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A few hours after the game. We found ourselves outside the Kappa Sierra Party. But there's only one problem. "I can't believe we're still waiting to be admitted inside! Is this line even moving?"I asked overly annoyed. It's been a long time in a queue where it seems like it was Knights fan signing!! "Unbelievable! Those girls dragged Kris inside, and we're stuck as hell here waiting down the line like we're NON- VIP's!" that was from Tyler. "We are NON- VIP's!" that was from Lucas. I started to think Lucas is right, how can the ultimate enemy of Becca be on the list? I'm sure she didn't want us around the party and she would rather be very glad to see me and my friends outside than come and join them. It's frustrating really. I don't like it. "We're a NON VIP! And I'm starting to regret coming here actually!" that was from Abbie which has been stuck in the bumper to bumper line into Becca's sorority house. "Are we the type of people who scurry back to our dorm at the first sign of trouble?" Tyler asked us all of a sudden which seems too annoyed and disappointed hearing our negative comments. "No! But that guy on the football team is guarding the door, he has the list!" Lucas intervened. "So?"- sarcastically answered Caitlyn. "Well, I guess Lucas means that maybe our names are not on the list!" that was from Abbie. "As far as I'm concerned we should be on the top of the list!" that's from Tyler who seems to be getting angry. I stay silent because I had no intention of entering Becca's territory. I can't imagine what kind of humiliation she would make inside, of course, that is her territory. Even if she killed me inside there would be nothing I could do. "Were getting into this party ASAP, before those harpies get their hands all over your man!" Tyler shouted to me, I can even feel his saliva coming out. They all look at me waiting to hear and see my reaction. They all gazed at me like my soul is burning while they say * Hey you i***t! You need to think and find a better way! We're doing this for you and Kris. ** "Well--" I smiled at them looking to their deplorable sacrifice. " They messed with the wrong girl!" That is my definitive answer to all of them. I know they want me to see giving Kris a very good fight over Becca and his teammates. "And now! our baby girl looks so scary!" That's from Caitlyn. "I love it!" "Cait, Margie let's go!" Abbie invited us. Tyler and Lucas's face grimaced. "Say what? You're leaving us here with Tyler behind?" "Sorry guys but this is a bad reality. Cute girls always get into parties. Guys have to wait!" Abbie smirks, leaving Tyler shooking his head. "But this is a sorority party! If anything, guys should have an easier time getting in!" Shouted Tyler, Abbie answered laughing, "You are so not making sense now cause you're not a straight guy!" Abbie says teasing Tyler and we laughed as we walked to Kappa's door. Me, Cait and Abbie approached the front door of the first line where the football player bars the door of the house. "Hold on girls! Are you on the list?" Logan asked as if he seemed who didn't know us. I glowered at him, good thing Abbie is good at fighting too. "yeah! we're listed under Girls space Hot! Or vice versa asshole" Logan cracked up a loud laugh, "Ow Hot Girls! Yeah, you're in! get a pass and enjoy!" I can't believe we made it inside the Kappa House. This house is so Big inside than I thought. "So this is it! The first role is to find kris, Save the day and.... go home!' "Jello Shots!" Abbie screamed and runs towards the Jellos. "oh no, Abbie! Wait till we found Kris!" that's from Caitlyn but we cannot hold on to Abbie's urge to get jellos. "What the----" "Never mind Cait. Just go with Abbie around the Jello's, I'll go find Kris" I left Cait with Abbie. I have to find Kris right away and promise I'll be home. I looked around and saw Madison, next I saw Kris drunkenly sitting on the large sofa on the side of a large staircase from the second floor of Kappa while Becca is being seated at the armrest of the sofa. I slowly climbed the stairs and carefully hid on the side of the wall to eavesdrop them. "So tell me, Kris, are you ticklish?" Becca asked softly and alluring into Kris's ear as she twitched through her hair. Becca's arms are wrapped on Kris's waist, and here is Kris, laughing in too in the spirit of alcohol, just smiles like a ghost- moron. I don't like what they do to kris, not because I'm jealous but they're bitches, which is not great. "Your glass is empty now Kris. I'll get you some beer. That story was so hilarious, don't continue talking until I get back. Maddie, look carefully at Kris." " But I have to go to the restroom. Just relax there Kris" they finally left Kris. Now I finally found the perfect time to get near Kris. "Kris...." Kris turned to me as soon as I came closer. His whole face was turning red. He smells like beer and I don't like it but I need to talk to him. " Oh, Margie! What a surprise. I thought you guys decided not to come" "Oh well just late but here I am, you're drunk and I'm taking you to home" I helped him to stand up straight on the couch but he stopped me. He stood up in shock. " Hey I'm okay" he smiled at me, but I wasn't convinced. I decided not to say anything when he started to spoke. "Margie, I have been thinking about you all night. I thought you wouldn't want to come after that talk outside of the stadium. You were not saying anything." "Being