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Sometimes paraphrasing also applies to real life. I meant to phrase it out to him because Kris might be, he didn't want me to talk about that and if I asked about last night, he might ignore me. "I know you are not fine, Is it because of me?"Sometimes paraphrasing also applies to real life. I meant to phrase it out to him because Kris didn't want me to ask if I asked about it last night. Because I don't think he wants to talk about it. I once said how I felt lightly good when I was with Kris but I don't know his behavior. Kris was so mysterious to me, I didn't want to assume that I knew him because I might get hurt in the end. "No, it's not about you Margie. I just feel unworthy of my role in the team. I am not even significant. I Just wonder If I am not on the field then who am I?" Kris shrinks and feels so small in his role and position on the team. Now I understand how he feels and I also felt sudden guilt for causing him too much pain. "Don't say that Kris! I am your number one fan!" I throw him with one of my funny looks, a smile that is telling him: please Kris show me your dimples! "You're Kris! " I shouted enthusiastically. "You're not unworthy Kris. Don't think that way because you are so good. Maybe you just need a little more push and sooner I know that your coach will see the potential in you." "You're just playing with me, You are just saying that because you don't want to upset me." Kris starts smiling. "That will not make any sense to me if I will just tell lies. Why do you think I have to strip you? What would I do if I just make your head full of jokes if it wasn't true? " I looked on his eyes and held his face with my two hands as if to co-comfort a little kid he just lost his kite. "You know you just lack confidence. You can't reach your goal if your expectations are low and keep on discouraging yourself. No one will lift you up if you don't cheer yourself up. Confidence is boosted if you tell yourself that you can. Remember that you can only win if you start fighting your negative thoughts. " I smiled at him and mess his hair a little just like my older brother. "Cheer up! Good things happen for those who wait. There are things that go right through the process without you being too hasty. Always remember, everything comes with perfect timing." After I said that I saw a smile slowly fall to his lips and he grabbed my hand suddenly. I didn't move and I felt like I was struggling with my breathing. Slowly, I was nervous again. If this was Kris's move always then it would have melted me down. "You know I'm too old to be treated like a young kid so easy to soften my heart!" He messed my hair with one hand. I pouted my lips to his disguise. Except that I don't have a comb, I feel really bad when I have messy hair. I always feel I don't look good on it. "You said so much! But thanks Margie, you made me feel better" he smiled still. "Oh look! You are smiling! You look even more handsome with that, I would love to see you smile." "Okay then, that last line though I'll keep it in my brain." I was surprised. "Which one?" "that's------ things are really going the right way. Everything has perfect timing." "What about that ?" Suddenly I asked, he removed his hand from my grasp and still smiled. He gave me more confusion with his smile. "Nothing, it just seems to apply to something else - the thing about Us" He then smirks and me showing his cute dimples. "Whatever!" I know I blushed to say that. "Kris you're Up!" Shouted one of his teammates while waving his hand. "Okay, since like you are about to go. Thanks for the time and I hope to see you in our suite. Have a great day Kris!" I was about to stand when Kris hugged me tightly. The tightness seemed to break my shoulders. He immediately broke off and said, "Thank you". I was mesmerized again as I watched him run through the center field as though I was a fool standing on the edge. "Oh, Hail Queen Margie!" Tyler said shouting as if to scare me, suddenly realized that he is already on my side. The leche still mocking me with one of his teasing looks while shivering like a dying cockroach in my front. I smile. "So how's our golden boy?" asked Tyler. "Well... Feeling less than golden, I think." "Sounds like it's up to us to cheer him up. We'll think of something." that's from Tyler saying while we are going back at the suite. Later that week, the night before the Big game, we are all seated in the living room to do some studying. Lucas broke off the silence. " this problem set is actually harder than I thought". "That's why you need to have study buddies!" Tyler mocked Lucas again mimicking his voice with so hyperactive the same as his expression when Lucas that time we are planning to form the group study. Yes. That day we talked with Kris and Darren. Speaking of Darren he actually called me that evening, we got to know each other not so well because I need to hang up the phone so I can study. I don't actually get his point of calling me talking far about football. He talks a lot about himself and keeps asking about me. And since I am not used to being so chatty especially to those people who are showing an obvious motive, I excuse myself by saying I have to study first for my exam. He is Kris Teammate and I don't want that it will reach Kris that the two of us were communicating because I don't know what he will think that way. I don't want that Kris will think negatively against me that I flirted with Darren because I don't have any intention of pursuing Darren. "You're never going to let me forget saying that, are you?" That's from Luke who is obviously shy. As the three of us were studying, Caitlyn walks past us, headed for the Kitchen. "I'll be sitting in front of my laptop waiting for the new episode of the Celestial Jinx Series if in case anyone