Chapter 17- We kissed

1756 Words
Sophie  As soon as I left Sammy’s bedroom, I quickly headed to Elisha and closed the door. I rested my back against it and tipped my head. I couldn’t believe what I just did with Sammy. We kissed. Not just a simple one, but we made out on his bed. Though I knew it happened naturally, I had no idea where I got the guts to do it. The s****l tension between us deepened, and I couldn’t shrug it away like I did last time. Our contact was hot, yet I felt different when Sammy touched my skin. It had been a while since I got intimate. I didn’t even count it as s*x, but abuse. Nonetheless, I knew how my body responded to the kiss. My face was still warm, plus I felt something throbbing and pooling down south of my body as I thought about Sammy. “No…” I slightly cupped my crotch. “Are you okay?” I got startled as soon as I heard Elisha. She just came out of the bathroom, staring at me with her big brown eyes. My eyelids fluttered. “Yes! Yes…” I composed myself again. “Something wrong with your vajayjay?” My face blushed as I looked while holding my mound. “Stop! I felt I had a pimple down here.” I laughed. “Eww…Go wash it!” “Shut up! I am just kidding you!” “Whatever!” Elisha rolled her eyes, chuckling. “Are you ready to talk with them?” I snorted. The Owens were probably wondering where we were. Elisha nodded. “Yes. I was just waiting for you. I thought you already fell asleep in Sammy’s room, or you two are already having s*x,” she bluntly said. “Elisha!? What the hell!?!” Elisha laughed. “What took you so long to return here?” I chuckled. “I just woke up. I fell asleep next to Gideon! Almira had already taken him, so I came back here. Let’s go.” I explained, minus the happenstance earlier at Sammy’s bedroom. “Shoosh! Anyway, Sammy? Is he joining us?” Elisha asked as we got out of the room. “I don't think so. Doc needs to rest.” “Yeah. He’s been up for nearly twenty-four hours. He badly needs to rest.” I simply nodded and walked with Elisha to the library. We briefly chatted about her conversation with Justin and Nana. We knocked on the door and got inside. Maris, Lark, and Sam were already waiting for us. “Hey, young ladies! You’re just in time!” Sam greeted us, standing up. “Sit down, please. Yelena will be here soon with our tea, coffee, and cake!” “Thanks!” Elisha and I smiled at each other. “I am happy to see you together, ladies,” Maris said. “Same here. You look better, Sophie,” Lark added, smiling at me. “And you look lovely indeed, Elisha...” “Thanks....” Elisha and I sheepishly mumbled. The Owens family warmly welcomed us. Maris and Lark seemed lovely and friendly, like Sammy and Sam. I didn’t know where Kyle got his menacing traits. “How’s Gideon, Sophie?” Sam asked, “I’m really sorry. He’s clingy nowadays…” “It’s okay. I am going to miss him!” I replied. “Me too!” Elisha seconded. We all scowled at her. “I mean, I am going to miss Sophie,” she mumbled before smiling. We all sighed in relief. “I’ll be back sooner, but I hope you guys will keep your promise to protect Elisha from Kyle,” I honestly said, looking at everyone. Lark smiled. “Yes. He knows he’s not allowed to visit here. He’s our son, but Elisha is more important to us now.” “Don’t worry, Sophie. We all knew what Kyle did, and though I know he’s remorseful for what he did, we meant our promise to Elisha,” Maris seconded. “Thank you. I am relieved to leave her here in the meantime,” I replied, holding Elisha’s hand. “Oh, Elisha…” Lark mumbled, “I am sorry…Kyle already knew that you didn’t lose the babies…We had already talked to him and made him understand our disappointment….” I looked at Elisha, and she seemed not surprised at all. “It’s okay. He will find it out eventually,” she nonchalantly replied. “Thank you for your understanding,” Lark smiled. We all continued talking and chatting about what happened to Elisha. The couple was genuinely sorry for everything their son did to Elisha. I was relieved that they were on our side this time. Elisha shared with them what happened to her, but not everything. Maris and Lark were indeed grateful and pleased that the heavens saved Elisha. Maris was so sweet as she told us her pregnancy stories. She shared the histories of Sam and Kyle’s names and how they were inside her body. I was delighted to know why Sammy was named Samuel Alistair. Sammy wasn’t a planned baby, and Maris got pregnant again when the twins turned six months old. “He’s a surprise baby!” Lark said, chuckling, “He loves surprising us!” “Indeed!” Maris