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 DREAME CHAPTER NINE - RUNNING FOR SORORITY Two weeks after the sorority party, I and Abbie decided to be in the campus cafe getting a coffee while talking. "Hey look! It's the barista guy Tyler won't shut up about!" I turned back to see who is Abbie referring to. Well, that must be James, the one Tyler always mentioned to me. He always mentioned James' name whenever we talked. Well, I must say, Tyler has good taste. James has a good psyche, tall and good looking. James looks up from grinding espresso beans and walks over to our table. "I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you among the sudden surge of customers, you are friends of Tyler right?" "Yes. I'm Abbie. Well, don't worry about us. We're used to be ignored" "Why do you say that?" James asked us as he wiped the excess whipped cream that had been thrown off the table and placed our order of cappuccino mocha. "Our roommate Kris pulled a total disappearing act," I replied earlier. "He's been spending way more time with those football buddies and these girls from Kappa House" Abbie added. "I know how that feels! My ex left me for a guy on the water polo team. Now his whole f*******: wall is nothing but pictures with him and gym bros at frat parties." As James continues to tell his story, here we are sipping the Frappuccino while eyes and ears on him. "----- tell you what. When you're ready to make another order, I'll throw in two cookies, free of charge. You look like you could use them." As James walks behind the counter, Abbie pats my hand sympathetically. "Guess what baby girl, Both of you just need a little space. You should avoid him first, don't talk to him this time, let him go first and don't mind him. He may have been overly influenced by his teammates and overwhelmed by Becca's admiration. At the end of the day, he will surely come back after he realized that he throws up gems while putting those trashed first." "I think so but that is so sad to think that he can only remember us after that. Don't worry, I will work on that." The door creaks open and a raucous crowd of football players and Kappa girlz streams in. I was almost shocked and coughed from sipping my drink to see Kris and Becca together. Becca's hand still clasped around Kris's waist like a smartest invertebrate mammal with eight tentacles holding on her prey. Which is a little too hard for Kris to resist. "Oh my, God!"  Abbie exclaimed and her eyes grew wide upon me. When I met Kris and Becca's eyes, I met Darren with a bandage on his feet. Darren stared at me. "Barista. Iced coffee now!" Becca shouted. "You'd better not get anywhere near me with that thing." I sarcastically said to Abbie. "Margie! What a coincidence! " Becca's wailing cries as if her voice is rising again. Obviously, I did not mind her and Them. "-- I was just asking Kris about you right babe?"Becca looked at Kris. "Becca, stop calling me that. Margie! Hi. I didn't know that you're here... uh---" Kris seemed to be awkward because I kept sucking on straw sipping my drink and didn't say something. Seriously? He was just drunk that night but he seemed someone who got amnesia. Seems like nothing has changed with his approach to me. I haven't looked at him yet.  I just raised my eyebrows in the silence between his words.   "I- I mean.... do you want to sit with us?" I stopped absorbing the frap and lowered it down to put it on the table. I smiled, sarcastically with a million-dollar fakeness.   "I think......." Abbie looks at me as if confused. "I think it sounds horrible! !" Abbie nodded as she kept mumbling my words. "Yeah.. I've already got my own table" as if Kris was ice cold, I became so mean to him in their front. I can't believe I just did that. I think he's embarrassed. "Oh! Sure thing. Suit yourself." he said recovering his embarrassment. I smiled at them sarcastically until they managed to turn their heads around while Becca raised her eyebrows as well. Of all the places here on earth, why would they choose to be here! Why of all the chances, I got to see them now at this moment where I am not in the mood of seeing them and of all tables, they are a tease! They settled themselves at the table next to us! For the next half an hour, I sit in stony silence as Kris and his friends talk at the table beside us. ".... they said I was the first one who'd been able to eat the whole thing!" That was from Logan. Yes, I've heard them and I know that voice is coming from Logan. "That's disgusting! " Madison's sweet-hearted response I hear. I know Madison because her voice is smaller and thinner than minions. "Yeah.. the ankle will heal in a couple of months. Just in time for the season to be over." looking at their table slowly, I looked at Darren. That voice was from Darren, I know. Darren catches my sight so I avoided looking. "I never thought, I'd be this kind of a girl to get a tattoo in a butt... but then, you know, spring break!" That was from Becca, I listened to them and listened to what Becca had to say. "----- but maybe Kris get to see it later. If he's lucky" the men shouted EXCITEDLY TEASING at Becca's words. "I think I'd better go." I told Abbie, we immediately got up and left the cafe. ------------------------------ "Do you think Kris likes Becca too?" I asked Abbie as we walked outside the cafe. "Nah! I think he is more like his.... football groupie!" As we continued walking, the two of us sat quietly as Abbie spoke again. "A lot of guys on the team hook up with the Kappa girls. They say it is like a Tradition. Do you think there's any group out there that does not want to be with Kappa? they are famous." "It's Me, I don't like them," I answered. "Yeah but that's not a problem right? Just try to stay away from Kris and the Kappa Sierra Sigma girls and you'll be fine" I didn't like what Abbie said. Because I really have a BIG problem with that. I sigh. "About that... Prof. Vasquez gave me another crazy assignment." she stopped walking and sat on the bench, eyes looking at me amazed. "And?