Chapter 19- I'm Proud

2372 Words
“Sophie! Open the door! Let’s take a shower together! I need to tell you something!” I heard Elisha grumble outside, banging on the door. I was peeing in the bathroom, trying to hide the hickeys and pain Sammy gave me earlier. “Ugh!” I grunted in discomfort. My lady part down south was sore. “I am not taking a shower! I’m pooping!” I lied. “Ew! Ugh!” Elisha replied, “Fine! You don’t love me anymore!” I couldn't help but laugh at my hormonal friend. I had just taken a bath hours ago after my little adventure next door. I left Sammy’s room as soon as I could handle myself and headed back to Elisha’s bedroom. I went straight to the shower area and cleaned my sinful, needy, thirsty body. I was thirsty, but I didn’t expect to quench it with such an act I never thought I would do again. Sammy was fantastic in bed. He was gentle, and that indeed got me. “Damn…” My core throbbed again for some reason. I could still feel his fullness inside me. “Oh, Sophie! Stop!” My face felt warm, and if Elisha could see me, she would know I did something silly last night. I left Sammy a short message once I settled myself back in bed. I told him to keep everything between us. I had yet to make plans to come clean to Elisha. And I shall see what happens next once I return from Florida. “Hey… please come back soon,” Elisha cried, hugging me tightly. “Yes, girl. I’ll be back in five days. I just need to take my things and deal with my job, and you’ll see me here shortly…Please don’t cry…El,” I soothed her. I successfully hid my discomfort from her. Elisha was too moody to take notice of my soreness. We talked earlier. The stubborn lady wanted to go with me, but that wasn’t possible. “Okay.” Elisha puckered like a kid. “See you on Friday.” “See you, Mom....” I smiled before holding her bump and sweetly beamed at it. “Goddess-mom will be back, little ones. Please don’t make it hard for Mommy, yes?” “Yes, goddess mom,” Elisha mumbled. “Awesome! Take care, okay?” “Okay.” I looked at Almira and Gideon. “Dion, please take care of Isha and the babies, otay?”I hugged the little boy. I would truly miss him. “Otay, Phie,” “We will play hide and seek as soon as I return, otay?” “Otay, Phie,” “Be a good boy and eat your veggies, otay?” “Otay, Phie,” I smiled and hugged Almira too. Sam had already left, along with Maris and Lark. Sammy was still asleep, and I had no heart to wake him. He was already beaten from work yesterday, and our little shenanigan indeed wore him out. I was too, but I could take a rest later. I left him another message saying that I had left the city. “See you soon, El. See you, Gideon!” I bade as the car drove away. I sighed and felt sad. I knew I'd be back in a few days and stay longer, but I wanted to settle everything in Florida first. And perhaps calm my mind and think about what had just transpired between me and Sammy. I bet this wouldn’t end until we talk about it. But not now. Maybe later. “Damn….” I bit my lower lip as I looked outside and thought about Sammy. “Stop…” I told myself for the nth time, trying to erase the carnal deeds we had. I entertained myself by listening to music while texting Jose. He was already waiting for me and my cousin Erin, whom I hadn't seen for a while. She would be in town for two days, and we needed to catch up too. A little while later, my phone beeped. It was Sammy. I didn’t realize he had a few miscalls on my phone. ‘Hey…you didn’t wake me up…’ he sent with a sad and crying emoji. I quickly typed my reply but couldn’t think of what to say. I bet he had already seen my messages and knew the answers. ‘Please back read my messages….’ My tapping fingers pressed the message right away. ‘I did…but…’ Sammy again with more crying emojis. I chuckled. ‘No buts, silly man…let’s talk about it later. xx…’ I was pretty sure he knew what I meant. Sammy replied with a puckering sad photo of him in bed. His naughty morning-after looks somehow enticed my hormonal body again. ‘Sure, we will. I will miss you…more….’ with a silly wink emoji. “Damn it…” I cursed. ‘Tschuss!’ I quickly sent before putting my phone on silent. “This has to stop…” I murmured. Sammy being flirtatious was already ten times more now that we had already hooked up. ~ My flight to Florida was quick, albeit tiring. I only slept a few hours, and my short flight gave me ample time to nap and recover. The medicine I took on the plane somehow relieved my aching muscles and whatnot. I arrived just around lunchtime. I was happy Jose was there to pick me up. “Welcome back!” He greeted me with a hug. “Thanks! I missed you so much!” I embraced him. "Where's Erin?” I checked the seats in his car. “She's taking over my shift.” “Yay! I can't wait to see her!” “She said the same thing! She's staying with us, so no worries!” I rolled my eyes.“Yeah, we must catch up before I leave the city again.” “Yes, I know you’re leaving me again, but I am so happy for you,” Jose said, opening the boot. I threw my luggage in and got inside the car before him. “Thank you! At least I will be with Elisha, and I can finally protect her from Kyle!” I said as soon as Jose got inside the driver's seat. “Yes! I am so excited to hear the tales! Spill!” Jose chuckled. My face warmed, but before Jose could say anything, I pretended to wipe the sweat on my forehead.