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"Whoa! Looks like we've got some competition!"I heard it from Caitlyn. The interior is thronged with nervous-looking freshmen girls, milling about under the watchful eyes of Kappa Sierra Sigma sorority sister's. Never in my understanding that the Kappa Sisters are all in seven. With a large hanging wall on the wall before the wide center stairs to the height of the terrace, There are pictures of sorority girls in Kappa. From here I can read all the names on the list and Becca's name is in the first in line.  Beatrice Caterina Murphin "Becca", all this time I have thought that her name was just Becca.  Madison Louise Sandoval, Giada Giovanna Machiavelli, Hermoine Poe, Xylia Mendez, Kalisha Hail Morton and Thyra Avrisha Memorata.  Three frames are hanging blank but we do not know why they are blank. Silence benign until- "Becca! Look who just walked in!" That was from Maddison, yes I heard it was her and I knew her tiny sharp voice. "Oh God! As if this year's turnout wasn't already pathetic enough." After all, I was hoping that Becca would do well her signature attitude towards me. Becca strides over to me with Madison close at her heels, her eyes narrowed like a viper's. I bite back a retort as she looks over, her nose crinkled with disgust. "You! Kris ex." She said suddenly. "What? We never---" my words have been cut off what should I suppose to say as Becca beckons to someone in the crowd, and Kris walks over, looking surprised to see me. I was too was surprised to see him. "---" I was speechless. "Margie?-- I- I'm actually on my way out. Becca wanted my help with some of the set-up for tonight." he explained even though I wasn't asking. Why is he so defensive? "We need someone strong and Tall to carry stuff in!" Becca pronounced flirty and wrapped her arms around Kris's toned waist. "Wow! Very progressive!" Abbie said scornfully. "But-- what are you doing here Margie?" Kris suddenly asked. Actually, I don't have any plan of telling him why I was here. I want to avoid him, to be away from him as far as I can.. "I'm... ----- I-- I can't talk to you right now!" I said in a snub. Becca as usual coils one arm around Kris's waist for the second time, her eyes never leaving mine. "Don't let her get you down Babe!" Becca provokes as if enjoying the way I rebuke Kris in her front. "You know I asked you to stop calling me that!.." Kris became annoyed at Becca's behavior and shook Becca's arms, stunned Becca for a moment, and here he is.  Again looks so caring for me. "Margie, why are you here? What's going on?" Kris asked again in confusion. ** That's the problem with you, Kris! You spend and hang on those Kappa sisters and football was all that's up to you and here you are now pretending to be so caring who would like to know everything that's befalling now. Why for a while now you seem like you care, Just the right time that I am ready enough to move on from all my stupidities about you?** "I'll tell you what's going on!" Abbie says all if a sudden to end Kris's confusion. "Can't you see? we're running Kappa Sorority!" Kris's forehead twitched and Becca and Madison were taken aback, startled. "but---" Kris had cut that something he has to say as Abbie continued to speak. "and there's nothing your little girlfriend can do to stop us!" "Becca isn't my... never mind. This is way too much drama for me." As soon as Kris leaves, Becca steps up to Abbie until their nose is nearly touching. "Just you know, I could toss you out of here at any point for any reason.." threatened Becca to Abbie and at the same time, her sweet rebuff has shown to us once again. "But------- I'm going to enjoy watching you squirm" she walked in the crowd and took a cocktail and returned to me. "You- and your loser friends can stay! I know this will probably be the best night of your miserable lives! but, try not to worry and cry! Desperation is not a good look" she shows us her devilish grin as MAdison and Becca walk-away whispering to each other. So this is it? the beginning of my ultimate nightmare! This is a hot and tense evening. We decided to just get a drink for us. The three of us head to the refreshments table, where nervous hopeful gulp champagne out of fluted glasses. I laugh honestly, I didn't expect Abbie to say that in front of Becca. "Did I was just a Bad-ass?" Abbie asked Caitlyn, we smiled. "Nailed it, Dear!" Caitlyn replied shortly and the three of us smiled again. "I don't get it! All these girls look so afraid... Why put yourself through this whole thing if you don't even enjoy it?" Caitlyn's question which I think refers to the other Kappa Girls that seemed so scared and can't withstand Becca's attitude as their member. "Are you serious Cait? Do you know what it means to be a Kappa?" asked Abbie in return as a response in her questions. Even I would want to answer that because I don't really want to join this group. "Umm... So far it seems to me like it means being a total jerk to everyone you meet" Cait replied that has been the reason why the three of us burst out laughing so loud. "This is not what it is about!" that voice came from behind us so we immediately look-back, if I'm not mistaken, one of Kappa's members whose name was Giada Giovanna Machiavelli.  That surname I have a troublesome pronouncing. She is skinny, parang Russian Beauty with long big curls in her blonde golden brown hair and has green eyes. She's so pretty, she looks better than Becca. "Listen, I am Giada. I know Becca has a negative image against you and maybe everyone but trusts me, not all member has that kind of attitude. I know she can be a lot to deal with, but she's nice." she doesn't seem like defending Becca. But I see that Giada is nicer than Becca. "And Kappa is the Best sorority of the school and top 1 of all the high-class universities" she added. "not just Kappa throws out the best parties but also knowing that no matter what happened, you have your sisters to lean on." I am still not convinced by her words. "I'm going to make sure that Becca's okay. She's really a big softie under that icy exterior! Believe me" As Giada flounces away, I looked down at my champagne glass that is now empty.   