--" asked Abbie. "He wants me to rush Becca and Madison's sorority." "Holy Crap! Doesn't he knows that Becca, you know, hates your guts?" "That's the whole reason he's making me do this. He says the inherent drama will make for a compelling story. He just seemed so happy to see me suffer! ”I complained. "Wow. It's like a telenovela!" "Yes but my life is not a telenovela, Por favor!. This is my life!" "I know. Which is why you're not going in there alone." My eyes widened at what Abbie said. "I don't understand you, Abbie." "I'm going to rush with you!" "Are you out of your head Abbie?" "uh-huh Positive!! You don't think I'm gonna let you face Becca all by yourself, do you?" Abbie smiled at me. She did so much for me. I can't even imagine how much I am grateful for all the help she has given me. A friend whom I could not afford to lose and expect that God will give to me. "You are so kind Abbie. " I hugged Abbie tightly. "Enough about me, though.... we need to find you a new guy to drool over." "Are you on drugs?? What are you thinking? You know I'm really okay. I will forget my stupidity with Kris soon and besides, A man is not the solution to this problem no matter what. " "Give it to me honey! Let's find a good guy like him! " Abbie pointed to the man behind her who seemed familiar to me. All she ever did was choose the one who approached us, which is Brandon. "Hello, Brandon. Long-time no see!" I didn't know the two would meet. Oh, I remember, She is with me on my first day to professor's Vasquez! "Good to see you Abbie, Margie. Always a pleasure" Brandon smiles warmly at us. "We were just talking about you actually, right Margie?" Abbie's eyes were blinking as if I was crouching and saying that 'Margie, I would fix it but you would die later if you didn't support me.' "Really? ----- ah yeah Brandon we're talking about works and kinds of stuff that we had at Prof's office." Brandon seemed distracted and confused by us. "Really. So do I want to know?"Abbie's smile made us smile, so Brandon smiled, his smile seemed to tell us something like; **Alright guys I know you were just playing around the bush!*** "It might be my cue to smoothly change the subject.... so Margie, hows that sorority assignment for Vasquez going?" Brandon asked me. "KINDA HARD." "That's given since that's the order. I guess much of the work done is needed." He Commented. Brandon's smile was all right, for a while now I noticed Brandon was handsome and Caitlyn was right that it was hot. Tall dark and handsome. He has a standard that he might be proud of aside from its snobbish demure and high standards.    "haven't you been involved in such things before?" Abbie asked Brandon. "Of course not. I had better things to do than kiss up to elitist frat idiots during my freshman year" answered Brandon. Truly a man of dignity and high standards, "A guy with high standards." I smiled at him as my answer. "Not at all. You know what just high expectations from a clan. So there is no time for such things." he smirks. "Well anyway, good luck Margie. Don't get killed" I just smiled at what he said. The corner of Brandon's mouth quirks upward, he turns to leave, "Yeah! But don't get your hopes up!" my response.   Brandon immediately turned his back on me and I don't know what happened to Abbie as if Cupid had been stabbed her in front of me. "Oh? What's the matter?" "Okay, I'm gonna need a welding mask around you two, because sparks are flying!" I frowned at her shooking my head. "You just misinterpret it merely Abbie. We're just co-workers and nothing special!" "Try future lovers! He was all like 'Mmmmm, Margie, I love you so much, I'm gonna go write a sonnet about it!" "What??! Okay, now I know you're just lying. I'm sure he doesn't even see me that way" "Um, he'd have to be blind not to see you that way baby girl," I think about what she just said, I suppose Abbie just imagining things exaggeratedly. I heard Abbie's phone buzzes. "Oh No!" she shouted as she read the message from her phone. "Is there a problem?" I suddenly asked as I saw the worried expression on her face. "Tyler just texted me, We need to hurry back home! Caitlyn has tantrums!" "I didn't know Caitlyn has tantrums." "We better go home and rescue!" we run back to the suite. Entering the door I saw Tyler and Lucas in the living room sitting side by side and so silent. "What just happened?" I asked both of them. "Caitlyn freaked out all of a sudden, she cries out loud while she is talking to someone on the phone," explains Tyler, suddenly Lucas stood up anxiously. "Please do not enter her room! I swear she doesn't want to talk to anyone. She even threw me a lampshade! ”Lucas explained. " why would she do that to you? "I wondered, looking at the four of us, "Oh my God Lucas! Don't tell me you asked her out just when she had a bad mood?" asked Abbie, Lucas stooped down his head. "Definitely!" answered Tyler on his behalf. Lucas just shrugged and had this sad face. "You guys stay here we'll just go upstairs and talk to Cait, with Abbie" I explained and we went up the stairs to talk to Caitlyn. "God be with you!" shouted Tyler and raised his hand as if blessing us. Abbie and I went upstairs taking the chances in our feet that Caitlyn will talk to us. I knocked on the door three