silent doesn't mean I don't care about you. I care a lot Kris!" my mouth was slipped from the words I tried to hide, I couldn't control the emotion I was feeling. After all the effort you put in for the person who matters to you but in the end, none of those makes any sense because he chooses to associate with those who don't care for him like we do and did nothing to him but make his head big. The pain I am feeling now is very unfair. everything is not right and this is not fair! "You care a lot for me. " he mimicked. I didn't say a word again. I didn't intend to mention my feelings to him. "Look, I said before that there will be promises, promises that I would not go deeper in this kind of thing but I can no longer hold on to this. I'm starting to fall on deeply on you Margie." He grabbed my arm tightly, I can't keep moving. "Kris you're drunk. Let's talk about this stuff but not this time" "I never drunk beer the night I talk to you about how I felt, but now you're saying excuses because I'm drunk. Margie, I like you so much!" I was speechless until when Becca suddenly came in with Madison. "Why do you always have this girl around you, Kris? Can you tell me the truth, is she your girlfriend?" By the power of Becca's voice, she made as if an announcement that made all the captives in the kappa listen to her. Even the whole football team got the attention. All eyes were on us. Kris looked around and looked at me. I felt a little embarrassed. Well, this is the way she wants it, to embarrass me in everyone and everything. "What now Kris? Everyone waits for your confirmation" Becca shouted again. Everyone now is silent, The silence is almost breaking my eardrum ironically. I just shrugged because I knew we had no label for Kris, so I shouldn't have been hurt, but why would I want to hear that even if it was NOT IN ANY KIND OF RELATIONSHIP, I still want to hear that he would say that there was something between the two of us, that could save me from Becca's shaming. But my heart brokes when I heard him bowed his head, and said; "She's just a friend." The words just echoed in my ears. My knee felt soft. My heart became numb. It seems to me that my world has stopped spinning and at the same time, the time has stopped. I didn't realize that my head was resting on Tyler's shoulder to my total disappointments. Good thing my friends were here beside me. "Yes we're friends, and I just want to talk to him for few minutes" I answered to Becca after a few minutes I finally dared to break the silence. Becca smiled as if teasing me from Kris's answer. She wants to humiliate me in public. "Well, I'm so sorry looser. Kris is mine tonight." she wrapped her hands towards Kris's waist for one more time. I stared at Kris. "Kris please, I just want to talk to you for the last time" I beg, I just want to talk to him, I just want to be honest with him and say: You are a faggot, Kris! I look up to you as my inspiration and this has been the payback? I did everything to stay in this f*****g University and be enslaved by the terror professor just to be with you but here you are, deprived me of your support and fight. Damn You, Kris! The pain that you caused me sucks!. "Margie let's go home.." that was from Tyler started to drag me back. "Oh ! Seems like I won Kris," the evil Becca says laughing. " Becca please stop." Kris stopped Becca because he could see that my expression was furious, anytime I could strike and taunt Becca. My patience is over. "Well, if you wanted time for Kris then you and Becca must play a beer pong game. The winner will have 15 minutes of quality time with our quarterback." Logan shouted from the back. "Logan! I told you to guard the door!" that was from Becca. "Oh! I get so bored that's why I just let everyone in." "You Bastard!" Becca shouted towards logan, I still look at Kris as if he is not in the right consciousness due to severe drunkenness. "Why did Logan make such rules for us?" asked Madison to Becca. "Well, I guess everyone likes beer pong, right guys?" Logan asked the crowd, everyone starts shouting seems like agreeing to Logan. I can't believe I'm doing this stupid thing in my whole life existence. "Beer Pong! Beer Pong!" The crowd shouted so Becca could do nothing but intervene and face me. "Well then, the crowd wants it! I was never defeated by this game! So you want Kris for a couple of minutes if only you'll win against me" A devilish grin lifted Becca's face. "Are you sure about this Marg?" Abbie asked me with worry on her face. "I'm afraid not but I will take this challenge." people shouted exhilaratingly inside Kappa. The speed at which things were going so well, I realized that I was right here in front of the big beer pong table and facing Becca. This is crazy! Kris will be a trophy for the winner of this game and I am not unto this kind of thing! I'm not used to drinking, well it's just occasional. I do not attend parties and am not used to competitions like these. "Okay! This game has only one rule. Beer pong, also known as Beirut, is in which players throw a ball across a table with the intent of landing the ball in a cup of on the other end. The game typically consists of opposing teams which is Becca and Margie per side with 3 cups set up in a triangle formation on each side. Each team then takes turns attempting to shoot ping pong balls into the opponent's cups. If a ball lands in a cup (known as a 'make'), the contents of that cup are consumed by