“Oh! It’s hot in here, and we must go! But let’s eat first. I’m starving!” I puffed. “Fine! Let’s go!” Jose and I spent the next hour catching up while eating our late lunch. He left his coffee shop with his friend and our cousin Erin. I shared with Jose about my short stay in New Jersey with Elisha and little tales about Sammy. I kept the details to myself to guard my feelings in the meantime. I was careful with my words, though I would love to share them as soon as I am confident enough. “That’s juicy, though. I hope you already shared kisses and claimed each other in bed!” I almost spat out the meat I was chewing after hearing Jose's words. “The f*ck?!” I coughed. He wasn’t wrong, though. Jose laughed. “Oh, Sophie! Yeah, I am well aware of your traumatic past, but I bet you still have needs down there!” I took a sip of my drink while chuckling. I was no saint no more. Sammy just walked me to the realm of pleasure and s*x. “I have, but whatever, Jo! I hate you!” I scoffed. My face felt warm, and it made me a little uncomfortable. “Say no more to your Battery-operated-Boyfriend!” Jose teased me again. “Aka Vibrator! They just opened a toy shop here…we should go!” he winked. “Leave me alone!” I rolled my eyes before holding my fork tight, narrowing my eyes. “I am happy. That’s all I can say!” I huffed, slicing the meat while biting the inner of my cheeks. I bet I wouldn’t need those toys anymore. ‘Shut up, Sophia!’ my inner thought reprimanded me. “Yes! It would be happier if that handsome doctor would do some kind of overall checkup on you! Like taking a temperature using his long and thick thermometer and putting it inside your mouth or your big bum!” Jose seriously replied. My eyes saucered, and my jaw almost reached the floor. “Your mouth, Jose!” I groaned, recalling the thickness Sammy possessed. “Or you checking the massive Epi-pen inside his pocket, I mean trousers….” He continued pretending to hold a phallic-shaped thing. “Stop! Oh, God! Epi-pens! I am not allergic to anything!” I grunted, albeit my mind thought about Dr. Sammy’s thick epi-pen. “You know what I mean! Epi-p***s!” Jose giggled. “Jose!?” I could only utter in disbelief, palming my face in embarrassment. “Oh, you’re not allergic either?! Then you should study human anatomy with Doc Sammy!” “Jose! Enough!” I snickered. “He’s also an emergency doctor, right?! He must be an expert at mouth-to-mouth!” My eyes gaped again as I looked around us in the restaurant. I was pretty sure they could overhear how silly Jose’s words were now. “Joselito!” Jose laughed. “You’re turning pink, Sophie! The booby comment he had with you probably gave him two hundred and seven bones in his body!” I cracked up this time. I couldn’t stop Jose’s silly words, although my mind was about how Sammy worshipped my boobies with his 207th boner. “Jose…Oh, God…You’ll be the death of me….” I wiped my happy and guilty tears. Jose snickered. “Oh, I will miss teasing you, Sophia!” I shook my head. “I’ll miss you, but not your smart mouth!” Jose truly lightened up my spirit and day. I was worn out, but his jokes and giddy words truly got me. Sammy had sent me messages, but I dared not open them. Jose and I continued chatting until it was time for him to send me home. Yet, as soon as we got inside Grandma’s house, we called the police to investigate what occurred. I remember leaving grandma’s home clean and locked, but someone thrashed the place for some reason. We reported it as burglary. The neighbors hadn’t found any strange occurrences in the past few days I wasn't there. Our relatives also visited the house daily to check it, but it seemed new and recent. I couldn’t help but cry as I looked at my bedroom. Grandma’s room wasn’t touched but only mine. I had nothing important stuff there but my old laptop, books, notes, and clothes. They were all broken and wet. Whoever did it had harmful intentions toward me. Chase. He was the only person with the guts to do this to me. I mentioned his name to the police, telling him about the incident before I left the city a few days ago. There was a motive, and the police advised me not to stay alone. They wanted me to stay in the city in the meantime to get more information while investigating since there was a recently reported burglary incident in another town before the police wrapped up the quest. “Sophie. I ain’t going to let you stay in this house anymore…” Jose said as soon as the police left after examining the scene. I heaved a deep breath and nodded. “Thanks…I could stay for a while. I just needed a place to stay for tonight,” I mumbled, packing the rest of my clothes I could still bring. “Okay, I’ll wait for you outside. Let me talk with Jerry and Willy about the arrangement and possible change of locks. I bet they would love to stay here,” Jose offered. “Sure. See you,” I nodded. I continued cleaning and arranging my room. I took all the remaining things I could keep and bring to New Jersey. “Oh…thank God!” I smiled, finding the box underneath my bed. I have kept all my childhood photos for years since we lived in New Jersey. Even the diary during the darkest years of my life was safe. I took them all and put them inside the luggage. I was emptying my bedside drawer when I noticed a lone and neatly folded letter inside. ‘SOPHIA, MY LITTLE MINX’ My shaking hand picked up the letter and opened it. My eyes gaped as I saw a lewd photo of me attached to the letter. I didn’t remember having that image of me, but I would say it was my younger face. My upper half was exposed, holding my sizeable breasts as if seductively posing them for someone while in bed. “No….” My lips quivered as I looked at the lewd photo. I never did those pose with Chase. ‘Did I?’ “No…It’s impossible….” I shook my head. My eyes watered again as I thought this could be Chase’s work. I remember him sneaking photos of me before, but I never let him take pictures or videos of me in any pornographic and nasty scene. ‘Do you remember that night? I love kissing and licking them while you moan and say my name. Oh, my little minx. I still have a video of us. See you around! PS: Sorry for stealing all your panties…I’ll be back for more….Don’t call the police or else….’ I couldn’t believe Chase was truly on it. I inhaled deeply and calmed myself. Chase was vindictive, but I wouldn’t let him take my sanity with his blackmail. He had started to manipulate me again. “F*cker…So what if you have any of my booby pics….I’m proud!” I shrugged, putting my gloomy thoughts at the back of my mind. I considered tearing the photo and the letter but decided to keep it. Though it was brutal and traumatizing, I could use them against Chase. xx
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