Chapter 20- I'm Sore

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About an hour later, Jose and I bade goodbye to our relatives. We left the house with my important things. My heart was sad and destroyed, but I didn't want it to grow in me. I wouldn't let Chase manipulate me again. I decided to stay with Jose for a night before accepting Erin’s offer to stay with her in her employee's mansion in a small town a few hours away from the city. After eating our dinner, Jose, Erin, and I called it a night. The two were all aware of who Chase was in my life. They advised me to relax and chill. They promised to care for me and wouldn’t let Chase get near me. My plan to work and help Jose fell through the cracks. I had to stay away in the meantime. Erin and I spent the night on Jose’s comfortable living room couch. “I am really sorry for what happened…” Erin hugged me. I smiled back at her. “Thank you…You should rest now. Make the most of your rest day, love.” Erin rolled her eyes. “I am trying, but I miss little Abigail,” she mumbled, puckering. “Oh…I know, but you will see her tomorrow.” “Yeah. I hope she’s alright…” Erin huffed while browsing her phone, looking at the photos. “This is my first night in six months!” “You can be her mother! Marry her dad!” I kidded. Erin turned her back and narrowed her eyes at me. There was a short silence before she grinned her white pearls at me. “Well, he’s handsome. Why not!?” she replied, making me laugh. “Abi needs a mom.” Erin snorted. “Yeah, she needs the love of her mom and her dad,” she said before turning her back. “Anyway, let’s rest. You will finally meet her tomorrow! I hope she’s really okay, though…” I beamed at Erin. My cousin was only two years older than me. She finished an associate nursing program, and her first job was caring for an infant baby. She had been with Abigail for five months, and the baby had special needs. Abigail had Down syndrome and was the daughter of Greyson Brown Laurier, one of the wealthiest single men in the city. “She’ll be okay with her granny tonight,” I said back before lying beside her and picking up my phone. Sammy had been trying to call me, but since I was too busy, I told him I would call him as soon as I rested in bed. I didn’t tell Elisha about the break-in and thrashing. I didn’t want to stress and worry about Elisha anymore. I had second thoughts about sharing it with Sammy, too. I felt like it wasn't his business, and I didn’t want to add burdens on him. We shared special moments, but that didn't mean we had to share our life troubles. Elisha also sent me a voice message, and she told me that Kyle had sneaked into the mansion and was now stressing her. He even joined them at dinner and acted as if he were innocent. I was enraged and thought about getting a flight tonight, but Elisha assured me she was okay. I didn’t trust her words, so I dialed Kyle’s number to talk to him. I was about to press the call sign when a message popped up on my screen. ‘Hey, little minx….’ I knew right away that it was Chase. “F*ck you!” I grittily muttered, blocking his number right away before calling Kyle this time. I was seething with annoyance, indeed. Now with Chase and Kyle. “Hey…” “Hey, yourself, Skylar Amaris! What the hell are you doing to Elisha!?” I roared as soon as he answered my call. “Hey… Sophie… chill! She’s in her room, and I am outside, giving her time for herself….” Kyle calmly replied. My nose was fuming, and my anger shifted to Kyle. “Why are you f*cking there? You promised your parents not to go and disturb Elisha!” “I am here because you guys aren’t here!” I refuted, “Who do you think will help Elisha tonight?” “You can leave her alone! She’s not the weak Elisha anymore!” “I can’t, Sophie! I know she’s better and stronger now, but physically she isn't!” “Oh, God, Kyle! Soon as I am back, I will beat your ass again!” I threatened. “You can do anything you want, young lady, but I won't leave Elisha tonight, that’s for sure….” Kyle hung up the phone, and that added to my fury. “Fucker!” I cursed. “Sophie…Chill…” I felt Erin hold and rub my back. “Breath…in…and…out…” she said, helping me to calm down. I did what she said, and somehow it gave