needs me." that was from Caitlyn. Lucas throws us a mysterious look I could barely understand. "You and Caitlyn! when are you going to ask her out?" Tyler suddenly asked Lucas when Caitlyn had passed. "Ask her out? No way. I'd just embarrass myself. Right, Margie?" Lucas seemed to be a prisoner begging for support. "Maybe you should go talk to her Margie. You've got the female convo. Spend some time with Cait, talk to her about Lucas, and I know you can help them get together" that was from Tyler. I frowned. "I can't help you with that! You have to ask Cait out, Lucas. You have to make your move to get to her. Brave man faces his fear for the one he truly cares. That's where you can prove to Cait that you have what it takes to be dated on" "This is way too much pressure" Lucas took a deep breath. "No one ever said relationships were easy Lucas!" I tried to lift him although I know nothing would make any help to him. "Tell you what. I promise I'll make a move... By the end of the quarter" "Interesting dude! How's this for a deal.. You ask out Cait, and I'll promise to ask out James!" that was from Tyler. A big word though. Although I just heard this James thingy lately. "That's unfair! I know you're going to do that way!" Lucas debated over Tyler. "Guilty as charged!" Tyler was still grinning when he said that, Lucas glower down. "See? Flirting is easy for you!! Okay, let's make a pact! Both of us will make a move by the end of the quarter!" that was from Lucas, I was a little busy solving problem solving while listening to them both. "How about you Margie? Want in on a deal?" Tyler asked suddenly, I smiled. "Guys okay! I promise to go out with Kris. Please shut up.." "Between you and Kris then Lucas and Caitlyn, this suite will be full of a love nest!" Tyler shouted, the three of us laughing. On the day of Kris's first game, I bump into him as he's leaving the suite. "Oh hey, Margie!" "Oh Hi! Ready for a big game?" "Yeah.. ready to keep the bench nice and warm" here he is again, Feeling less than valuable again. What's the problem of being a bench warmer for me it doesn't make sense, after all, he the apple of my eye in their game. As he leaves, Abbie walks up to me. "looks like someone's got his shoulder pads in a twist. What's up with him?" asked Abbie as we followed Kris with a gaze as he left. "I think he just needs a boost... He's not used to playing back-up. He feels so small in his team. I talked to him the last time but I guess nothing makes any sense." I am saddened by Kris's expressive negativeness toward me. "That's it? That is not a problem. Let's remind him how awesome he is! Assemble the troops and its time to launch Operation Fans Club!" I was surprised at Abbie's whisper line that made Luke, Cait, and Tyler turn back while they eat. "We're going to need five postcards, a ten pack of colored markers and some bodypaint!" Abbie added. "What's your plan?" I asked them, confused. "You'll see baby Girl!" A few hours later We are now at the stadium, at exactly Kris's game. I am so excited because this is my first time to watch football live game of someone that made my heart flutter. He was so close that he was the reason why it beats. "Go, Kris!" I shouted out loud. I was holding a postcard we made in the suite a while ago. I raised it marked with 'KRIS IS NUMBER ONE'. "I can't believe you convinced me to paint an R on my stomach!" that is from Lucashe meant Caitlyn. "I hear you! I want it noted that I'm only doing this for Kris' sake!" Cait replied that was too defensive to Lucas. As the team runs out onto the field, I spot Kris near the front. "Here he comes! Shirt off guys!"Abbie shouted That. We immediately removed our clothing. Lucas and Tyler were naked while Abbie and Cait were on our sports bra. Caitlyn has K in his stomach, Lucas has R on it, Tyler has the I while Abbie has the S. Are you even wondering what I painted on my stomach? it's a big red-colored heart shape. We all take off the shirts to reveal K_R_I_S with a heart shape at the end painted in our stomachs clearly. "Whoooo! Go, Kris!" I shouted out loud. I caught Kris's attention and he turned to us, I can see the joy and shock on his face while we are all smiling. "Oh wow!" He said. "Thank You, guys!" The game begins and Kris takes a seat on the bench. "Looking good Knights!" that shout has come from Becca, yes she is here and she is close to Kris! "We love you Darren!!" shouted Madison. Darren turned around and he snapped at me. He just looked at me without smiling. I don't know why his aura seems to be stuck while he is so nice to me in our phone conversation. Or maybe he's just jealous of the support I gave to Kris! Darren runs out of the Field. Caitlyn and Abbie shouted "Go, Knights!" People were shouting loudly, they were fighting hotly. After the kick-off, the offense takes the field. "Omaha! Fifty - two black!" shouted Darren. In the first quarter, the knights dominate. "Check out my endzone dance!" that was the scream by a Knights teammate named Logan. Darren has mentioned his friends once and I am a little familiar to them now. As the game heathens but they seem to lose focus in the second quarter. "Another fumble ?seriously?" commented Tyler who seem to be disappointed with the result. "Come on Knights!" Caitlyn whispered. "Do the thing with the ball!" it came from Lucas as if he were shaking the game. Half finds the score knotted at 21-21. "Who knew sports would be so stressful?" That was from Abbie that is now starting to sweat in nervousness. I also feel nervous about their game and thinking about Kris' stress and confidence if his team wouldn't make it. As the game winds to a close, it is down to 24-21 with only a minute left to play. "Let's do this Knights! We can still win this thing!" it was Darren's desperate cry. Darren drops back, looking for an opening. "Holy