Her words shut us silent. "So what do we do now? Just drink and listen to the pep-talks from the Kappa Sisters?" I started to smile at Caitlyn's word because it is so good to be true. "Hmmm, I guess it is the perfect time to think about or best move or strategy. What will give us the biggest edge over the competition." I replied as I mixed the cherry in my champagne. The rest of the night, We spend chatting to the Kappa sisters aside of Becca and Maddie and other hopefuls until, "You know what, I didn't think you three would hang around this long!"Becca suddenly groaned at us. "What else do you expect us to do?" I asked Becca sneeringly. Like Hello? Does she assume that we will scrub the floor all night? "Nothing. I just thought you're all gone by now! I don't really think you are serious about joining our sorority" "Actually-- We're still determining whether it's up to our standards" I answered her. Becca looks taken aback for a moment, then recovers herself. she drank her wine before facing us. "While the suggestion that you even have standard is completely laughable, I have to admit.. I'm warming to you three!"She studied Abbie and Caitlyn and glared at me once more, "You are not a Kappa material! Guess there will be a lot of training to do for you" Becca smiles at me and leaves tossing her hair behind her. But instead of moving away she looks back again to us and said: " welcome pledges!" and go away with Maddison. We looked at each other quite nervous about what just she said. "Did we just become pledges?" asked Caitlyn on fear. I don't know what to answer because I don't have any idea too. "Maybe let's call it a night. since since I have no idea where to go tonight." it was from Abbie so we decided to go home because I thought I was feeling dizzy. Back in the dorm, I yawn and collapse into the bed, letting myself sink into the mattress and have some good night's sleep. The drink wee had at Becca's party was so strong and I think my whole body is getting numb. I was thinking of Kris, Why is he suddenly walks out of the party? I thought he likes to be with the Kappa. Why didn't he want to see me as part of the Kappa? Does it mean he also thinks that I am and my friends are not a Kappa material? Sometimes he is a bi-polar, he is so hard to understand. I now face the wall, our wall that divides Kris and my room. Is he at home by now? Is he okay? I haven't talked to him for weeks, because I only see him very often. Honestly even though how much I deny to myself that I want to give up and forget about him it just turned out to be a whole mess, I hate it. I wanted to avoid him so that I will forget about my feelings for him but, I can't. The longer I do this thing, the more yearning I have for him. I missed him. [ Kris POV ] As I lay in bed and looked up at the ceiling, I heard Margie coming from Kappa. The last night we talk at the Kappa Party when I was badly drunk, I have no memory of what I did wrong except that I leave her in tears. I don't know but that's probably the reason why Margie is so cold to me. Why she doesn't talk to me. Why am I drunk that night that I didn't even listen to her.  The spirit of alcohol runs through my veins and I lose my control, my senses, and my logic. But that time, it seemed as though my spirit had disappeared from the wine when I heard what she had said. I didn't expect her to say those words to me. She is so brave that she wasn't afraid to say how she felt.  Maybe that's our difference because I'm cowardly. I feel a little guilty about how I made her feel that night. I am such a moron!  Because I know she doesn't believe me.  I'll never forget the time I saw her cry.  I want to draw near her and hug her tightly. But I couldn't, I am filled with stillness in my heart that made my feet imbecile because I was hurting, I made this woman cry and pained who did everything for me.  I've changed the heart of someone I like to be with. I neglect the effort and heart of someone who cares about me. The one who cheers me up in my deepest disappointments of being a benchmarker. The one who mend my broken heart from a total rapture. The one who accepts me and so proud of me. My number one fan. I know she thinks that I liked Becca but the real thing is, Becca is far comparable to her. She is perfect! Becca cannot equal her to me. My feelings for her is never a game. It's all true but I couldn't even prove it to her and I can't make any move because of fear of rejection from all the bad things I have caused her. Maybe Margie is right, Becca only sees nothing but the guy in a uniform.  Hanging with them made me realized and understand Margie's point about them and Yes! Being with my football buddies and with those Kappa girls made me knew them inside. It's true and I discerned that they are not the kind of group I would like to be with. The truth is,  I don't like Becca, I just hang up because my team keeps teasing me about her and for our team to get more popularity outside. And I also hang up with my team because of football. But now, Now I'm starting to regret everything. There is no greater joy fun with my suitemates, fairly, I have more fun with them than my teammates. I missed them all most especially Margie. I looked up at the wall, I knew Margie was asleep, I wanted to knock and talk to her, but I knew she wouldn't forgive me right now, after all, I just did. "Margie, I'm so sorry... I missed you badly" I whispered on the wall.
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