me a break. I couldn't help but feel snappish. I was exhausted by the day's incident. Then the sudden message from Chase added more fuel to Kyle’s action towards Elisha tonight. I continued listening to Elisha’s voice message. She vaguely mentioned that Sammy and Kyle almost fought. Had she not intervened, the two probably would have clashed and battled in front of her. I suddenly felt terrible for Sammy, so I called him immediately. “Heyyyyy….Are you okay?” I asked as soon as he answered the call. I heard a soft chuckle. “Yes, ma'am…But I had to leave Elisha. She said she would be okay, so I went to my duty tonight….” Sammy replied. “How are you? I miss you…” “Oh, Sammy…” I murmured, biting my lower lip as I heard his sweet, sexy voice. “Sore…” I whispered, slightly giggling. I glanced at Erin, relieved to see her snoring and asleep. Sammy chuckled. “I can’t wait to see you…We needed to talk.” “Yeah,” I simply said, “I was angry at Kyle!” I heard a short huff from Sammy. “I believe Kyle won’t hurt Elisha again. I hope you’re not upset with me, though.” “It’s okay. Elisha said she knows what to do, though I am worried about what Kyle will say to her again,” “Oh, Sophie….please relax…I understand. I bet Elisha already mentioned what happened, right? Please don’t worry about me.” “Yes, and I can’t believe Kyle dared to help Elisha!” “Hey, chill…I don’t think Kyle will hurt Elisha. Sam already knows what Kyle did. She said she would knock him his senses out. And I will do it too. I told Almira to message me anytime and update me about Elisha….” Sammy stated. I sighed in relief. “Okay. I am glad to hear….” I mumbled, though I was still worried about Elisha. I still didn’t trust Kyle. “So, how are you? I’ve been waiting for your messages all day. Did you forget me already? And sore? I am really sorry for not being gentle…” Sammy asked. I pursed my lips and heaved a deep breath. I was embarrassed to admit that I was still aching. I didn’t want to tell him what happened earlier. “Oh, I guess she had forgotten me already,” I heard Sammy snort. “Oh, no! Of course!” I denied. I spaced out and forgot to answer him. “I was just tired and fell asleep as soon as I arrived. I am sorry for worrying you,” I sincerely apologized. “And I am okay…yes…I am sore…but I will be fine.” “It's okay, sweety. I understand. I was just kidding you.” Sammy chuckled, “I will be gentle next time.” “Stop…” My face was blushing. I was glad we were only talking on the phone. “I’m serious.” “Silly you. Anyway, I don’t want to disturb you, doc. I know you’re on duty,” I said right away to cut off our naughty conversation. “Yes. And thank you. I shall speak to you tomorrow, yes?” “Yes, doc. Tschuss!” “Goodnight, Sophie. See you soon!” “See you soon!” I smilingly replied before hanging up the call. Such a short but sweet conversation made my day and my core throb. His sexy and caring voice truly enveloped my h*rny and needy body. I had somehow forgotten what had happened earlier, and it calmed my heart to know that everything would be alright. ~ The following day, Erin and I left Jose’s apartment after breakfast. We were supposed to go at noon, but one of the maids in the mansion where Erin works called her. Abi had been fussy since last night and was looking for her favorite nurse. Erin was driving while I was busy chatting with Elisha for updates. Elisha said Kyle stayed with Gideon in her room. Gideon looked for comfort from his two favorite people after getting into a mini-accident. Elisha said she had no choice but to say yes to Gideon's request. Kyle used it as leverage and helped her throughout the night with her morning sickness. When Sammy came home, Kyle asked for assistance from him. Sammy put Elisha on an IV drip to help her, and she was now resting, albeit ignoring Kyle. After reading what Sammy did to Elisha, I typed a message and thanked him for helping her. I also told him I would stay with my cousin to catch up with her. ‘Have a safe trip! Talk to you later xx.’ Sammy’s quick reply made my heart skip a beat for some reason. “Sophie…” Erin mumbled, checking her rear-view mirror. “Yes?” I looked at her. “Do you want to rest? I can drive us,” I coolly offered. Erin shook her head. “No. But... there's been a car trailing behind us since we left the city,” she said, glancing at the back before focusing back on the road. I looked back and stared at the black car. “Damn…It must be Chase,” I mumbled my hunch. It was still bright outside, and Erin and I had only been traveling for hours. “Is he?” “I think so...” Erin nodded. “I hope not. But let's see. We can detour on another road to take us back to the mansion. We should drive there. If that car still follows us, it must be him,” she calmly said. “Okay…” I agreed, still looking at the car. About five hundred meters on the road, Erin took a right turn to take a detour. It would give us another half-hour drive to her place, but we didn’t mind. Erin knew the road like the back of her hand. “It's following us….” Erin declared. I didn’t notice it since we lost it after ten minutes of driving on the secluded road. “Damn….” I mumbled, thinking about calling the police for assistance. “Don’t worry. We will stop at the gas station nearby. I know the people there. We could get that person’s plate number,” Erin's calmness helped my sanity. Chase lived up to his name. His chasing business was on the go, and I hated it. Erin soon slowed down and pulled up to a nearby gas station. She stopped the car next to the fuel dispenser, and we both got out of the vehicle and walked inside the mini-store. “Hey, Bendy!” Erin coolly greeted the guy before we looked outside and saw the black car stop behind our vehicle. The window rolled down, making Erin and I gasp. It was Chase, indeed, staring at where we were. The window glass was bright enough to notice us, but we still crouched and waited for Chase’s next move. “Everything okay, ladies?” Bendy asked us as he looked outside. “Nope,” It was Erin. “You have CCTV outside, right?” she asked Bendy. “That guy has been following us...” “Oh…okay…yes, I have. Let me check it and call 911.” Bendy answered, prepping and c*cking his gun. “Do you know him?” “He was my ab*ser. He assaulted me before and just recently got out of prison,” I honestly answered Bendy. My eyes never left the car and Chase. “I’m sorry to hear that. That assh*le needs to know his territory.” Bendy got off the counter with his shotgun. My eyes widened as I saw the man about to go outside, holding his weapon. I looked at Chase, and as soon as he saw Bendy open the door, he revved his car back and left the gas station in a hurry, leaving a screeching noise. I sighed in relief as soon as Bendy came back laughing and chuckling. “Oh, thank God…” I held Erin’s hand. “Oh, Sophie…let me hug you,” Erin smiled. I hugged her back. It gave me great relief. I broke the embrace. “Thanks, Bendy…By the way, I am Sophie…Erin’s cousin,” I chuckled, offering my hand. Bendy smiled at me. “Well, you girls looked alike, especially your hair and eyes. I am not surprised. It's great to see you, Sophie. And you too, Erin,” he said, picking two cold bottles of water from the fridge and giving it to us. “Thanks, Bendy…I will let Mona know how you helped us,” Erin beamed. We both took a sip of water as we calmed ourselves. “Thank you! Remind my daughter she still has a dad waiting here,” Bendy snorted as he put his shotgun back under the counter. “I will, but come on! Give your daughter a break! She’s not going to abandon her only dad!” Erin chuckled, fixing her long brown hair with her scrunchie. I smiled as I listened to them. It was my first meeting with Bendy, and Erin had already mentioned Mona’s name. It was one of the helpers in the mansion. Erin said she was also my age and was working there to earn money for her tuition fees next year. “I know…” Bendy said as he looked at the computer next to him before scribbling on the paper. “This is the license plate number. I will ask my brother to run a check on it.” Erin took the paper. “Thank you, Bendy. We need to go. Abi is already waiting for me.” “I’ve heard.” Bendy got out and hugged Erin. “And you, Sophie. Let me know if you’re in trouble. Again, I am sorry about that. I will try to see what we can do about that guy.” “Thanks, Bendy…” I hugged the not-so-old man. xx
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