the opponent and the cup is removed from the table. The first team to eliminate all of the opponent's cups is the winner. " Logan explains clearly. "You don't drink a beer Margie, right? I know you are allergic to alcoholic beverages?" concerned Abbie asked me again. "How'd you know about that?" "Well, I saw and read it from one of your documents, the one you handed down to Prof. from Ms. Twombly" she explains. "Sometimes you care that much. But I will try my best to win this game without drinking any of the cups" I said determinedly, I look closely to Becca. Becca just smiled, as if she were laughing out loud at the back of her mind. "Okay so let's start the game!" It came from Logan and started talking. I was the first bet so I did my best to throw the Ball at Becca's cup and voila! I scored !. My friends and the crowd were screaming. "You gotta be kidding!" it was from Becca that was shocked to see it that all of a sudden I was able to score. "Make!" the crowd shouted. Becca drank in a cup of a ping pong ball. "I did it!" I shouted gladly. "Not yet done loser!" Becca throws her cup and she made a score! "Make!" the crowd shouted again. I did nothing but get the cup, I was about to drink the beer when Abbie rushed and snatched Beer from my hand. Abbie gulped it down without a word. "that's not counted!" Becca shouted angrily. "Actually that's fine, we didn't put that in a rule!" Logan shouted from the other side of the table. "So you should drink my cup Madison!" Becca shouted over Madison. "I don't drink beer Becca, that's brandy and nasty!" Madison answered sharply with disgust. I feel sorry to her because even her kind doesn't want to help her. I wanted to laugh out loud in Madison's reaction over Becca. My friends are there for me through thick and thin while Becca, Her friends deprived it of her. Fortunately, I have no friends like Becca's kind. "Thanks, Abbie!" I said while Abbie winks at me. "I am just overly concerned to you Baby Girl but I won't forsake you!” Abbie shouted. "Come on looser! get a throw!" Becca shouted I heard Tyler is calling my name from my back. "Margie! flip the ball when throwing! and distract Becca when she threw." Although I am a bit confused about this game's strategy I still do. So I did it! I've scored again. "Make!!" the crowd cheers again, Becca drank it and about to throw the ball when. "Becca! There's something in your dress!" "What? Where? Ahgggg!!!!" She missed the perfect throw of the ball. So I scored again! I am so happy that I scored more than Becca now.  For the last throw that I have, I throw it carefully and viola! I scored again. My friends cheered and cheered as Kris's football teammates yelled with them in the end. "Margie is the winner!" shouted Logan while tapping Kris's shoulders. "I can't believe you made me as a trophy!" it was from Kris saying while approaching me. "I am unbeatable! I can't believe this!" Becca is still in furry. "Correction, you were unbeatable before I came!" I smirk. My friends held Boo against Becca until I noticed that Kris was already in front of me. "Seems like you won me for a couple of minutes!" "Yes and let's get out of here so we can talk alone!" I held Kris's hand and pulled Kris out of Kappa's house. We found ourselves outside of the door with 3 meters away from the road. I was ahead of Kris, it was dark around and only lamp streets illuminated the road. "Hey! What is it you wanted to talk about?" Kris asked me, he is so cold. Is this how he got drunk? "Kris, stay away from Becca and her friends!" "Why? Becca was so nice to me. You should give them a chance." "No! they are nothing but spoiled brats!" "What's your problem? Why are you so judgmental to them, why don't you give them a chance to know them well, they are so good and nice to me---" "You're wrong! What she only sees is a guy with a Uniform!" I was angry. Kris's forehead was wrinkled in my harsh words. I become blunt because of my unexplainable emotions and humiliation I got from Becca earlier. "Oh! so what you are trying to say is, No one will ever gonna like me? Why are you so mad at Becca?" "Why? Are you blind? she is so aggressive and---" "You're jealous?" I was quiet. I don't know, I'm just angry, the pain I feel. Feel offended and rejected. I dunno if he is the reason or just because I don't want to see him and Becca together and flirting! Is this Jealousy? I don't know!, But One thing is for sure! I don't want him to end up with a woman like Becca. If it's not me then surely must not Becca! "Can't you answer? "Kris asked me again. I became so speechless. It's when I feel my ears warm. My chest was tight with all my disappointments with Kris and those that were about us. I bowed down my head crestfallen. "Kris, I am hurt!" Kris's eyes widened when I said that. I looked at him in the eye and I don't care anymore about what he would think against me as long as he will know everything I want to say to him. My chest is bursting in anger and unexplainable pain inside. "I do not know why. I don't know what I believe in you... I am so confused Kris! You made me so confused about your act! I thought there will be no more promises? I thought you are fallen to me deeply? I thought you feel something from me. Why it has to be different now?? You act differently and made me feel deferent now! It is contrasting from yesterday, last week, just earlier and now! "Margie...." "Why? Why are you like that? I tried to understand you all this time! I