laughed, “Sammy is my sweet baby boy until now. He’s like Gideon! Clingy and lovely,” she added. I silently agreed with her. Sammy was sweet and lovely. He's not clingy, but you can’t resist being with him. I didn’t know that Samuel was born in Germany. Mariz didn’t intend to give birth to him in the country. She went to a medical conference in Frankfurt and was returning to Switzerland to give birth there in a few weeks when she had early labor while on the train. The doctor who helped her was named Samuel Alistair Taylor. I inwardly chuckled after hearing the doctor’s last name. Taylor. “Sammy is such a calm baby, Sophie,” Maris said, looking at me. “He never gave me trouble, and he is not a player. As far as I knew, he’s only been in a two-serious relationship,” she stated. “Oh…okay…” I awkwardly nodded. Sammy and I were nothing, but it felt like Maris and Lark enjoyed sharing Sammy’s milestone with me. Elisha kept glancing at me and nudging me while the couple talked to me about Sammy. The chat with the Owens went well and happily. We spoke about Gideon’s birthday party. Maris and Lark bade goodnight to us while Sam, Elisha, and I were still discussing the party. The couple would leave early tomorrow. A while later, Sam had to go as well since Gideon woke up and was looking for her. Elisha and I stayed for a couple of minutes as I let her browse the library’s computer, and I exchanged messages with Sawyer. My brother knew my plans to return to Florida to fix my stuff and essential things our grandma left before heading back to New Jersey to work. I also messaged Layla about our plans to see her on the weekend. I knew she had gone camping again with her newfound friends. While waiting for Layla’s answer, my eyes scoured around the massive library office. It was comfortable hanging out here. The modern and homey style was indeed lovely. My eyes were busy looking around when I noticed two CCTVs at each corner of the room. One was above Elisha, and the other was at the garden’s accessible porch door. “Hmmm…” I mumbled, thinking about the camera. I took a mental note to ask Sammy about it. “I’m done!” Elisha said, pressing a key on a keyboard. “Let’s go?” I smiled at Elisha, “Yep. I’m sleepy.” We walked out of the room giggling and smiling. “How’s Sophie with Sammy?” Elisha shortly asked me about my score with Sammy. My friend was aware of my budding feelings towards the doctor, but I didn’t show how I was getting into it. I hadn’t told her about the kiss in the library, and I had no plans to open up the little shenanigan Sammy and I had in his room. “I am happy seeing him every day, that’s all,” I answered Elisha’s simple question. “Sweet…” “Anyway. How are you feeling now?” “Oh, God… I needed a break from gagging and vomiting,” Elisha grumbled, rubbing her tummy. “Well, that’s the kind of gagging you will have for now because you’ve been a very naughty girl,” I teased before laughing aloud. “Stop!” Elisha laughed back before smacking my bum and poking my crotch. I cupped my crotch. “Ouch! That hurts!” I complained, still smiling. “Did you just say you had a vaginal pimple earlier? Why not ask Doctor Sammy to check on it?” I winked before opening the door for Elisha, “Well, not tonight. Maybe next time! His parents are here. Naughty Sophie can’t do it,” I said as we entered the room. Elisha and I laughed once more before going inside the bathroom together to wash our faces and brush our teeth. “El…I will be back soon, okay…” I said as I noticed my friend looking sad as I packed up my makeup kits and girly essentials. “Yeah…I didn’t know what to do if Kyle suddenly barged in here…” Elisha puffed. “Oh, come on…” I snorted, “We will see each other again in New York with Layla and hang out again….” I said before reading Layla’s reply. Elisha smiled. “Yes, five days is short, so it's okay. I will wait for you in New York!” “That’s my knocked-up girl!” I beamed back. Elisha and I went to bed early, only to be awakened by her late-night morning sickness. I hesitated to call Sammy because I knew he was resting and catching up on his sleep. I went downstairs to get some cold water, and after a while of endless puking and barfing, Elisha finally stopped. Her weary body made her sleep quickly. I offered to stay with her and rescheduled my flight, but Elisha said she would be fine. Her vomiting saga wasn’t as bad as before. I was confident she would feel safe and secure, as I had experienced them firsthand with Sammy. xx
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