I knew Mom and Dad would speak to Elisha later about them. ~ “So you’re leaving tomorrow, right?” I asked Sophie. We were in my room since Mom, Dad, and Sam were at the library. She and Sophie would go later to join them. Elisha spoke with Nana and Justin inside her bedroom after dinner while Sophie tended to Gideon for a while. “Shhh…” Sophie hushed me as she lay on my bed with Gideon. The little boy was sucking his milk and about to sleep. “Yes…” she mouthed, hugging and tapping his bum. “Oh, I’m sad....” I pouted like Gideon when he was upset. Sophie glared at me. “Drama king,” she mumbled. I chuckled, “Fine…Make him sleep so we can talk. Where is Almira, though?” “Not feeling well, but she will pick him up here later,” Sophie answered, rubbing Gideon’s hair. “I’m going to miss this boy…” “How about me?” “Nope…” “Ouch…” Sophie snorted, “You’re such a drama king....” “I am…” I winked at her. “Shhhh….” “Okay…” I kept my mouth shut and continued reading while waiting for Sophie to put Gideon to sleep. A little while later, Almira knocked and opened the door. “Gideon…” Almira smiled, pointing at the boy next to an already-sleeping Sophie. “Oh, sure…” I stood up and walked toward my bed. The two were soundly snoozing as they snuggled. “You can take him…” I whispered, picking up Gideon before giving him to Almira. “I’ll wake her up later….” “Okay…Thanks…” Almira nodded before carefully and silently walking out of my room. After closing the door, I returned to my bed to wake Sophie up. It was already eight in the evening, and I bet Elisha was already waiting for her. “Sophie…” I shook her arm, “Wake up….” Sophie’s eyes swiftly opened and gaped at me before staring back at the bed. She seemed startled. “Gideon! Where’s Gideon?!” she panicky asked. “Shh… Hey…it’s okay…” I chuckled, “Almira took him already…” Sophie palmed her face. “Oh…damn…I need to go back to our room…” she said before quickly standing up. I knew what was about to happen next. She became woozy and almost fell back on the floor. “Sh*t…” “Yes…relax…” I held her body tight, catching her. “Ohhh…dang…I felt dizzy…” “I know, and it's normal… just take a deep breath….” “Let me sit back…” “You are already sitting….” I smirked, looking at Sophie, who didn’t realize she was already sitting on my lap. “Sammy…” Sophie stared back, grasping my arm tight. Our eyes leveled as she settled closer to me. My heart palpitated as I felt her body closer. “Sophie……” I uttered, truly charmed as I looked back at her—the closeness we had brought something to me. I wanted to own her, but it seemed wrong. "Whatever this is, Sammy, I am not ready….” Sophie answered my thoughts. “I understand…same here…” “Yeah…But...” “But what?” I asked, still staring at each other. “I enjoy your company….” “Me too…” Sophie breathed deeply. She licked her lips while her eyes roamed around my face. “I can’t do this…yet…” “I’m not in a rush…” I genuinely answered, rubbing my thumb over her flushed cheek. Sophie’s face felt warm, but her skin was cold against me. “That’s great…” Sophie beamed and gulped. I cupped Sophie’s cheek. “Let’s enjoy this friendship. Let’s enjoy each other’s company. I know you’re not ready, and so do I…” I offered, slowly moving my hand down to her chin. “Kiss me again…” Sophie’s lips twitched, and slowly, she locked them on me. Her warm plumps truly enticed me. I wished I could take and own her tonight, but I knew it wouldn’t happen that quickly. Sophie and I made out for a while. Our lips dueled as we kissed. We started softly, pushing my tongue, and swirled with hers. My kisses crawled to her cheeks and ear before moving back to her mouth as I clasped her waist and squeezed her legs tight. Sophie’s cold skin held my arm and nape as she deepened our contact. Our kiss was sweet and hot, and we both moaned in delight. We knew what we wanted, but I could still feel the invisible wall between us. I wasn’t sure why, though I knew we craved something. Something new, hot, and sensual. Sophie's soft moans truly got me. My hands were about to move inside her shirt and cup the protruding valley leaning forward against me, but I felt Sophie’s body swiftly tense and stiffen. I stopped and broke our intimate moment because I knew myself well enough. Our eyes met again. Sophie’s eyes were gleaming as she peered back at me. “That was great…” I was out of breath. “Oh…yeah…” Sophie huffed and puffed. “I needed to go. Elisha might need me…” she composed herself, quickly standing and letting go of my hold. I didn’t protest and just looked at her walking away from me. “Sophie…” I called her as she was about to open the door. Sophie looked back. Her face was blank, though flushed. “See you in a while, doc Sammy…Guten Nacht,” she nonchalantly bade at me. I heaved and blew a breath as soon as she closed the door. I looked down and saw how enticed and roused up I was. I wasn’t playing Saint, but Sophie got me big time. The s****l tension between us was evident and imminent. I just didn't know when we'd be able to stop desiring each other. I laid my back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. For a while, I felt calm and relaxed. What happened a few minutes ago brought peace to me. Soon, I yawned and smiled before closing my eyes as I thought about Sophie’s beautiful face and desirable body. “F*ck…I cannot…” I muttered minutes after resting silently. The tent down below my body needed some release. It had been a while, and I needed to calm down. “Ugh!” I grunted, standing up to do fapping business in the toilet. xx
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