Crap! They're blitzing!" Tyler shouted again. The opposing team rushes Darren in a sudden change! He takes a vicious sack! Darren flops down the field, it seems like his ankle was broken. The scream stopped when Darren's rescue medics approached. "I definitely heard something snap.. I think I'm going to be sick!" That was from Caitlyn who looks like puking when she saw Darren injured. "How is that legal?" shouted Tyler in fury. As we watched in stunned silence, Darren has carted off the field. "Oh no!" worries scattered around us. "Poor Darren, I hope he gets better soon" That was from Lucas. "In the meantime, we've got a few seconds left to play. Its next man Up! and that man is KRIS!" I shouted again positively, I shouted it louder. The Knights coach had probably heard my shout and everyone started to scream Kris's name. The coach finally decided to call Kris when my suitemates made the loud shout of his name too to take over Darren. Kris runs onto the field, taken now Darren's place. "Come on guys! Let's get the crowd fired up!" I shouted and everyone shouted back, "Go, Knights!" "Go, Kris!" I shouted in all my voice! and yes the crowd joins me shouting Kris name! Everyone was shouting his name. I smiled as I listened to the crowd. I hope Kris is happy with his break today. "Okay, let us do this for Darren!!" Kris also shouted and smiled looking at me. The play starts again. Kris drops back, looking for an opening, Logan was now open, Kris throws the ball and.....TOUCHDOWN BABY! THAT'S A GREAT THROW! "That's our boy!" shouted Abbie. The Knights Won. A while later, after a big win, My friends and I waited for Kris on the main squad outside the stadium. The whole group are expecting that after the game, Kris will group hug us and of course, he will go home at the suite with us to celebrate his victorious break when suddenly, "There he is!" Tyler screamed. "Whoohoo... Our superstar" that's from Abbie. "Hey, guys! Thanks so much for being there for me today. and for such a great effort" says Kris. I know he is so happy about what happened to their game. "Of course! You're a friend!" I answered sharply. "Margie I--"He is interrupted as Becca and Madison approached him. "wow, that home run on 6th and long? completely amazing!" that's from Madison. I frowned. "I can't even begin to tell you how wrong the sentence was." that was from Kris who seemed almost laughing at Madison's stupid comment. "The point Maddie is trying to make is, you need to come to celebrate your victory with us!" Becca interrupted, I throw them with an irritated gaze. " You should listen to them, bro! Becca's sorority house parties are epic!" that was from logan. They appealed so good to punch right on their faces! I swear! I didn't say a word. I felt so disappointed until my comrades acted as if they were pulling me which means 'Let's go Marg!! Someone has won!' "The whole team is going! and that definitely has to include the team's, new quarterback!" That was again from Logan. A demon hunter, noble instigator! I frowned. Kris looks at me. "Sure! I'd love too. As long as my friends are invited too" "Oh really? that bunch of tra--------" "Becca!" Madison cut Becca's insensitive feedback to us. The first words are actually from Becca which I think if she finished will be spelled to be TRASHES! I don't really plan to go and be with the kind of Becca, they we're high class and I don't consider myself to be part of their groups. "Uh, I mean, of course! They're invited" "Sounds fun! I'll see you there!" That's from Kris. He also immediately turned and facing his teammates. Becca looked back at us. "No way. I'm not letting you out of my sight. You're coming with me." that comes from to Becca, Kris looked back at me again as if requiring any of my approvals but instead, I looked in his eyes this time because I don't want to read those stare which eventually means, "Margie I can't say no". Tyler looks back at me which probably gets the facial expressions from my face. "Sure thing. Were going!" Tyler answered all of the sudden and he grabbed my arms in the corner enough to be far a little to all of them including Becca. Here he is starting to nag at me. "Would you allow that bitches and assholes to get our baby boy easily?" Tyler started yelling at me. I was speechless. Honestly, I dunno what to say. "If that what he wants then let him be!" " All our efforts are wasted!" Disappointed si Caitlyn. "I can't believe he chooses his team and that sorority girls over us! He didn't even thank us after the effort we did in his game, and this has been his payback??! "Lucas was angry this time. "So everyone will just complain that and nag Margie?"We all turn back to Abbie's statements. I don't know what she means. " Who says that it is okay to drag and influence our Golden Boy with that bastards and w****s right Margie?" Asks Abbie to me, As usual, I remain my silence. I actually don't know what to say. I'm so speechless. "Come on guys! Kris needs us there! He doesn't want that bunch of ambitious cool kids! He needs us to rescue him! look how he stares at Margie and asked her approval but instead, our baby girl was so soft and make no sound! i***t!" Abbie walked in and followed Becca's group not too far away from us while we were still looking in the distance. "Abbie! What do you think you are doing?" Tyler was so confused. He asked Abbie on our behalf. "Guys listen, Partying is not my thing but I promise to break the floor for our roommate! You with me?" That was from Abbie with matching the fierce look on her face and started walking ignoring our stunned reaction by her sudden maneuver. She is serious! Upon seeing that, Tyler looks back to us with eyebrow-raising as high as mt. Everest, "what are you looking at? Let's go!" And it left us no choice but to follow.
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