times but she refused to open it for us. "Leave me alone!!" she shouted from inside the room. Tyler and Lucas were right, she seemed doesn't want to talk to anyone. . "Cait, it's Margie and Abbie. Please let us come and let's talk" my poor and lowered voice says. I didn't hear a response so I was forced to turn the doorknob and open it. We saw Cait lying in bed and covered with a blanket crying. "Cait, we're just here for you." that's from me, I expected her to talk to us, I hoped she will talk to us. "I just wanted to go home!!" shouted Caitlyn. "But why? have we done anything wrong? We're here for you. " I held her up until she was able to face me. I saw her eyes swell with tears. "No its' not about you guys! I just wanna go home but my stupid parents don't want to fly me home. My sister who was just admitted from high-school got bullied and called me in tears. I wanted to be there with her where I can fight for her. I'm so homesick!" Abbie grabs a box of tissues and handed it to Caitlyn. We are seated in Caitlyn's bed as we pulled her into a hug. "you know we're here for you right? Don't be afraid to tell us when you're feeling down." that's from Abbie. I smiled at what Abbie had said to Cait. "I know, thanks, guys. aghh! this is so embarrassing." Cait said. I can't help but laugh at her cute reaction.  "We all get homesick now and then. You have nothing to be embarrassed about."  "I may have yelled Lucas and Tyler to stay out of my room when they came earlier," Caitlyn said feeling guilty. "Oh! Don't worry about them. They're not scarred for life or anything!" Abbie lifts her in her answers. "Well, you should be proud of yourself because you shouted at them!" I said laughing until finally, I heard her break in laughter too, but her eyes were still wet in tears. "You know what? I think that's a really good idea. Lucas is such a sensitive boy. I think you should go talk to him." it was from Abbie, Abbie was scribbling on me. "Oh! give it a rest you two! I know what you're trying to do." Caitlyn answered. "Whatever it is, Just leave it with Lucas. You know, LQ?." I supported her answer. "Okay at some time but not now! My make up is in a total wreck!" Caitlyn's alibi. "Well, then I think we had a perfect time to do that makeup thingy. You should rush with me and Margie tonight! We're going to open house of Kappa Sierra Sigma." Abbie explained. Cait looked at me as if she were asking me a look at 'oh gosh Margie, please don't say its true!' I nodded looking at her. "Yeah, Professor Vasquez is counting on it. He's making me rush for my next assignment" I said in agony. "Damn! that's ice-cold!" she answered, "But I love it!" Abbie and I opened our eyes widely to each other as Caitly shouted the next words. "So you're in? Please don't say no!" Abbie begged. "I- I don't know Abbie. I've had a pretty rough day already, I'm not sure being around Becca will make me feel any better." I was suddenly saddened by Caitlyn's words, who am I to pressure her. She just went through something earlier. Caitlyn rolls her eyes, but a small smile brightens her face.  "I'm sure you can do that even though I'm not there? But go ahead! I'll have your back!" Suddenly I hugged Cait in ecstasy. "Thank you so much, Cait! honestly, I'm gonna need all the help I can get.. I need to get into Kappa if I want to keep my scholarship!" "That's why we need to be prepared. You know how people say you should dress for the job that you want" explains Abbie. "--well the job you want is an official Kappa Sister! the right dress could improve our chance of getting in!" she added. I thought for a while. Socializing is not my thing and I am not so sure what kind of casual to wear. I just choose a simple black laced above the knee fitted casual dress considering I don't bring many things with me as I transferred here in Hartfeld. I asked Abbie and Caitlyn's idea about my dress and they said it's great and it looks good on me. When all of us are finally ready we head to the Sorority house with weight on our shoes. That evening, Abbie stands on the Immaculate lawn outside Kappa Siera Sigma house and look up at it's the imposingly elegant facade. "This house again.," I said in a whisper just enough for Abbie and Caitlyn to hear. I am nervous about Becca's reaction when she sees us. "Don't be a sourpuss, Margie. That'll be fun!" I didn't say a word about Abbie's statement, the word fun has always been the first thing first comes into her mouth. Even if we are in-danger I guess she won't probably take that as a challenge and would rather say that it is amazing! "Now, let's talk strategy. We're gonna need to be seriously charming to have a chance at getting into Becca and Madison's sorority." She looks at Caitlyn upon saying those words. I raised both my shoulders as a response to her cues until Caitlyn gave me a look. "Hey! Don't look at me! Being Charming is not my strong suit!" I know she'll object and she just did, This is the thing I like about Caitlyn, so blunt. "This is it, guys! Let's do this thing!" Abbie yelled when nobody accepted her views. I led Abbie and Cait up the steps and through the oak double doors of the sorority house. Getting inside, Multiple guests with their cocktail drinks stood in front of us and all in casual attire. Their costumes are dazzling just like on the prom night. I am not really so excited about this. The fact that I will just see Becca again is what I hated the most, socializing is not really my thing. If it's not just because of Vasquez, I will not do this. I am doing this because of my scholarship and I don't have any other choice.
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