gave you all the chances you have because you said you are not yet ready for this? But what are the thing between you and Becca? What do you call that? What about us? ---- "--- Instead you despise me and our friends and choose to be a different person with your team and those sorority girls! Are you blind not to see our efforts? My efforts? Kris, is this just a game? Are you just playing over my feelings? Kris, I am not a football game! Can you tell me the truth about the reality of your feelings?" "--- Please don't make me suffer. Please just be honest to me!" I don't know why my tears were flowing. I rubbed it with my arm. Kris was shocked to see me in tears, He tried to draw closer to me but I pulled back two steps away from him. My chest tightened. The pain was like I couldn't breathe. I'm really stupid. He is lost for words from everything he heard from me. "Margie I-- I---" "Kris?! Where are you bro?" it was the voice of a man who probably belonged to Logan. "Kris babe? get inside. 15 minutes are over!" I heard too from that w***e Becca. Kris looked at me again, this time her eyes were sad again. "Margie I need to get inside" Kris left in front of me and entered Kappa's house. He left me with tears in my cheeks. At least he wasn't willing to answer my questions. He left me not even considering to mend the pain in my heart. He chose them more than me, he chose to leave me and was having a hard time answering questions that I had kept in secret and wanting to ask him but until now, everything was still bizarre, He left me clueless about his part even though I know deep inside his heart, he knows already the answers. "Margie! There you are. We've been looking for you all this time!" that was from Tyler who seemed so worried. I didn't answer. It was past 30 minutes since Kris and I had a talk and I didn't go back inside the Kappa's House. I prefer to be alone and contemplate things silently. "Are you okay?" asked Abbie. I breathe in and tried to smile at them. "I just wanted to go home, I feel like I'm allergic to the smell of beer and I might catch a cold." I lied because I don't want them to see my tears. "How's your talk with Kris?" that is from Tyler. "I better not say a word about it. I don't feel like sharing." I was not in the mood to answer them and I am glad they respect that and just keep silent. "Yeah, we better go home! I saw Kris hurried inside leaving Margie behind! He chooses those Kappa Bitches and Asshole teammates over her and us!" that was from Cait, They all turned to Caitlyn with a frown. "We're looking for Margie but all this time but you see her already. Why didn't you tell us right away?" says Tyler. "Yeah because I think Margie needs time to unwind. That's why I didn't tell you guys where is she, right Margie?" Caitlyn asked me, I nodded and started walking. "Thanks, Cait!" "I think it's a good idea to go home and forget that this day happened!" that's from Abbie, we were walking home when I thought about something. Tomorrow I will be open in submitting to mark my research on the football thing to Vasquez. I know it will suck to wrote plainly about football, "My research, does it sound good to write football drama instead?" I suddenly asked them, Abbie turned. "Kind of my essay! Yes, that's a perfect idea. I can't wait to read it from you" [At the Suite] Before the night ends, I sat in front of my desk and trying to type my report despite the pain lifted in my chest. I wrote my heart out to the best that I can and went to sleep. The next day, I left early and went to Old man's Office but then I bumped into Brandon at the doorstep of the professor's office. "Oh! easy!" Brandon's books dropped, I helped him pick them up. "There you are! I finally saw you. It looks like you somehow managed to satisfy the professor with your assignment." "Really? You think?" "Honestly? Yes. He pretty much hates everyone and everything. So it's always impossible to impress him. Consider me impress! " I catch Brandon's grin just as Professor Vasquez clears his throat. I saw him holding my reports about the assignment she asked me to do. "This..."He said. I'm nervous he might say next is, "this is the end of your scholarship! You are stupid Margie!" "This is perfect" he continues. I was smiling. I didn't expect that he would like the essay I did. "It's got all the heartache of a victorian romance, but situated in a modern milieu! and evil sorority girl is a perfect villain." I did not expect that he would enjoy my output despite the pain that I had in the last night. But anyway, I had no plans to tell him that those I wrote in my report were my baloneys and that was mine because I knew I would be ridiculed and laugh at by this masochist, bald, old-man. "----in fact..... I think I just figured out your next assignment!" Do I not deserve a rest professor? Can I ask a little favor like,  "Prof, Can I go to the beach first? I feel like I'm about to die from your assignments as if I had no plans to continue our scholarship because of my crazy inspiration is a PUTA!!" But I thought I would never end my dream of becoming a doctor just because a single, worthless man who hurt me. "My next assignment?" I asked for clarification. "Yes! You're next assignment I think is..... You are going to join the Kappa Sierra Sigma sorority." With what Professor says, I think all my blood has dried up my body. "Dear professor! YOU ARE A GODDAMN PUTA!"
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